
  • 网络public choice;Public Choice School;School of Public Choice
  1. 公共选择学派有别于主流的最优税制理论。

    Public choice school differs from the optimal tax system theory .

  2. 公共选择学派运用经济学分析方法研究政治问题,提出了系统的政府失灵理论。

    Public Choice School studied the political issues using Economics methods , and brought out the systemic theory of government failure .

  3. 官僚经济理论是西方公共选择学派的一个重要组成部分,它对公共物品的供给与需求给予同等的重视,使公共选择理论更为完整。

    The theory of bureaucracy economy is the important part of the theory of the public choice .

  4. 公共选择学派依据经济人假设主张将市场机制引入公共部门。

    Adopting the economic man postulate , Public Choice Administration suggests that market mechanism can be led into public sector .

  5. 对于政府存在的问题,笔者主要利用以布坎南和塔洛克为代表的公共选择学派的官僚理论来分析问题。

    Author mainly applies the theory of bureaucrat of Public Choice represented by Buchanan and Tullock to analyze the questions existing in the government .

  6. 公共选择学派的经济人假定易于得出政府干预失灵的结论,使理论与实践陷入新自由化思潮而危及经济发展。

    The runaway conclusion of the government intervention can be easily drawn from the economic man assumption of public choice , which affects the economic development .

  7. 以这三个特点作为前提,本文根据政治学中公共选择学派的投票循环理论建立模型进行研究比较,并通过经验检验发现:在出口管制重订问题上,如果一国内部存在意见分歧;

    Then , with the tree traits as premises , I build two models of vote-cycling according to public choice theories and verify them with historical facts .

  8. 摘要自20世纪60年代公共选择学派提出政治行为人的“经济人”假定以来,经济学家们对于传统规制理论的市场纠正说不断提出质疑。

    Economists have advanced some questions on correcting market failure in the orthodox theory of regulation since public choice school advanced " homo economicus " hypothesis of political individuals in the1960s .

  9. 根据其对于个人进行教育选择可能范围的不同认识,本文把个人教育选择理论分为三个流派:教育公共选择学派、教育市场选择学派和激进派。

    There are three different schools of education choice theories resulting from the different viewpoints on education choices available to the individual , the education public choice school , the education market choice school , and the radical school .

  10. 公共选择学派认为政治人的理论预设有助于政治决策领域的分析,如同经济人一样,政治人在政治决策过程中也会不断追求自身利益的最大化。

    The Public Select School thinks that the politician 's theoretical presupposition is helpful to the analysis in the political deciding domain . Just like the economists , politicians also pursue the largest profits for themselves in the process of political decision .

  11. 文章运用公共选择学派的基本理论分析了在公共政策制定中,实际上并不存在根据公共利益进行选择的过程,而只是各种特殊利益之间的缔约过程,寻租是侵蚀公共政策公共性的首要因素。

    This dissertation analyzes the policy process by the theoretical tools of Public Choice theory , and suggests that no one is concerned with public interest in the real policy process , which is hi fact the bargaining between the special interest groups .

  12. 文章根据研究者对个人教育选择范围的不同认识,将西方教育选择研究分为三个派别:教育公共选择学派、教育市场选择学派和主张教育市场化、私营化的激进学派。

    According to the different understanding of the scope of personal educational choice , the author classifies the western educational choice study into three factions as follows : educational public choice faction , educational market choice faction and radical faction which claims education marketization and privatization .