
nèi mù xìn xī
  • insider information
  1. 内幕信息具有秘密性、重要性和相关性三个特征。

    Insider information has three characteristics , Secret , significance and relevance .

  2. 内幕信息具有秘密性、重大性、关联性特征。

    Insider information haves three characteristics of secret , significant and relevant .

  3. 美国检察官迈克尔•加西亚(MichaelGarcia)称,该团伙利用两个主要内幕信息来源牟利。

    The ring capitalized on two key sources of inside information , according to US Attorney Michael Garcia .

  4. 诉讼披露了有关Android的诸多内幕信息,其中包括谷歌最开始对Android的盈利预期,以及第一部“谷歌手机”的设计可以追溯到2006年。

    A wealth of new information about Android , including initial revenue expectations and designs for the first " Google Phone " dating all the way back from 2006 .

  5. 银行交易室的电话通常有录音,但由于fbi和sec能够窃听移动电话和电话会议,因此可以追踪用于非正式传递内幕信息的准确术语。

    Calls on bank trading floors are usually recorded but the ability of the FBI and the SEC to tap mobile phone calls and conference calls makes it possible to trace the exact terms on which inside information is passed informally .

  6. 论内幕信息领受人内幕交易的法律规制

    The Discussion on the Legal Restraint on Tippee Insider Trading

  7. 新闻界人士无从了解这个政治事件的内幕信息。

    Journalists have no access to the inside information of this political affair .

  8. 公司经营者掌握了公司的实际控制权,拥有其他人无法完全拥有的内幕信息。

    Executives actually control the company and they have the inside information which others haven 't.

  9. 她要内幕信息衰女。

    She needs information , bitch .

  10. 公司治理角度的建议包括加强公司治理结构建设以及健全内幕信息知情人登记制度。

    Proposals on corporate governance perspective include corporate build up the governance structure and improve insiders registration system .

  11. 乔布斯开始怀疑盖茨可能会利用他知道的内幕信息来为自己谋利

    Jobs began to suspect Gates might be taking advantage of his inside knowledge of Apple 's work .

  12. 纯粹操纵、基于内幕信息操纵买进的市场反应异常显著,信息含量相比于纯粹内幕交易要大很多。

    We also find pure market manipulation and manipulation buying based on insider information cause significant response in the market .

  13. 该行拒绝评论内幕信息可能以何种方式泄露给了它的一位雇员。

    The bank declined to comment on how any inside information might have been leaked to one of its employees .

  14. 而且,应仿照日本法,根据内幕信息性质的不同设定不同的重要性标准。

    And Chinese law may imitate Japanese law and set up different importance standard according to the characteristic of inside information .

  15. 但检方表示,这些录音表明,拉贾那纳姆和顾磊杰之间曾传递内幕信息。

    But , the prosecutors say , those recordings reflect that inside information was passed between Mr Rajaratnam and Mr Gupta .

  16. 内幕信息的范围,依照法律、行政法规的规定确定。

    The range of inside information shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of laws or administrative rules and regulations .

  17. 美国政府承认,并不掌握证明顾磊杰将内幕信息透露给他的朋友的谈话录音。

    The government concedes that it does not have any recorded conversations in which Mr Gupta passes inside information to his friend .

  18. 第六十七条禁止证券交易内幕信息的知情人员利用内幕信息进行证券交易活动。

    Article 67 . Security exchange personnel with inside information are not allowed to engage in securities trading activities using inside information .

  19. 因此,强化证券监管,对内幕信息操纵行为进行有效控制,成为保护公众投资者利益的必要条件。

    For this reason , strengthening securities regulation and information management becomes the essential condition of protection to public investor 's benefit .

  20. 利用内幕信息进行交易的人离信息的最初来源越远,就越难以认定他犯有内幕交易罪。

    The further removed that person is from an initial source of information , the harder it can be to make the case .

  21. 要购买精神控制者,并得到更多的有关精神控制和其他大量的内幕信息,看我们的资源表。

    To order Mind Controllers , and to get more information on mind control and other massive cover-ups , see our Resource List .

  22. 内幕信息操纵是一种证券投机行为,是一种欺诈交易行为,是证券犯罪的一种常见形态。

    Internal information operating is a common kind of securities crime , not only being a bonds speculation , but also a cheating bargain .

  23. 十年前,美国证券交易委员会曾经推出了一个体系,希望藉此限制、甚至根除高管通过内幕信息获利。

    A decade ago , the SEC came up with a system it thought would limit or eliminate executives from profiting from insider information .

  24. 在新兴市场上,内幕信息操纵根源在于市场属性的非成熟性产生一种“信息租金”。

    At an emerging securities market , the essential reason of insider information manipulation is immature securities market which results in " information rent " .

  25. 主要论述了内幕信息和内幕信息知情人员的含义和范围,内幕交易罪的客观方面及内幕交易罪的主观方面。

    The definition and scope of the inner information and insider , along with the objective aspect and subjective aspect of the insider trading crime are expounded .

  26. 他不能利用内幕信息来购买另一家公司的股票,特别是在他的公司和另一家公司正在建立商业关系的时候。

    He can 't take advantage of the insider information to bought the stock of another company , especially when his company was establishing business-relation with another company .

  27. 如果利用内幕信息进行交易的人并不知道向他透露这一信息是违法的,那他也有可能不被判处内幕交易罪。

    If the person who trades has no idea that the information was provided in breach of a duty , then he may not be liable for insider trading .

  28. 这也在一定程度上说明,在信息效率上,上海A股市场并未达到半强式有效,对于无内幕信息的投资者来说,基本面分析仍为投资决策主要手段。

    This evidence indicates that the information have not reached semi-strong strong efficiency . For investors without insider information , fundamental analysis is still the primary means of investment decisions .

  29. 何时内幕信息变得足够陈旧,并不再受保护呢?何时内部的融资计划变得过时呢?何时流产的并购计划不再保密呢?

    When does inside information become sufficiently old to no longer be protected ? When do internal financial projections become outdated ? When do aborted merger plans cease to be secret ?

  30. 就内幕信息而言,主要有内幕信息的一些基本理论问题、各国关于内幕信息的规定和我国在这方面的理论与实践。

    On insider information , there are some basic information theory problems , the provisions about insider information in different countries or regions and the theory and practice of our country .