
  • 网络Love Again;In Love Again;one more time;One More Chance
  1. 一个叫Teresa的女人让我明白了,如果我足够有勇气打开心扉,我还能再爱一次,不管我的悲痛有多深重。

    A woman named Teresa showed me that if I was brave enough to open my heart ... I could love again , no matter how terrible my grief .

  2. 现在,你准备好再爱一次了吗?

    Are you ready to love again ?

  3. 如果永远错过了再爱一次的机会怎么办?

    What if the chance for love has passed forever ?

  4. 收拾那疯狂的心,尝试着再爱一次。

    Pick up your crazy heart and give it one more try .

  5. 我害怕失去爱,但是我更害怕再爱一次。

    I 'm scared to lose love but even more scared to love again .

  6. 小草对着天空说,云啊,再爱一次吧,于是下起了雨。

    The grass faces the sky , saying ," Cloud , loves once again . " so it rains .

  7. 我会再爱一次,即使用一辈子忘记你,天知道。

    I will love again , even if it takes a lifetime to get over you , heaven only knows .

  8. 在你可以说出“我要再爱一次,我准备好了”之前,有好多事需要想清楚。

    There are so many things to consider and realize before you can say , " I am ready to Love again . "

  9. 发现每一片上都有水的痕迹,它知道心里还爱着水,想再爱一次水,却不可能了。

    Each piece has a trace of water , it knows my heart still loves water , want to love again , but could not .

  10. 你的样子那么真,深深烙进我灵魂。等待这一生,再爱一次不离分。

    Your looks are so true , deeply printed in my soul . I 'll keep waiting all my life , and never part in another love .

  11. 我最喜欢的电影是妈妈再爱我一次。

    My favorite movie is Love Me Once More , Mom .

  12. 要是我能再爱你一次多好啊!

    If only I would love you one more time !

  13. 我希望可以重新再爱你一次,英美。

    I 'd like to love you again , young-mi .

  14. 或者求他再爱我一次。

    Or beg him to love me again .

  15. 所以若是故事的飞腾部门到来,不要怕,再投入地爱一次!

    So here it comes , the big one . Don 't be afraid to fall in love again .

  16. 杯子哭了,它的眼泪和水溶在一起,奢望着能用最后的力量再去爱水一次。

    The cup cried , his tears dissolved into water , he still wanted to love the water again with his last power .

  17. 或许爱过以后再失去也比根本不再去爱强,但为什么许多人在失恋后却很难再爱一次?

    It may be better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all , but why is it so hard to find again ?