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  1. 体检发现坐位作业工人关节活动受限、压痛点压痛阳性、颈部挤压试验等阳性率均高于相应对照组(P<0.01)。

    The positive rates of some physical signs , such as joint activity limit , pressure pain point , neck 's pressure test , Tinel 's test , Thomas sign in sedentary groups were higher than that of control group ( P < 0 01 ) .

  2. 肩关节活动受限和/或上肢水肿发生率在SLN阴性组为0.0%,SLN阳性组40.0%(4/10),两组差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    Incidence of limitation of activity of articulatio humeri and / or edema of the upper extremity was 0.0 % in negative group ;

  3. 术后3个月,2例膝关节活动受限。

    Postoperative 3 months , knee joint activities of 2 cases is limited .

  4. 一例患膝关节活动受限(关节活动度0°~95°);

    Patient lost some degree of knee motion ( 0 °~ 95 °) .

  5. 7周龄婴儿郝-吉综合征的早期表现为皮肤紧和关节活动受限

    Tight skin and limited joint movements as early presentation of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria in a 7-week-old infant

  6. 所有患者均无伤口感染和膝关节活动受限。

    Wound infection was not seen and the range of knee joint motion was not restricted in all patients .

  7. 6例患者(12.5%)遗留有跛行,邻近关节活动受限,肢体短缩等后遗症。

    Six ( 12.5 % ) patients had such complications as stiffness of neighboring joints , lameness and limb shortening .

  8. 结果:帕歌斯药物治疗后,病人活动性疼痛、关节活动受限程度评分与治疗前均有明显改善。

    Results : The scores of pain and joint activity after treatment were significantly lowered compared with the control values .

  9. 结果6例满意、3例较好,3例肘关节活动受限明显。

    The results in nine cases were excellent , three were better , and three elbow joints movement were limited .

  10. 本病是以肩部疼痛和肩关节活动受限为主症的一种常见疾病。

    This sickness is by the shoulder ache and the shoulder joint activity limits primarily sickness one kind of common disease .

  11. 临床上,患者表现为逐渐增加的疼痛和局部压痛,其次是肿胀和关节活动受限。

    Patients present with gradually increasing pain and local tenderness , followed by swelling and limitation of movement of the neighbouring joint .

  12. 皮肤僵硬综合征是以在出生时或婴儿早期出现的皮肤局限性硬化,伴有关节活动受限和轻度多毛为特征的一种罕见的先天性皮肤疾病。

    Stiff skin syndrome ( SSS ) is a rare disorder characterized by stony hard skin , limited joint mobility and mild hypertrichosis .

  13. 结果22例获得随访,术后随访24-96个月,平均75.1个月。所有患者截骨处全部愈合,平均愈合6周,有2例可见明显关节活动受限。

    Results 22 patients were followed up from 24 to 96 months ( average , 75.1 months ) and all these patients healed in 6 weeks averagely .

  14. 临床共同表现为膝部畸形、疼痛、行走困难,膝关节活动受限,影响工作和生活。

    The common clinical symptoms of these patients are knee deformity , knee pain , difficulty to walk , knee activities limited and all these problems influence their work and life .

  15. 采用带锁髓内钉36例,1例术后出现局部切口感染,术后1个月,5例膝关节活动受限,11例髋关节活动受限。

    Group locking intramedullary nai was 36 cases , 1 cases appeared infection . Postoperative 1 months , knee joint activities of 5 cases is limited , hip activities of 11 cases limited .

  16. 肩关节活动受限,尤以外展、外旋、后伸障碍显著,病情严重者不能刷牙、洗脸梳头、脱衣、插衣兜等,甚至局部肌肉萎缩。

    Shoulder mobility , especially in the outreach , external rotation , extension and obstacles significantly , serious illness can not brush your teeth , wash your face , comb my hair , undress , insert pocket , or even partial muscle atrophy .

  17. 结果:①对脑卒中患者予早期手法康复措施,在并发肩痛时,患侧上肢关节活动范围受限程度和疼痛程度均较非手法康复组轻。

    Result : The limiting of passive ROM and shoulder pain of affected limbs in manipulation treatment group were less than that in non-manipulation group .

  18. 积极进行运动功能训练,防止关节活动范围受限,尽力改善运动、平衡、协调功能,纠正姿势、步态异常;

    And take an active exercise therapy , prevent the restriction of range of motion , improve the function of balance and harmonization , correct the abnormal gesture and gait ;

  19. 良10足:畸形基本纠正或遗有轻微的前足内收,踝关节活动轻度受限,足能踏平,行走不痛。

    Good ( The deformity has almost corrected or has slight residual forefoot adduction , the joint motion of ankle is a little limited , be able to step on evenly with no pain ) in 10 feet .

  20. 本组除1例因伤后24小时入院出现前臂缺血性肌挛缩、1例因严重粉碎性骨折术后肘关节活动中度受限外,14例均恢复良好。

    Of the 16 cases had forearm ischemic contracture of muscle because of going to hospital after 24 hours . 1 had intermediate limited motion of articulatio cubiti because of serious comminuted fracture after operation . 14 recovered well .

  21. 合并ACL损伤的2例患者,膝关节屈曲活动轻度受限(5°~20°)。

    The flexion range of the knee were slightly restricted ( 5 °~ 20 °) in the 2 cases with simultaneous ACL injury .

  22. 均有明显的髋关节疼痛及不同程度的跛行,髋关节活动受限。

    They had significant hip pain and varying degrees of lameness , limited hip joint .

  23. 目的观察分析温热疗法、推拿、关节松动术、主动功能训练联合治疗对肘关节活动受限患者ROM的影响。

    Objective to observe and analyse the impact of the restricted elbow ROM treated with the united treatment of heat , Chinese traditional massage , mobilization and active exercises .

  24. 屈法:当关节损伤后因挤压旋扭的作用力,造成关节活动角度受限。

    Bend : When the joints get injury by the extruding or rotating force , the joints will lose some activity angles .

  25. 临床主要症状为脊柱、四肢关节及其周围的肌肉疼痛,以腰腿痛明显,关节活动受限、功能障碍甚至关节强直,可有关节的畸形及脊柱的弯曲。

    The clinical main appearances of fluoride poisoning arthropathy include : spinal pain , joints ache and muscles aching pain of four limbs , obvious lumbar and legs pain , limited function of joints , ankylosis spinal curvature .

  26. 可:膝关节偶有疼痛和僵硬感,休息后即可恢复,关节活动轻度受限,膝关节屈90°,伸0°14膝;

    Fair : occasional disappearance of knee joint pain and rigidity , recovery after rest , limited movement , knee joint flexion 90 ° and extension 0 ° in 14 knees ;

  27. 结果41例解剖位愈合,肩关节活动正常,1例钛板外端螺丝钉松动致畸形愈合,肩关节活动稍受限。

    Results 41 cases healed up on the anatomizing spot , and the movement of shoulder joint was smooth . 1 case suffered from abnormal concrescence caused by loose external screws of titanium plate , the movement of shoulder joint was limited to a certain degree .

  28. 尤其骨盆周围功能障碍和骶髂关节活动异常不仅是偏瘫患者异常姿势和运动模式的根本原因,也是引起骶棘肌和背阔肌痉挛致肩关节疼痛活动受限的主要原因之一。

    Especially in the functional disorder of pelvis , the abnormal movement of sacrum joints was not only the basic cause for the abnormal postural movement model of hemiparalysis , but also the main causes for sacrospinalis , musculi latissimus dorsi spasm , and shoulder joints pain with movement limitation .