
  • 网络Closing pressure;Shut off pressure;Lockup pressure
  1. 并提出了特性曲线中对决定关闭压力的N值取值的看法。

    The author also explains how to decide the N value , which affects shut off pressure , in the characteristic curve of pump .

  2. 针形阀自动关闭压力

    Automatically shutting pressure of needle valve

  3. 订购电动执行器时,请根据实际需要指定阀门订购代码,关闭压力,应用环境-流体介质和安装位置方向;

    When ordering electronic motor actuators , specify valve order code , shutoff pressure , service conditions-flowing media and installation direction ;

  4. 面对亚马逊(Amazon)等在线零售商带来的残酷竞争,百思买实体店的销售下滑,公司面临关闭店铺的压力。

    It faces pressure to close stores as sales lag as well as cutthroat competition from online retailers such as Amazon .

  5. 当螺线管德通电,飞行员口关闭并全线压力作用于出血口通过对膜片的顶部。

    When the solenoid is de-energised , the pilot orifice closes and full line pressure is applied to the top of the diaphragm through a bleed orifice .

  6. 在更换阀座镶嵌件之前,关闭流体,减轻压力。

    Shut off flow and relieve pressure before replacing the seat insert .

  7. 拆卸前通常要关掉电源、关闭设备并释放压力。

    Always turn off power and shut off and release pressures before disassembly .

  8. 拆卸及重装表头时,关闭电源,释放压力,并将变送器移至安全区域。

    Always turn off power , release pressure and remove a transmitter to non-hazardous area before disassembling and reassmbling an indicator .