
  1. 与此同时,中国6月份的澳大利亚炼焦煤进口量环比增加了一倍多。

    Meanwhile China more than doubled its imports of Australia coking coal in June compared with the previous month .

  2. 易观国际的数据还显示,百度第三季度在中国网络搜索市场上所占的收入比例升至73%,环比增加3个百分点,而谷歌的收入比例则减少了2.6个百分点,至21.6%。

    Analysys data also show Baidu 's share of revenue in China 's online search market rose to 73 % in the third quarter , up three percentage points from the previous quarter , while Google 's share fell 2.6 percentage points to 21.6 % .