
  • 网络memory type;DDR;DRAM
  1. 简述了微机DOS下的内存类型及使用原理,介绍了如何利用DOS功能优化内存,以及最大限度地使用常规内存的方法。

    The memory type used for DOS and its principles are related simply in this paper . Methods of memory optimization and methods using the conventional memory into full play are introduced too .

  2. 审查是否变量的初始化与它的内存类型一致。

    Is the initialization of a variable consistent with its memory type ?

  3. 这是一种通过DataBladeAPI可用的特殊内存类型,其中,您向它赋予一个名称,并可以根据名称获取对它的一个引用。

    This is a special type of memory available through the DataBlade API where you give it a name and can retrieve a reference to it by name .

  4. 您还可以定义线程所能够使用的内存类型和数量的限制,如果超过该限制,则抛出OutOfMemoryError。

    You can also define limits on the type and amount of memory that a thread can consume such that an OutOfMemoryError is thrown if the thread consumes more than that limit .

  5. 这两种内存类型在擦除块方面有所不同。

    The process of erasing a block differs between the two memory types .

  6. 这一类的利用总是以类似的方式进行,但会根据受影响的内存类型和预期效果而不同。

    Exploits in this family all work in a similar manner , but will vary regarding the type of memory affected and the intended effect .

  7. 在本讨论中,类型安全特指内存类型安全,不应与范围更广的类型安全混淆。

    For this discussion , type safety specifically refers to memory type safety and should not be confused with type safety in a broader respect .

  8. SOAP消息的序列化和反序列化,其中包括XML数据字符串和内存数据类型之间的转换,是SOAP消息交换的主要性能瓶颈。

    The serialization and de-serialization of SOAP message , including conversion between XML data string and data type in memory , is the main bottleneck of SOAP message exchange performance .

  9. Purify可以让您看到更多潜伏的内存错误类型,它们可能出现在程序开起来似乎运转正常的情况下。

    Purify lets you see the more insidious kinds of memory errors that can occur even when the program seems to be acting normally .

  10. 该系列的全部MCU均采用增强型M68HC08中央处理器(CPU08),并提供各种模块、不同大小的内存和类型、以及封装选择。

    All MCUs in the family use the enhanced M68HC08 central processor unit ( CPU08 ) and are available with a variety of modules , memory sizes and types , and package types .

  11. 理所当然的是,这仅仅运用于Purify所发现的内存错误的类型,以及您的测试运用这个程序的方法。

    Naturally this only applies to the types of memory errors that Purify detects , and to the ways that your tests exercised the program .

  12. 您可以学习各种内存错误的类型,以及通过阅读参考资料中的IBMdeveloperWorks文章“要在一个“渗漏的”船中导航“C”吗?

    You can learn about various types of memory errors and how to use Purify to detect them by reading this IBM developerWorks article : Navigating " C " in a " leaky " boat ?

  13. 该系列的所有MCU均采用增强型HCS08内核,并提供多种模块、内存大小、类型和封装形式。

    All MCUs in the family use the enhanced HCS08 core and are available with a variety of modules , memory sizes , memory types and package types .

  14. 不必面临管理C结构、C内存或者直接处理类型标签的困难,您就可以完成C实现的全部功能。

    You can achieve all the power of a C implementation without any of the difficulties of managing C structures or C memory or of dealing directly with typetags .

  15. 当您在一个调试器中,您可以利用各种PurifyAPI函数来研究各种内存单元的状态类型:f

    When you are inside a debugger , you can use various Purify API functions to investigate the status and type of various memory locations

  16. 本文讨论了MySQL和DB2Express-C备份和恢复机制的许多方面,包括体系结构、内存结构、日志类型以及备份和恢复类型。

    This article looked at numerous aspects of both MySQL and DB2 Express-C backup and recovery mechanisms including architecture , memory structure , logging types , and backup and restore type .

  17. 这样便可以区别内存中使用的类型和存储的类型。

    This allows you to vary the types stored from the types used in memory .

  18. 它具有简单、现代、强大、灵活、面向对象等特性的同时,还提供了自动内存管理、统一类型系统、版本控制及对网络编程新标准的支持等新特性。

    Besides having attributes of being simple , strong , flexible , object oriented , it also has some new attributes containing automatic memory management , uniform type system , version control and support of new standards of net programming .

  19. 内存芯片的DDRSDRAM内存芯片的类型。

    The Memory chip is DDR SDRAM memory type chip .