
  • 网络agricultural;agricultural registered permanent residence
  1. 城镇农业户口阶层的地位与再流动

    Social Status of the Stratum with Agricultural Residence Registration in Cities

  2. 户籍制度把农业户口和非农业户口严格区分开来,形成了城乡分割的二元结构;

    Registered permanent residence system differentiates the agricultural and the non-agricultural registered permanent residence strictly , resulting in the forming of intersected structure of town and country .

  3. 农业户口可以享受分红政策。

    The agriculture accounts can enjoy dividend policy .

  4. 城镇户口及农业户口新兵的饮酒率相近(43.0%,41.3%)。

    There were no difference between recruits having city and country registered residence ( 43.0 % vs41.3 % ) .

  5. 居民家庭调查的选取同时兼顾了富裕、中等和相对贫困家庭,农业户口和非农业户口家庭,男性和女性访谈对象。

    The selection of households shall take into account the wealthy , middle-income and relatively poor households , agricultural and non-agricultural households as well as the male and female interviewees .

  6. 这些人的家庭生活境况比农业户口家庭还要差,其子女入学的困难极难解决。

    The domesticity condition of these people is even poorer than family of agricultural registered permanent residence , the difficulty of its children enter a school is solved extremely hard .

  7. 随着城市发展对土地需求的快速增长,大量农民被征地后转变户籍身份,成为非农业户口居民。

    With urban development and the rapid growth of demand for land , a large number of landless peasant had been transferred their peasant - household status into residents of non-agricultural household .

  8. 另外,今后将有一亿农民转为非农业户口。征地农转非人员非农就业促进及其管理研究

    On the other hand , 100 million farmers will change there agricultural household register to unagricultural from then on . A Study on the Employment and Management of Land-lost Personnel in Non-agriculture Economic Sectors

  9. 这种二元户籍制度将人口分为农业户口和非农业户口,不同的户口享有不同的权益,包括教育、就业、社会保障等,同时严格限制两种户口之间的转换。

    The dual household registration system of agricultural accounts and the population is divided into non-agricultural accounts , different accounts have different interests , including education , employment , social security , while strictly limit the conversion between the two kinds of accounts .

  10. 尽管户口上的待遇差别受到普遍的唾弃,农民通常都因为对失去他们土地的担心,同样还有在乡里能够生育2个而不是1个小孩的额外的好处而不情愿放弃他们的农业户口。

    Though the hukou divide is widely resented , peasants have often been reluctant to give up their rural status for fear of losing their land , as well as the added benefit in the countryside of being able to have two children rather than one .