
  • 网络Redundancy;DT-Ring;TMR;redundant
  1. 基于千兆以太网的LED显示屏控制系统冗余技术的研究

    Research on Redundancy Technology in LED Display Control System Based on Gigabit Ethernet

  2. 上位PC机冗余技术在公用工程PLC系统中的应用

    Application of redundancy technology of upper PCs in PLC system of Utilities

  3. PLC冗余技术在高可靠性控制系统中的应用

    Application of PLC Redundancy Technology in the High-reliability Control System

  4. PLC冗余技术在莱钢RH精炼炉中的应用

    Application of PLC redundancy technology in lai steel RH refining furnace

  5. 负载平衡系统中一种基于multi-Agent和动态冗余技术的通用安全机制

    A dynamic load balancing system based on multi-Agent and dynamic redundancy

  6. 冗余技术在催化DCS控制器子系统设计及应用

    Design and application of redundant technology for DCS controller subsystem of FCCU

  7. 经济实用的PLC及网络冗余技术在地铁BAS中的应用

    Application of One Economic And Applied PLC Network Redundancy Technology in Metro BAS

  8. 阐述了TPS系统的基本结构、该系统硬件配置、冗余技术的应用。

    The basic structure of TPS system , the system hardware arrangement and the redundancy technique application was described .

  9. 模块化N+X并联冗余技术能够大大提高UPS电源系统的可靠性、灵活性和容量。

    Modular N + X parallel redundant technology can greatly improve the reliability , flexibility and capacity of UPS power system .

  10. 基于PROFIBUS-DP总线的冗余技术的实施策略

    Implementing Strategies of Redundant Technology Based on PROFIBUS-DP

  11. 长输管道SCADA系统冗余技术及应用

    The Redundancy Technology in SCADA System of Oil and Gas Pipeline for Long Distance and it 's Application

  12. 本系统采用了冗余技术和容错措施:系统中的通信过程采用了自适应协议和CRC差错检验;

    The system adopts redundancy technique and error proof measure : communicating process uses a self-adapting protocol and CRC ;

  13. FDDI冗余技术在高可用性网络工程中的应用

    FDDI Redundancy Technology And Its Application In Network Engineering

  14. 从系统结构、软件体系等方面详细论述了宝钢三期原料场控制系统中的PLC热备冗余技术的具体应用。

    From the system structure and software organization , the application of hot standby PLC technology in the control system of Bac Steel Third Phase Raw Material Yard is also discusses in detail .

  15. 与智能仪表技术的结合,对单回路变送器双冗余技术进行了开发和应用研究,探讨了DCS运行中的问题和定期维护的策略与方式。

    Integrating intellectual-instrument technology , develop and apply the redundant techniques between two transmitter in single loop , probe into issues and periodical maintenance scheme in DCS run .

  16. 它采用集散控制技术、变频调速技术及冗余技术,运用FUZZY-P1算法,解决了机场供油的自动化、水击、能耗、设备磨损等许多问题,有很高的实用价值。

    And FUZZY-P1 calculation method and resolves such problems as fuel supply automatization in airport , water hammer , high energy consumption and equipment wear and tear , having high practical value .

  17. 本文主要研究了分布式文件系统的数据冗余技术。传统的分布式系统大多采用独立磁盘冗余阵列(RAID)和复制技术进行数据的冗余,要达到一定的可靠性对存储空间的要求较高。

    Reaching certain reliability requires a high storage because most traditional distributed systems execute data redundancy using redundant array of independent disk ( RAID ) and replication technology .

  18. 论文就流量PID控制和冗余技术工程应用进行了研究,解决了实际工程中单台变频器轮流启动多台水泵和冗余的工程技术难点问题。

    Secondly , the thesis makes a study of the flow PID control and the application of redundancy technical engineering , resolving the technical problems of single transducer to start many water pumps in turn and redundancy in actual engineering .

