- fair trade

To ensure fair trade , WTO emerged at the historical moment .
It is the sole legal means to protect a domestic industry while sticking to fair trade .
The Office of Fair Trading has been probing banking practices
Any evidence of collusive behaviour by the banks could be sent to the Office of Fair Trading .
The office of fair trading has now threatened the big four with being referred to the competition commission .
WTO is a World Trade Organization , Whose basic principles are open on market , fair in trade and non-discrimination .
EarthTree is a shop in Taipei that offers various Fair Trade handicrafts products , as well clothing from People Tree , a Fair Trade organisation founded in Japan .
Safeguard Measure is a kind of special right vested in WTO members & to take protective trade measures against fair trade under statutory circumstances .
Safeguards is one of three trade relief measures including anti-dumping and countervailing , which points at fair trade , restricts imports and protects domestic industry .
General safeguard measure in WTO is the " safety valve " in the international fair trade , but the specific safeguard measure is the exception .
After China 's accession to WTO in the globalization of economy and trade , technical barriers to trade has become the pronoun of regional unfair trade .
The Korean Fair Trade Commission , meanwhile , launched dozens of cartel and abuse of dominance cases , in industries ranging from oil to ice cream .
Pants to Poverty , which makes underwear using Fair Trade-certified cotton and guaranteeing workers a decent wage , is a riposte to the sweatshops of Bangladesh .
Since leaving the Office of Fair Trading , I have examined access to finance for small businesses , so I thought these banks would be well-placed for small-business accounts .
Fairtrade said Mr Mohan had confused the retail price premium with the " social premium " , a sum that producers use to build schools , clinics or dig bore holes .
Any company that tried it would be hauled up before the office of fair trading in short order , not to mention the fact that customers would be unlikely to approve .
Sharp 's lawsuit , filed in May in federal court in New York , accuses ABC of copyright infringement and unfair trade practices .
It has also announced that Fairtrade will certify the cocoa in its dairy milk chocolate , ensuring farmers earn a minimum price .
A Fairtrade contract guarantees that the grower will earn at least the Fairtrade minimum price , set by the Fairtrade labelling organisations international .
Cadbury hopes to expand its involvement with Fairtrade , introducing Fairtrade Dairy Milk to markets outside the UK and Ireland or introducing Fairtrade ingredients to more of its products .
About a decade ago , they started the One Harvest Project , a line of fair-trade , sustainable coffees , providing education , health and other benefits to growers with whom the company wished to develop long-term relationships .
The fairness in accounting measurement is the extending of fair trade of WTO . However , the difference between the standards of China 's accounting and international accounting to certain extent does exist .
Buying Fairtrade chocolate no more distorts the chocolate market than buying a Louis Vuitton handbag distorts the handbag Market .
Anti-dumping is one of the main countermeasures against the unfair international trading , which is authorized by WTO treaties and being used by various countries as the international trade protection weapons day by day .
Minh and Dominic recently exhibited their Fair Trade products at the Hong Kong Food Expo .
Justin King , chief executive of J Sainsbury , the UK retailer , said in February that its Fairtrade sales were holding up well .
Secondly , there are behaviors that against the regulations of WTO , such as using trade barriers widely and lack of fair environment of trade , which gives rise to trade friction and gray customs clearance .
As the only legitimate protection method that WTO permitting , safeguard measures play the vital role in giving the member to carry on the industrial structure adjustment , reliving industry harm , maintaining the multilateral trade system .
This company is the leading commercial importer of Fairtrade coffees in the UK , and managing director Simon Wakefield grew up in the family business .
While Cadbury cocoa is certified by Fairtrade , Kraft has a similar arrangement with the Rainforest Alliance , an organisation that campaigns for sustainable farming practices and improved farm working conditions .