
  • 网络MI6;MI-6;Military Intelligence 6;M.I.6
  1. 1960年,就在肖恩·康纳利签约007系列电影之前,一位名叫格雷维尔·韦恩的销售员受雇于军情六处和中央情报局从莫斯科带回苏联机密。

    In 1960 , just before Sean Connery signed up to be 007 , a salesman named Greville Wynne was recruited by MI6 and the CIA to carry Soviet13 secrets back from Moscow .

  2. 黑格向该委员会致函之前,一些英国议员就海伍德可能是军情六处(MI6)特工或曾向英国情报机构提供信息的报道对他提出质询。

    Mr Hague wrote to the committee after MPs questioned him about reports that Mr Heywood might have been an MI6 agent or passed information to the UK secret services .

  3. 英国间谍组织军情六处,缩写为SIS,代号为MI6。

    The British spying organisation , variously entitled SIS , M16 .

  4. 约翰·索尔斯(JohnSawers)借此机会表明了军情六处对酷刑的态度。

    John Sawers took the opportunity to outline his agency 's attitude to torture .

  5. 军情六处的正式名称是英国秘密情报局(SIS),如今拥有一个资讯网站,任何人都可以在上面递交加入申请。

    The Secret Intelligence Service as MI6 is formally known has an informative website where anyone can file an application to join .

  6. 这是英国秘密情报机构现任负责人,军情六处处长(MI6)首次发表公开讲话。

    It was the first time a sitting head of Britain 's Secret Intelligence Service-known as MI6-has made a public speech .

  7. 我与他在一家中餐馆共进午餐,席间,他出奇不意地问道:你愿意申请英国军情六处(MI6)的工作吗?

    Over lunch at a Chinese restaurant , he popped the question : Would you like to apply for a job with MI6 ?

  8. 库萨离开利比亚之后是在英国露面的,分析人士说,这从表面上看,策反工作是英国情报机构MI-6军情六处进行的。

    Koussa surfaced in Britain , which , analysts say , make it likely the defection was engineered by the British intelligence service , MI-6 .

  9. 在负责给军情六处分派任务的英国外交部(FCO)的一个大房间里,我被引荐给一位和蔼的高个男士,(我猜)他大概有四十八、九岁的样子。

    In a large room inside the Foreign and Commonwealth Office , the department that sets MI6 its tasks , I am introduced to a tall , affable man , in ( I guess ) his late 40s .

  10. 军情六处的顶级专家们都在做些什么样的工作?

    What kind of jobs do its top professionals do ?

  11. 近30年过去了,军情六处的招募方式已发生了改变。

    Nearly 30 years later , MI6 's recruitment methods have changed .

  12. 军情六处不能再忍受有克格勃特工混在这里了。

    MI-6 has no patience for more KGB operatives in our midst .

  13. 他是军情六处的人,也是克格勃。

    He 's MI-6 , but he is also KGB .

  14. 我是克格勃,但也是军情六处的人。

    I am KGB , but I am also MI-6 .

  15. 军情六处已警告有关邮轮加强安全警戒。

    MI6 has warned operators to tighten up security on their holiday ships .

  16. 军情六处的卧底他在布鲁斯-帕廷顿计划中扮演一个次要角色

    MI6 . He was involved in the Bruce-Partington Program in a minor capacity .

  17. 是什么.-军情六处,他们想让你重回东欧.

    What was it ? - MI6.They want to place you back into Eastern Europe .

  18. 来自军情六处的通讯越发频繁中

    Chatter from MI6 is heating up

  19. 军情六处对马卡洛夫博士,一个做猴子实验,令人毛骨悚然的俄国科学家极度感兴趣。

    MI6 is extremely interested in Dr Markoff , a creepy Russian scientist who is experimenting on monkeys .

  20. 电影主角詹姆斯邦德是效力于情报机关——军情六处的无坚不摧的英雄人物。

    The series follows James Bond , an unshakable hero who works for the British spy agency MI6 .

  21. 杰弗瑞说军情六处的档案简直就是“圣盘”,到目前为止只能间接看看。

    Mr Jeffery says MI6 's files are the " holy grail ", hitherto glimpsed only indirectly , when its reports crop up in declassified MI5 files .

  22. 不过,传统派不必紧张:她不是新版邦德,而是在邦德离开军情六处后继承他的间谍代号的新角色。

    However , traditionalists can relax : she 's not the new Bond , but a new character who takes over his secret agent number after he leaves MI6 .

  23. 这种开放有其目的:军情六处希望吸引尽可能多的申请者,因为只有极少数人能够从大量申请者中脱颖而出。

    Such openness has a purpose : MI6 wants to attract as many candidates as possible because , from the many who apply , only a very few have the qualities to make the cut .

  24. 小说作者曾经在英国情报部门军情五处和军情六处工作过,所以能写出很多间谍的故事。

    As he had worked for the British intelligence services MI5 and MI6 , his background helped him a lot while writing spy stories .

  25. 以下这一点应该会对你有所帮助:英国特种空勤团是由英国国家安全局(MI5,又称军情五处)和英国陆军情报六局(MI6,又称军情六处)共同训练以承担反间谍任务。

    It may help you to know that the SAS is also trained by MI5 and MI6 security and intelligence services to undertake counter-espionage operations .