
  1. 通过将企业人力资源管理六大板块的具体工作在用工企业和派遣机构之间进行分工,整合了企业派遣员工管理流程。

    The management process is integrated through dividing the specific work of HRM between dispatch agency and enterprise .

  2. 本大人还‘大’不到那块木板呢。地球的表面大致上可分为六大板块,加上许多较小的板块。

    The surface of the Earth is divided into approximately six large plates , plus a number of smaller ones .

  3. 六大板块相互作用,可以大大提高高职高专英语课堂教学的有效性,良好地完成预期教学目的。

    The six sectors interact , which can improve the effectiveness for English classroom teaching of higher vocational college and better finish expected teaching goals .

  4. 六大产业板块打造强势农业&对晋城市农业产业化十一五发展规划的思考

    Six Major Industries Plate , Forging Strong Agriculture

  5. 大连港散粮码头公司作为大连港集团六大业务板块之一,业务发展一直保持积极上升态势。

    Dalian bulk grain terminal company as one of the six group business , business development remains positive rise .

  6. 据游客介绍,在当天早上8点半之前,排队等待入园的长龙已经将位于环球影城的冒险岛乐园外围得水泄不通。魔法世界是冒险岛乐园六大特色板块之一。

    Visitors said that by 8:30 am the line to get inside wrapped around the exterior of Universal 's Islands of Adventure park , of which the Wizarding World is one of six unique sections .