
huán jìnɡ zhì ái wù
  • environmental carcinogen
  1. 本文报道环境致癌物MNU与DNA形成的MNU-DNA加合物的HPLC与MS的分离、鉴别结果。

    The experimental results of analysis of adducts formed from environmental carcinogenic compound MNU-DNA by combination of HPLC and FABMS are presented in this paper .

  2. 结论单细胞凝胶电泳能够快速、敏感地检测CS2染毒小鼠精子DNA损伤,该方法可用于环境致癌物和致突变物的检测。

    Conclusion SCGE which is a quick and sensitive method to detect DNA damage induced by CS_2 may be used to monitor carcinogen and mutagen .

  3. 结论彗星试验能够快速、敏感地检测苯引起的人类淋巴细胞DNA损伤,提示对于检测环境致癌物和致突变物可能是一有用工具。

    Conclusion Comet assay could sensitively and more conveniently detect DNA damage induced by benzene in human lymphocytes . It may be a useful tool for human biomonitoring , particularly for the analysis of environmental mutagens and carcinogens .

  4. 黄曲霉毒素(aflatoxin,AFT)是环境致癌物研究的热点之一,而抑癌基因、修复酶基因及代谢酶基因多态性与肿瘤易感性的关系也很受重视。

    Aflatoxin ( AFT ) was highly concerned in the study of environmental carcinogens . And the relationship between genetic polymorphisms and susceptibility to cancer attracted more attention too .

  5. 本课题选取了3种与肺癌密切相关的环境致癌物(重金属镍、无机砷和多环芳烃),以人支气管上皮细胞(Beas-2B)为模型研究了环境致癌物诱发肺癌可能的分子机制。

    Therefore , current thesis used human bronchial epithelial ( Beas-2B ), a well characterized human cell model for lung cancer investigation , to explore the molecular mechanism involved in exposure of the cells to environmental lung carcinogens , including nickel , arsenite and PAH compounds as well .

  6. 以上结果为预测和评估环境致癌物提供参考依据。

    The obtained results should be helpful for environmental safety evaluation .

  7. 环境致癌物风险评价和生物标记物研究

    Progress in Biomarkers Research and Risk Assessment for Environmental Carcinogens

  8. 个体对环境致癌物的反应可能不完全相同,肿瘤的遗传易感性在结直肠癌的发病中起着重要的作用。

    The response of individuals to the environment mutagen may be not completely alike .

  9. 环境致癌物与肿瘤发生

    Environmental carcinogens and tumor incidence

  10. 背景与目的外源性化合物代谢酶参与环境致癌物在体内的代谢,代谢酶基因多态性被认为与肺癌的易感性相关。

    Background and objective Genetic polymorphism in metabolic enzymes , which are involved in metabolism of environmental carcinogens , have been thought to be related to susceptibility of lung cancer .

  11. 反映暴露水平与生物效应等重要信息的生物标记物研究是环境致癌物风险评价的核心内容。

    The research for biomarkers has been regarded as an encouraging and promising approach in the risk assessment for environmental carcinogens . Biomarkers may furnish the critical information about exposure levels and biological effects .

  12. 姊妹染色单体互换分析是研究环境诱变致癌物所致遗传损伤的灵敏方法。

    The analysis of sister chromatid exchange ( SCE ) might be a useful technique for the study of genetic damage in humans exposed to enviromental mutagens and carcinogens .

  13. 结论:肺癌是威胁徐州市区居民生命健康最严重的恶性肿瘤之一,肺癌造成的潜在寿命损失较大,暴露于环境中致癌物量与肺癌的发生关系密切,故应积极启动对其预防和控制工作。

    The potential life span loss caused by lung cancer is very big . The amount of carcinogenic substances exposed in environments is closely related to the occurrence of lung cancer ; therefore , prevention and control of lung cancer should be performed actively .

  14. 环境中的致癌物及其致癌机理

    Cancerogenic substances in Environment and their cancerogenic mechanism

  15. 目前癌症预防事业中的一大挫折就是除此之外,人们始终未能找到其他能造成类似决定性损害的化学致癌物,更何况在大多数公共环境中,致癌物的浓度还受到了相当程度的稀释。

    One of the great frustrations of cancer prevention has been the failure to find other chemical carcinogens so definitive or damaging , especially in the dilute amounts in which they reach most of the public .

  16. 肿瘤病因学的研究表明,60%~90%的人类肿瘤是由环境中的化学致癌物引起。

    The studies on the etiology of cancer show that 60 ~ 90 % of human cancer are caused by the carcinogens in ambient environment .

  17. 关于非职业环境大气中的致癌物问题,美国国家科学院大气污染生物效应委员会已作了详尽的论述。

    The issue of airborn carcinogens in the non-occupational environment was thoroughly reviewed by the Committee on Biologic Effects of Atmospheric Pollutions of the National Academy of Sciences .

  18. 张还简要提出了中国癌症患病率的主要原因:首先,由于经济的增长,人们的生活方式有了变化,第二,环境污染中的致癌物有所增加。

    Zhang also outlined two major reasons behind the rates of cancer in China : firstly , in lifestyle changes brought about as a result of economic changes , and , secondly , an increase in carcinogens from environmental pollution .

  19. 因此,嗜热四膜虫慧星试验改良对于完善环境检测系统和监测环境突变/致癌物的污染具有重要意义。

    Therefore , Tetrahymena thermophila comet assay had the vital significance for improving the environmental monitoring system and monitoring of environmental catastrophe / carcinogen pollution .