
  • 网络communist countries;Communist state;communist nations;Communism Country
  1. Koum是在一个有秘密警察的共产主义国家长大的,隐私对他来说尤为重要。

    Privacy was particularly important to Mr. Koum , who grew up in a communist country with a secret police .

  2. 美国前总统卡特(JimmyCarter)周三结束了对古巴为期三天的私人访问。这是自2002年卡特获得诺贝尔和平奖以来第二次访问这个共产主义国家。

    Carter Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter on Wednesday wrapped up a three-day , private visit to Cuba , his second to the communist-led island since 2002 , the year he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize .

  3. 我是这个世界上唯一的共产主义国家之一。

    I 'm a country that has one of the world 's only communist governments .

  4. 昨天这个极具神秘主义色彩的共产主义国家释放了一名自从5月份以来一直被关押的美国人。

    Yesterday , the secretive communist country released an American it had held prisoner since May .

  5. 而拥有庞大军队的共产主义国家韩国却长期陷入经济困境。

    North Korea , a communist state has a giant military , but a chronically struggling economy .

  6. 朝鲜人民正在首都街头跳舞庆祝,共产主义国家朝鲜成功发射远程火箭。

    North Koreans are dancing in the streets of their capital following the communist country 's successful firing of a long-range rocket .

  7. 我们经历了第一次世界大战,大萧条,第二次世界大战,以及共产主义国家的兴起。

    We had the First World War , the Great Depression , the Second World War and the rise of the communist nations .

  8. 如果几天之后这个共产主义国家发表任何评论,这种评论都不足为奇。

    It is not unusual for any comments by the communist state on these types of incidents to emerge days later , if at all .

  9. 该想法一度是有效的:众多前共产主义国家排队要求加入欧盟这个验证过规范型权力效力的民主俱乐部。

    For a while it worked : a procession of once-communist states queuing to join the democratic club testified to the potency of normative power .

  10. 二十年前,苏联解体后,欧洲复兴开发银行成立,帮助那些前共产主义国家。

    Twenty years ago , the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development was created to help former communist countries after the fall of the Soviet Union .

  11. 这个神秘的共产主义国家自从1953朝鲜战争结束以来一直与韩国和美国有着不断的争执。

    This is a secretive communist country . It 's been at odds with South Korea and the United States since fighting stopped in the Korean War in 1953 .

  12. 克莱门:与其他被扣押在这个共产主义国家的美国人不同,56岁的福尔并未被定罪,但是美国国务院的发言人并未说明这是否是他获释的其中一个原因。

    KELEMEN : Unlike other Americans held in the communist nation , the 56-year-old Fowle hadn 't yet been convicted , but a State Department spokesperson wouldn 't say if that was a factor in his release .

  13. 47年前,我们是最后一个确认收到共产主义宣传的国家。

    We are the last nation to acknowledge the Communist propaganda of 47 years ago .

  14. 越南以前是共产主义严厉控制的国家,近几十年来社会和文化态度都发生了改变,这意味着有越来越多的越南人更加喜欢动物了。

    Dramatic changes to society and cultural attitudes in the once tightly-controlled communist country in recent decades mean that a growing number of Vietnamese now share his love of animals .

  15. 相比之下,另一个前共产主义阵营中的国家的决策者似乎了解世界正在变化,意识到经济地位取决于融合而非孤立。

    By contrast , policymakers in that other former communist power seem to understand that the world is changing and that their economy 's standing hinges upon integration rather than isolation .