
ɡònɡ tónɡ ɡuò shī fàn zuì
  • Joint negligent crime;offense of joint negligence
  1. 共同过失犯罪基本问题研究

    Research on the Basic Issues of Offense of Joint Negligence

  2. 试论共同过失犯罪的概念及构成要件

    Definition and Constitutive Elements of the Offense of Joint Negligence

  3. 共同过失犯罪的成立范围与刑事责任探析

    On the Establishment Scope of Joint Negligence Crime and the Criminal Liability

  4. 然而,我国对共同过失犯罪持明确否定的态度,学术界和立法都排斥共同过失犯罪。

    However , China academic and legislative reject the joint negligence crime .

  5. 第二部分,国外共同过失犯罪的立法考察。

    The second part-overseas joint negligence crime legislative inspection .

  6. 第五部分,我国共同过失犯罪的立法完善。

    The fifth part , & our country joint negligence crime legislative consummation .

  7. 因此,有必要对共同过失犯罪进行系统而深入的研究。

    So we should study on the joint negligent crime systematically and deeply .

  8. 共同过失犯罪研究

    Research on the Issue of Joint Negligence Crime

  9. 日本关于共同过失犯罪的理论研究与实践

    Japanese Theories and Practices on Joint Negligence Crime

  10. 共同过失犯罪的法理研究

    Jurisprudential Study on the Joint Negligence Crime

  11. 论共同过失犯罪制度的选择

    On the Institution of Unpremeditated Joint Crime

  12. 第二部分:共同过失犯罪的成立根据。

    Part two & the basis for the establishment of the offense of joint negligence .

  13. 第一章是共同过失犯罪问题概说。

    The first chapter is the general view of the issues of joint negligence crime .

  14. 但最近几年我国的理论发展和司法实践都朝着承认共同过失犯罪方向发展。

    In the last years , in china theory and practice admit offense of joint negligence .

  15. 主要介绍中外各国立法、实务以及学说对共同过失犯罪问题的态度。

    Legislations , legal practices and doctrines of the countries of the world are mainly introduced .

  16. 其次,分析了共同过失犯罪成立的条件和范围。

    Second , it analyzes the conditions and scope of the establishment of the neglect joint offence .

  17. 第四章主要阐述了共同过失犯罪刑事责任的分配和处罚原则。

    The last chapter elaborates the partition and punishing principle of criminal responsibilities in joint negligent crimes .

  18. 在我国否定共同过失犯罪的存在占通说地位。

    The view of the most legists in china is a negation of the offense of joint negligence .

  19. 因此,我们绝对不能对共同过失犯罪所带来的危害结果掉以轻心。

    Therefore , we can not ignore the results of the harm caused by the joint negligence crime .

  20. 刑法学理论中有很多问题都是富有争议的,共同过失犯罪就是其中之一。

    There are many controversial issues in criminal theory and the joint negligence crime is one of them .

  21. 第五章从共同过失犯罪处罚原则和刑事责任的分配两方面加以论述。

    Chapter five studies the principles of sentencing of the offense of joint negligence and distribution of criminal responsibilities .

  22. 关于共同过失犯罪的、学说有否定说和肯定说两种观点。笔者赞同肯定说。

    In the positive theory and negative theory of the joint negligent crime , I agree with the positive theory .

  23. 第四章对共同过失犯罪与监督过失、结果加重犯的关系进行了深入的探讨。

    Chapter four analyzes deeply the relationship of the offense of joint negligence 、 supervisory negligence and aggravated consequential offense .

  24. 分别从理论和实践两方面系统论证了共同过失犯罪的成立依据。

    In this part separately and practiced two aspect systems from the theory to prove the joint negligence crime establishment basis .

  25. 共同过失犯罪是否构成共同犯罪,国内外刑法学界和刑事立法对此持有不同立场。

    Whether joint negligent crime is joint crime or not , the criminal law field and criminal legislation hold different opinions .

  26. 第二章是共同过失犯罪的理论依据,论述肯定共同过失犯罪理论存在的重要意义,共同过失犯罪理论符合主客观相一致原则及其性质;

    The second chapter gives the theoretical basis of joint negligent crime and further affirms the significance of joint negligent crime theories .

  27. 随着现代科技的发展,社会生活日趋复杂,过失犯罪的危害也在大幅度的增加,越来越多的共同过失犯罪给公共安全等重大利益造成了巨大的损害。

    With the development of modern technology and the intricacy of our life , the damage of the negligent crime increased with years .

  28. 虽然本文许多地方的论述仍然比较肤浅,但是希望笔者的这些观点能够为我国共同过失犯罪的理论研究提供一定的帮助。

    Although my paper is superficial , I hope these ideas can beneficial to China to build the theory of joint negligence crime .

  29. 我们在交通事故的处理中不应承认所谓的共同过失犯罪、过失教唆犯以及监督过失。

    We should not admit the joint offense though negligence , instigator through negligent and supervision offense in the disposition of traffic accidents .

  30. 共同过失犯罪,是指二人以上的过失行为共同造成一个或数个危害结果的犯罪形态。

    Joint negligence crime refers to the crime that the negligent behaviors of two or above actors jointly cause one or several illegal results .