
  • 网络Nebraska;state of nebraska
  1. 内布拉斯加州的奥马哈,蓝迪布朗家的进化,由设计,作为一个乐队合作与设计师的学生。

    In Omaha Nebraska , Randy 's house evolved , by design , as an improvisatory collaboration with the architect 's students .

  2. 遇害者是2岁的莱恩·格雷夫斯(LaneGraves),其葬礼于周二在内布拉斯加州举行。

    The funeral for Lane Graves , the 2-year-old victim , was held Tuesday in Nebraska .

  3. 戴维•英沃斯塔德(DavidIngvoldstad)是内布拉斯加州奥马哈市(Omaha)MidwestEyeCare的私人执业医师,身为眼科医生,他从病人身上看到的健康问题远远不止眼睛本身。

    As an ophthalmologist , David Ingvoldstad sees much more about his patients ' health than just their eyes .

  4. 内布拉斯加州林肯大学的研究员ReedJohnson表示,该研究表明,在蜜蜂受到攻击时,损坏的蛋白质不能做出有效反应。

    Researcher Reed Johnson , now at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln , says the study suggests that the damaged proteins are unable to respond

  5. 在沃伦?巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)位于内布拉斯加州奥马哈(Omaha,Nebraska)市中心的办公室里,他只展示了一份学历证书。

    In his office in downtown Omaha , Nebraska , Warren Buffett displays only one certificate of his education .

  6. 在美国内布拉斯加州,全球最成功的投资者沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett),向景仰他的伯克夏哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway)股东进行了一年一度的说教。

    Out in Nebraska , Warren Buffett , the world 's most successful investor , delivered his annual homily to the admiring stockholders of Berkshire Hathaway .

  7. 例如,他会每年一次前往内布拉斯加州的奥马哈,请沃伦巴菲特(warrenbuffett)在肯德基吃午餐,并向他请教商业方面的知识。

    Once a year , for example , he heads to Omaha , Nebraska and treats Warren Buffett to lunch at KFC to pick his brain on business .

  8. SusanSwearer是内布拉斯加州大学林肯合作研究欺凌的一位心理学家。

    Susan Swearer is a psychologist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and co-director of the Bullying Research Network .

  9. 但内布拉斯加州奥马哈市NatureHills苗圃的负责人JeffreyDinslage指出,裸根玫瑰根部不带土壤,因此可以保证运输时重量比较轻。

    But Jeffrey Dinslage , president of Nature Hills Nursery in Omaha , Nebraska , points out that bare-root roses come without soil . So they weigh less to transport .

  10. 内布拉斯加州称,在奥马哈一家医院的美国摄影师AshokaMukpo,已经脱了被感染埃博拉病毒的危险。

    A hospital in Omaha , Nebraska says an America cameraman Ashoka Mukpo is freed of Ebola .

  11. 拱心石XL管道扩展延伸大约1200英里,其中大部分是在美国地区,从加拿大阿尔伯塔省到内布拉斯加州。

    The Keystone XL pipeline extension would stretch about 1200 miles , most of it in the United States , from Alberta , Canada down to Nebraska .

  12. 您可以您的内布拉斯加州的国家的W-2的磁性媒体如果您选择。

    You may file your Nebraska State W-2s by magnetic media if you choose to .

  13. 这就忽略了不同地域存在完全不同的需求和可能性的事实:东京不是冲绳;纽约与内布拉斯加州的林肯市大不相同;伦敦和康沃尔郡(Cornwall)也是两回事。

    This ignores the very different needs and possibilities of different areas : Tokyo is not Okinawa ; New York is not Lincoln , Nebraska ; London is not Cornwall .

  14. 今年初,新德里的证券分析师梅赫塔(KaranMehta)决定到内布拉斯加州奥马哈参加考试,原因是他要到那里参加一个婚礼。

    Earlier this year , Karan Mehta , a securities analyst in New Delhi , decided to take the test in Omaha , Neb. , because he was going to be there anyway for a wedding .

  15. 他乘坐空军一号从萨拉索塔-布雷登顿国际机场的巴克斯代尔空军基地,路易斯安那州,然后Offutt空军基地内布拉斯加州,然后返回华盛顿。

    Heflew on Air Force One from Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport toBarksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana and then to Offutt Air Force Basein Nebraska before returning to Washington .

  16. 巴菲特周日说,伯克希尔旗下Marmon和金属加工公司Iscar等实业类公司的业绩明显好转。这是详述了他一天前在内布拉斯加州奥马哈的公司年度股东大会上的话。

    There is ' significant improvement ' at Berkshire 's industrial units , including Marmon and metalworking company Iscar , he said Sunday , expanding on comments he made a day earlier at his company 's annual shareholder meeting in Omaha , Neb.

  17. 我的第一站是内布拉斯加州的贺格。

    My first stop was none other than holdrege , nebraska .

  18. 比如内布拉斯加州就要求堕胎必须得到公证确认的父母的同意。

    Nebraska , for example , now requires notarised parental consent .

  19. 还有一位病人是医生,正在内布拉斯加州接受治疗。

    Another patient , a doctor is being treated in Nebraska .

  20. 内布拉斯加州位于龙卷风走廊。

    Nebraska is part of the region known as Tornado Alley .

  21. 除了内布拉斯加州,各州立法机构都有两院组成。

    Every state legislature , except Nebraska 's , has two chambers .

  22. 凯利一家现在正在准备在内布拉斯加州举行的一场全国比赛。

    The family is currently preparing for a national pageant in Nebraska .

  23. 1892年内布拉斯加州西部有一半人口向东回迁

    By 1892 , half the population of western Nebraska goes east .

  24. 内布拉斯加州的寒流也将气温降到同一水平。

    The wind chill in Nebraska is nearly there already .

  25. 它是西弗吉尼亚州、内布拉斯加州、内华达州还是田纳西州?

    Is it West Virginia ? Nebraska ? Nevada ? Or Tennessee ?

  26. 美国内布拉斯加州普拉特河河床沉积物渗透系数的现场测定

    Measurement in situ of streambed hydraulic conductivities in the Platte River , Nebraska

  27. 植树节根源于美国内布拉斯加州。

    The idea for Arbor Day came from nebraska .

  28. 网站描述:这是内布拉斯加州行为生物学研究组的网站。

    Description : This is the website of the Nebraska Behavioral Biology Group .

  29. 目前搜救工作正在内布拉斯加州附近展开。

    Searchers are now looking in an area about the size of Nebraska .

  30. 上周五就有一场龙卷风登陆内布拉斯加州。

    AZUZ : At least one tornado touched down in Nebraska last Friday .