
  • 网络cannibalism
  1. 一类具有扩散的互惠共食系统的存在性和全局吸引性

    Existence and Global Attractivity in a Two-cooperation-predator One-prey System with Diffusion

  2. 共食婚是罗马法中最古老,最庄重的结婚仪式。

    Confarreation was in Roman law the oldest and most solemn form of marriage .

  3. “同饮共食”一直以来都是一个重要的求爱礼节与爱情象征。

    Sharing meals has always been an important courtship ritual and a metaphor for love .

  4. 乾饼一张而平安共食,胜于满屋佳肴而互相争吵。

    Better is a dry morsel with joy , than a house full of victims with strife .

  5. 每当中秋之夜,人们相聚一堂,共食月饼、品茶啜茗之时,这两个故事还是会被一再讲起。

    Both stories are often retold as people gather under the autumn moon , feasting on moon cakes and sipping fine tea .

  6. 有热闹庄重的教堂婚礼;共食婚是罗马法中最古老,最庄重的结婚仪式。

    There are church weddings with a great deal of fanfare ; Confarreation was in Roman law the oldest and most solemn form of marriage .

  7. 当然,在一些卫生意识比较强的地方,人们在共食菜肴时,也使用“公筷”或“公用”汤勺,以防止疾病传染。

    In more health-conscious environments , however , only " public " chopsticks and spoons are used so as to prevent any possible spread of diseases .

  8. 他们同寝共食,甚至主人们爱不爱社交生活,也会影响它们的行为。

    They sleep at the same time , eat at the same time , and can even become more or less social depending on the behavior of their owners .

  9. 在词源上,阿尔泰诸语数词一都来源于母系社会时期共食制条件下的食物分配。

    Li etymology , all the words one in Altai various languages originated from food allocation which was formed under the condition of sharing food in common in matriarchal society .