  19. 概述了系统容错的要求与技术,对现有Byzantine错误冗余技术进行了总结。

    Then it summarizes the Fault tolerant demands and techniques in WAN storage system based on P2P , and the existing techniques of Byzantine fault tolerance .

  20. 对硬件冗余技术的研究已经很成熟了,这里主要是针对实时系统的软件冗余技术做出一些初步的探讨。软件冗余策略有两种:N版本软件冗余策略和恢复块策略。

    The study for hardware redundancy technology is already very mature . This paper makes some preliminary discussion mainly directed the software redundancy technology for real-time system . There are two software redundancy strategies : N versions software redundancy strategy and recovery block strategy .

  21. 对智能网络化UPS研制中涉及的电源变换技术,数字信号处理技术,容错技术,冗余技术,电池后备技术,计算机网络技术和锁相同步技术进行了概述。

    The paper summarizes the technology of power conversion , digital signal processing , fault-tolerance , redundancy , back-up battery , computer network and phase-locked synchronization , which involved in the research of intelligent network UPS .

  22. 另外,分析了OPCUA冗余技术,它能有效提高OPCUA可靠性,并按照规范总结出几种可行的方案。

    In addition , the paper analyzes the redundancy technology which can increase the OPC UA reliability , and summarizes several feasible plans for the redundancy according to the OPC UA specifications .

  23. 文件RAID是一种新型的数据冗余技术。在文件RAID,文件系统通过自己管理多重磁盘,把数据冗余存放在分离的磁盘上,提高RAID能力。

    File RAID is a new technology of data redundant , in file RAID , the file system manages multi-disks and places user data over separate disks redundantly by itself , hence improve the RAID ability .

  24. 论文提出将递增冗余技术代替传统Chase合并方案,递增冗余合并主要是递增发送的码字的冗余度,:以增大正确译码的概率,增加数据吞吐量。

    Incremental redundancy technology is proposed to instead of traditional Chase merger , which combine incremental redundancy transmission is mainly incremental redundancy code word , to increase the probability of correct decoding and increase the data throughput .

  25. 把传感器硬件冗余技术、BP网络以及串并联Elman递归神经网络结合起来,提出了一种新方法用于构造具有传感器故障检测、分离且具有冗余能力的智能传感器系统。

    Combining the hardware redundant technology with BP neural network and Elman recurrent neural network , the paper presents a new method for constructing an intelligent sensor system with abilities of sensor fault detection , fault isolation and redundancy .

  26. 由于无论软PLC系统还是传统的硬PLC系统,控制系统的可靠性都是需要考虑的重要问题,因此最后研究了S7-300系统软冗余技术,并给出了若干设计注意点。

    As the dependability of control systems is an important factor need to be considered in either soft-PLC systems or traditional hardware-PLC systems , technology on software-redundancy of S7-300 systems is studied , and some suggestions on designing those systems are also given .

  27. 本文通过在FGD控制系统中采用节点总线和冗余技术方法,提高了信号传输的精度和准确性,解决了传统控制方案中敷线过多的问题。

    In this paper , by adopting the Node-bus and redundant skills in the FGD control system , the accuracy of signal transmission has improved . It solves the problem of overfull wire , and makes the system more reliable and expandable .

  28. 针对MCS-51单片机系统常用软件抗干扰技术进行研究,探讨软件陷阱捕获技术、软件看门狗技术、开机自检技术及指令冗余技术等常用软件抗干扰技术的具体实现。

    In this paper , according to MCS-51 single chip microcomputer system , we have researched its software about anti-interference technique , and have discussed its realization of anti-interference technique , such as software trap , software watchdog , startup auto-check , and instruction redundancy .

  29. 基于CAN总线的容错冗余技术研究

    Research of the Fault Tolerant Redundant Technology Based on CAN Bus

  30. 利用冗余技术提高软件容错能力

    Improving the capability of software fault - tolerance by redundancy technique