
  • 网络Hindu Kush
  1. 将军在兴都库什山脉以北集结军队。

    The general had mustered his troops north of the Hindu Kush .

  2. 由引伸,它也是包括Karakoram、兴都库什和延长从帕米尔结的许多较小范围巨型的山系的名字。

    By extension , it is also the name of the massive mountain system which includes the Karakoram , the Hindu Kush , and a host of minor ranges extending from the Pamir Knot .

  3. 他们的工作将涵盖兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区(HKH),这是从阿富汗延伸到缅甸的绵长的山脉,覆盖了孟加拉国、不丹、中国、印度、巴基斯坦和尼泊尔。

    Their work will cover the Hindu Kush-Himalayas ( HKH ), a swath of mountain ranges stretching from Afghanistan to Myanmar , and covering Bangladesh , Bhutan , China , India , Pakistan and Nepal .

  4. 在不久的将来,GERES还计划把这一项目扩展到兴都库什山的其它部分,如吉尔吉斯斯坦的中央帕米尔地区。

    In the near future , GERES plans to expand them to other parts of the Hindu Kush , as well as to Kyrgyzstan 's central Pamir region .

  5. 但是我们没有关于大多数兴都库什喜马拉雅(HKH)冰川退缩或膨胀了多少米的信息,也没有关于冰川表面增加或减少了多少的信息。

    But we do not have information on how many metres most of the Hindu-Kush-Himalayan ( HKH ) glaciers are retreating or expanding by , or how much expansion or decrease in surface ice there has been .

  6. 麦罗埃是兴都库什王国的土著语言。

    Meroitic was the indigenous language of the Kingdom of Kush .

  7. 帕米尔&兴都库什地区板块俯冲及其应力状态

    The plate subduction and stress state in the Pamir-Hindu Kush region

  8. 乌恰地震发生在兴都库什地震之后仅仅25天。

    The Wuqia earthquake occurred only 25 days after the Hindu Kush earthquake .

  9. 兴都库什&贝加尔带地震活动特征

    The feature of seismicity along the h in Du Kush - Baikal fault zone

  10. 北部戈尔班德,有几个通行证在兴都库什山脉。

    North of the Ghorband , there were several passes across the Hindu Kush .

  11. 巴基斯坦北部兴都库什山脉中一座海拔英尺的山峰。

    A mountain in the Hindu Kush in Pakistan ( 25,230 feet high ) .

  12. 兴都库什&贝加尔带是亚洲呈北东向展布的重要地震活动带。

    The Hindu Kush-Baikal zone is an important seismic active belt of east-north in Asian continent .

  13. 西方的投票者会同意在兴都库什山投入更多的人力物力吗?

    Will voters in the West agree to sink more blood and treasure in the Hindu Kush ?

  14. 那里的国王的兴都库什建庙宇,以突出的意图确保阿蒙的。

    The kings of the Kush built temples there , with the intention of ensuring Amun 's prominence .

  15. 在这15个地区中,除兴都库什地区外,其余地区的边界与俯冲带的分段性有密切关系。

    The boundaries of the 15 regions , except the Hindu Kush region , closely relate to segmentation of subducting slab .

  16. 兴都库什&喜马拉雅地区为全世界1/5的人口提供了水,包括从巴基斯坦到缅甸等国家。

    The Hindu-Kush Himalaya region provides water for one fifth of the world 's population including countries stretching from Pakistan to Myanmar .

  17. 该研究预测,兴都库什山山脉气温上升约2.3摄氏度,而喜马拉雅东部山脉气温将升高1.9摄氏度。

    The Hindu Kush mountain range would warm by about 2.3 ℃ and the eastern Himalaya Mountains by 1.9 ℃ , the study forecast .

  18. 兴都库什地区震源断错以倾滑道断层为主,T轴仰角几乎垂直。

    In the Xindukushi region , the focus offsets are mainly the form of dip-slip thrusts , the elevation angles of axis T almost vertical ;

  19. 唤起和永恒,这些抒情图像捕捉持久精神,宏伟,美丽的土地,位于脚下的兴都库什山脉。

    Evocative and timeless , these lyrical images capture the enduring spirit , grandeur , and beauty of the land that lies at the foot of the Hindu Kush .

  20. 我只记得当时车里的空气又热又黏,与往年比,天气凉得晚,只有遥远的兴都库什山顶覆盖了一层薄薄的白雪。

    I remember that inside the dyna it was hot and sticky . The cooler days were late coming and only the faraway mountains of the Hindu Kush had a frosting of snow .

  21. 达成该协议的时候正值专家指出在兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区缺乏各种问题的科学信息,包括冰川融化以及水和森林资源。

    The agreement comes at a time when experts are pointing towards a huge lack of scientific information on various issues in the HKH region including glacier melting , and water and forest resources .

  22. 簇毛黄耆亚属的种类主要沿亚洲的“山链”分布,即横断山,喜马拉雅,查谟和克什米尔,帕米尔-阿赖,兴都库什和苏莱曼山脉,表达了东亚、西亚和中亚的植物区系地理关系。

    The distribution of Astragalus subgenus pogonophace , along the Asian mountain chains namely Hengduan mountains , himalayas , Jammu and kashmir , Pamir alai , Hindukush and sulaiman , shows the floristic relationships of the East asia , West Asia and central asia .

  23. 历史上的今天-阿富汗清理雪崩2010年的今天,阿富汗官员清理一周前兴都库什山脉萨朗山口雪崩的150具尸体。历史上的今天-太空垃圾2009年的今天,俄罗斯和美国卫星在西伯利亚上空相撞,造成大量的太空垃圾。

    Afghan remove avalanches 2010 - Afghan officials remove 150 bodies of people killed by avalanches in the Salang Pass in the Hindu Kush mountains earlier in the week Space debris 2009-A large amount of space debris is created when a Russan and American satellite collide over Siberia