
  • 网络Endogenetic deposit;endogenic deposit;endogenic mineral deposit;endogenetic ore deposits
  1. 紫金县内生矿床的控矿因素和成矿规律探讨

    The Exploration of Metallogenetic Control Factors of Endogenic Deposit And Metallogenetic Regularity In Zijin County

  2. 许多内生矿床的形成,都与构造摩擦热有关。

    The formation of many endogenous deposits was related with tectonic frictional heat .

  3. 冀鲁皖若干内生矿床的硫同位素研究

    Sulfur isotope study of some endogenic ore deposits in hebei , Shandong and Anhui provinces

  4. 进而,为在该区进一步深入找矿及寻找其它内生矿床提供一项新的研究途径。

    It is of significance in the improvement of prospecting efficiency and in searching endogenetic deposits .

  5. 壳幔物质相互作用在形成巨型内生矿床中的作用:同位素地球化学方法

    Using isotope geochemistry to discuss the role of crust-mantle interaction in the formation of endogenetic mega-deposits

  6. 聚矿构造有利于大中型内生矿床的产出。

    The ore accumulating structure is favourable for the occurrence of large to middle scale of endogenetic deposits .

  7. 根据煤变质程度进行内生矿床成矿预测的探索&以滇东北地区铅锌矿为例

    Mineralization prognosis for endogenetic deposits on the basis of metamorphic grade of coal : & a case study on Lead-Zinc Deposits in the northeastern Yunnan

  8. 北京大学地球与空间科学学院,北京,100871南京大学内生矿床国家重点实验室,南京,210093。

    School of earth and space sciences , Peking university , beijing , 100871 ; state Key Laboratory for mineral deposits research , Nanjing university , nanjing , 210093 .

  9. 论内生金属矿床深部成矿预测地质模型的建立

    Geological models of metallogenetic prognosis in the depth of endogenetic metallic deposits

  10. 地层对层控及某些内生金属矿床空间分布的影响问题雏议

    Stratigraphic influences on spatial distribution of STRATA-BOUND and some endogenic metalliferous ore deposits

  11. 郴州&桂阳地区内生金属矿床成矿系列与矿床模式

    Metallogenic Series and Deposit Models of Endogeneous Polymetallic Deposits in Chenzhou & Guiyang District

  12. 大中型内生金属矿床与重磁场统计分析关系

    The statistics and analysis relations between large-mid endogenetic metallic deposits and gravity magnetic field

  13. 山东内生金矿矿床谱系及其致矿地质异常

    Spectrum of Endogenetic Gold Deposits and Its Ore - generating Geological Anomalies in Shandong Province

  14. 江苏溧水火山岩盆地内生金属矿床定位模式及找矿思路

    Location Model and Prospecting Model of Endogenetic Metallic Deposits in Lishui Volcanic Basin , Jiangsu

  15. 宁镇地区内生金属矿床类型及成矿系列

    On the Type and Metallogenic Series of Endogenetic Metallic Deposits in Ning-Zhen Area , Jiangsu

  16. 东天山晚古生代内生金属矿床类型和成矿作用的动力学演化规律

    Types of Late Palaeozoic Endogenetic Metal Deposits and Related Geodynamical Evolution in the East Tianshan

  17. 几乎所有的大型内生金属矿床上都有明显的航磁局部异常。

    Covering almost all the large endogenetic metallic deposits there are distinct local aeromagnetic anomalies .

  18. 广西不同成因内生锡矿床地球化学特征对比

    A Comparative Study on Geochemical Features of Endogenetic Sn-deposits of Different Origins in Guangxi Province

  19. 湖南内生金属矿床成矿分带及其与区域地质背景的关系

    Zoning of Metalliferous Deposits with Endogenous Origin and Their Regional Setting of Geology in Hunan

  20. 中国造山带内生金属矿床类型、特点和成矿过程探讨

    Types and Characteristics of Endogenetic Metallic Deposits in Orogenic Belts in China and Their Metallogenic Processes

  21. 内生金属矿床中的分形结构及其研究&以小秦岭和鄂东南某些矿床为例

    THE FRACTAL TEXTURES IN ENDOGENIC METALLIC DEPOSITS & Some examples in Junior Qinling Mt and Southeastern Hubei

  22. 地幔坳陷带为夕卡岩型和热液型内生金属矿床分布区;

    Troughs of the upper mantle are areas of distribution of skarn and hydrothermal endogenic ore deposits .

  23. 内生金银矿床传统定年方法问题讨论&以豫陕交界地区为例

    Traditional dating methods for endogenic Au Ag deposits : evidence from the juncture of Henan and Shaanxi provinces

  24. 辽东地区的硼矿床是典型的内生硼酸盐矿床,有其独自的发育和特点。

    The boron deposits in the east Liaoning Province are typical endogenous borate beds , in which there is alone development and characteristics .

  25. 本文统计分析了大中型内生金属矿床与重磁场特征及其推断岩体或隐伏岩体、深部构造的关系。

    The paper makes statistics and analysis the relationships between large-mid endogenetic metallic deposit and gravity magnetic field characteristics , inferred rock body or hidden rock body , and deep structure .