
  1. 天目山柳杉树轮δ~(13)C年序列的共性与个性分析

    Analysis on the Commonness and Individuality of the δ ~ ( 13 ) C Annual Series of Tree Rings at Tianmu Mountain

  2. 谈肖邦《前奏曲》op·28号的音乐结构的共性与个性

    Commonality and Individuality on the Musical Structure of Chopin 's Prelude op · 28

  3. 本文在对GIS和AM/FM/GIS对比分析的基础上,指出了AM/FM/GIS与一般传统的GIS的共性与个性,特别指出了当前AM/FM/GIS存在的不足。

    In this paper , based on the analysis of GIS and AM / FM / GIS , the authors indicate their commonness and individuality , point out the shortage of AM / FM / GIS in particular .

  4. 不同行业的企业形象要素体系的共性与个性

    The Common and Individual Factors of Corporate Image of Different Industries

  5. 英汉并列结构的语法共性与个性

    The Commonalities and Differences of Coordinate Constructions between English and Chinese

  6. 英汉隐喻共性与个性认知比较

    Cognitive Comparison Of Similarities and Individualities Between English and Chinese Metaphors

  7. 典型形象共性与个性内涵新探

    A new probe into the generality and individuality of typical figure

  8. 不同文化背景下体育文化的共性与个性分析

    Common and Separate Character of Physical Culture of Differently Cultural Background

  9. 对三种狭义财经杂志进行实证分析和对比研究得出成功财经杂志的共性与个性;

    Summarizing the commonness and individuality of successful finance business magazines ;

  10. 节目主持人的形象是共性与个性的统一。

    M.C 'S image is the general character and the individualityunification .

  11. 论新疆民族体育的共性与个性

    On the Generality and the Individuality of National Physical Culture in Xinjiang

  12. 儿童文学创作的共性与个性

    The General Character and Individual Character in Juvenile Literature Creation

  13. 在其诸多作品中均能体现到其共性与个性。

    In his many works can reflect the general character and personality .

  14. 泰国北部山地民族舞蹈的共性与个性分析

    Common and Unique Dance Features of the Ethnic Groups in Northern Mountainous Thai

  15. 第三,传统管理与现代管理之间,企业管理的共性与个性。

    Thirdly , there are general and specific characters in traditional and modern manage-ent .

  16. 广州地铁2号线车站装修的共性与个性

    Station Decoration Characteristics of Guangzhou Metro Line 2

  17. 杂志封面设计的共性与个性

    The Commonness and Individuality of Magazine Cover Design

  18. 第3节主要阐述文化的共性与个性。

    Section 3 focuses on the common feature and individual feature of the culture .

  19. 音乐的世界性与民族性特征,是共性与个性的辩证统一关系;

    International and national characteristics of music show the dialectic relationship between commonness and individuality .

  20. 因此期刊的栏目策划与设置有着共性与个性的不同规律特征。

    Therefore the planning and setting-up of periodical columns has commonness and individuality in characteristics .

  21. 作者从实践中归结出杂志封面设计的共性与个性,并举列说明之。

    The author summarizes and illustrates the commonness and individuality of cover design in practice .

  22. 主流与差异:同一民族文化的共性与个性

    The Main Stream and the Differences : On the Generality and Individuality of the Same Nationality

  23. 本文扼要地讨论了介词的特点,简述了它在语言工程中的处理方法,并提出了按不同的共性与个性、采取分层分级处理的策略。

    This paper briefly discusses the properties of prepositions and their processing methods in language engineering .

  24. 对外汉语教学语法体系研究思路述评&从语言共性与个性的视角

    A Review of the Thinking of the Chinese Grammar for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

  25. 站位选择应考虑共性与个性的关系;

    3 , the relationship between generality and individuality shall be considered in station location selection ;

  26. 英汉夸张修辞表达的特殊性英汉名词短语的概念结构及其在句法实现中的共性与个性

    Conceptual structure of English and Chinese noun phrase and its universals and peculiarities in syntactic realization

  27. 因此,音乐家必须努力寻求共性与个性的完美结合。

    Therefore , musicians must make great efforts to seek perfect integration of universality and individuality .

  28. 中外声乐作品的演唱有着其共性与个性。

    There exist some similarities and individualities in singing Chinese and foreign works of vocal music .

  29. 音乐的共性与个性

    Universality and individuality of music

  30. 这一指标体系具有三个显著特点:第一,共性与个性相结合。

    This indicator system has three notable features : first , general character and special character combined .