
yǎnɡ zhū chǎnɡ
  • pig farm;piggery
  1. 规模化养猪场的环境控制研究

    Study on environmental control of a large-scale piggery

  2. 介绍了规模化养猪场的废水来源,废水产生量及污染物浓度。

    The article introduces the source of the wastewater of a large-scale piggery farms , wastewater production and the pollutants of the concentration .

  3. 约翰尼·沃里克在亚拉巴马州有个养猪场。

    Johnny Warrick has a hog farm in Alabama .

  4. 办个小型养猪场养50头猪一般要投资多少

    Handle minitype hoggery fostering the essential points pork like 50 investment number ?

  5. 该项目由现代化养猪场,现代化养鹅场,以及沼气发电厂组成

    The project is consisted of a modern hoggery , goose house and methane plant .

  6. 李小姐在湖南省的一家养猪场长大,她嘲笑祖父母及父母吝啬的生活方式。

    Raised on a hog farm in Hunan Province , she laughs off the penurious ways of her parents and grandparents .

  7. 通过实验室静态模拟实验研究,对养猪场废水混凝的最佳混凝剂、投药量、水力条件等工艺参数和进水浓度、pH等一系列影响因素进行了详细的研究和探讨。

    The organism dose , pH and a series of influence factors had also been detailedly researched and discussed .

  8. GIS在环保型养猪业区域规划中的应用规模化养猪场配套肉狗饲养的探索

    Regional planning of pig husbandry with environmental protection using GIS Study of Meat-dog Husbandry Attached to a Massive Pig Farm

  9. 浸没式MBR技术在养猪场废水处理中的应用

    Application of immerged MBR technology for hoggery wastewater treatment

  10. 我国养猪场清洁发展机制(CDM)发展潜力分析研究

    Potential of Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) for Swine Farms in China

  11. 超声处理养猪场废水中氨氮的试验研究结果:pH值、氨氮初始浓度、超声功率以及填料均对氨氮的去除效果产生影响。

    The study of removing ammonia nitrogen in piggery wastewater by ultrasound indicated that pH value , initial ammonia nitrogen concentration , ultrasonic power and packing exerted influence on removing ammonia nitrogen .

  12. 而在较东部的伦道夫县(randolphcounty),当地规划委员会将于下月就是否限制养猪场的扩张进行表决。

    Farther east , in Randolph County , the local planning commission will vote next month on whether to limit the expansion of pig farms .

  13. 他们经过一个养猪场。丈夫说:“他们是你的亲戚吗?”relativen.亲戚是的,”她回答:“我嫁进了那个家庭。“

    They passed a pig farm and the husband said , " Are they relatives of yours ? " " Yes , " she replied , " I married into the family . " 1 .

  14. 拉姆鲍特、霍尔姆斯和萨尔茨贝克拒绝推测是否新的H1N1病毒是在养猪场或者具体是在格兰加斯卡罗尔公司的设施内演变的。

    Rambaut , Holmes and Salzberg declined to speculate on whether the new H1N1 virus evolved on a hog farm or specifically in the Granjas Carroll facility .

  15. 按照康地谷物公司的计划,Smithfield的养猪场和猪肉加工业务将分离。

    The plan would have separated the company 's hog farms and pork-processing .

  16. 在现代化规模养猪场中,PCV2与PRRSV往往混合感染,发病率呈上升趋势。

    In modern large-scale pig farms , the PRRSV and PCV2 usually co-infect the pigs , and increasing outbreak is observed .

  17. ABR-SBR组合工艺处理养猪场废水研究

    Piggery Wastewater Treatment by ABR-SBR Combined Process

  18. 2011年,中国游戏公司网易(NetEase)创始人丁磊(WilliamDing)开设了一家养猪场,并开始在线销售猪肉,购买者可用兑换券支付。网易是《魔兽世界》(WorldofWarcraft)在中国的运营商。

    William Ding , founder of NetEase , the Chinese gaming company that operates World of Warcraft in the territory , opened a pig farm in 2011 and began selling pork online in exchange for vouchers .

  19. 自2000年进入市场以来,genus已经成长为领先的牛精液(用于牛奶生产和牛肉生产)供应商,也为商业养猪场培育种猪。

    Since coming to market in 2000 , genus has built itself up to become a leading provider of bovine semen needed for milk production and beef farming , as well as tailored pig breeding stock for commercial pork farmers .

  20. 来自拉斯维加斯的养猪场农民Bob从赌场自助餐回收吃剩下的食物喂猪。他的猪比地球上其它的猪生长速度都要快、收益都高;

    Bob , the pig farmer in Las Vegas who collects the uneaten food from casino buffets and feeds it to his swine , which now grow faster and more profitably than any other pigs on the planet ;

  21. 建立了基于养分平衡的稻田处理污水承载量计算方法,提出基于养分动态模拟的与SPAD值动态模型的污水灌溉动态调控决策模型;4、建立了养猪场污水稻田利用的决策支持系统。

    Put forward dynamic regulation decision model of wastewater irrigated based on nutrient dynamic simulation and dynamic simulation with SPAD . 4 、 Established decision Support System Utilization of Pig Farm Wastewater in Paddy Field .

  22. 1月23日宣布经检测呈ERV抗体阳性的一人,据报告是来自法仁瑞拉城(大马尼拉区的一个城区)一个小规模家庭养猪场主。

    The person announced on23 January to have tested positive for ERV antibodies is reported to be a backyard pig farmer from Valenzuela City-a neighbourhood within Metro Manila .

  23. 恒大(Evergrande)上周表示,将投资近150亿美元用于生产太阳能电池板。就在几周前,该公司刚宣布投资逾10亿美元进军农业,涉足养猪场、食用油和婴儿奶粉等领域。

    Evergrande said last week it would spend nearly $ 15bn to produce solar panels , just weeks after investing more than $ 1bn in agriculture – including pig farming , cooking oil and baby powder .

  24. 上世纪80年代和90年代,他借鉴鸡肉行业的策略,开发及收购养猪场,以便使Smithfield能够控制猪肉生产的各个环节。

    In the 1980s and 1990s , he borrowed a strategy from the chicken industry , developing and buying up hog farms so that Smithfield could control each stage of pork production .

  25. 规模化养猪场沼气工程发展的影响因素研究

    Study on Determinants of Biogas Engineering Development in Large-scale Pig Farms

  26. 这可能就是中国的未来养猪场。

    This could be China 's pig farm of the future .

  27. 规模化养猪场粪污水处理和利用的研究

    Study on Treatment and Utilization of Swine Waste in Large-scale Farm

  28. 厌氧消化时间对养猪场废水处理效果的影响

    Effect on the Time of Anaerobic Digestion for the Piggery Wastewater Treatment

  29. 集约化养猪场粪污处理工艺设计探讨

    The design of swine manure treatment technics on intensive feeding swine farm

  30. 大型养猪场粪水综合处理研究

    A Study on Comprehensive Treatment of Manure Water in Large Scale Piggery