
  1. 公民文化权利的保护、社会关系的调整、WTO义务的履行以及学习型社会的创建,迫切需要一套行之有效的公共知识管理制度。

    It is urgent to create the valid public knowledge management system , which guarantees the citizen culture rights , adjusts the social relation , implements the WTO s obligation and sets up the study society .

  2. 国外公共知识管理研究的最新进展

    The latest research fruits on public knowledge management abroad

  3. 图书馆新视野:公共知识管理制度

    The New view of Library Science : the Management Regime of Public Knowledge

  4. 我国社会公共知识管理机制探析&从猪流感说起

    Probe into the Mechanism of Social Public Knowledge Management in China & Starting from Swine Flu

  5. 公共知识管理是知识管理的重要组成部分,公共知识管理学可归属于知识管理学。

    Public knowledge management is an important component of knowledge management , and public knowledge management science belongs to knowledge management science .

  6. 随着管理学的发展,作为公共知识管理学的图书馆学的上位学科,最终会被确立。参考文献26。

    With the development of management science , the broader discipline of library science as public knowledge management science will finally be established.26 refs .

  7. 公共知识管理学是研究公共知识搜集、公共知识组织(整序与存储)和公共知识服务,以及相关的社会知识保障体系的科学。

    The public knowledge management science is the study engaged in the public knowledge collection , the public knowledge organization , the public knowledge service and the related social knowledge security system .

  8. 公共知识管理制度是保障公共知识管理经济效率、社会效益和社会公平的基础性教育科学文化制度。

    The public knowledge management system , which guarantees the economic efficiency , the social benefit and the social e-quality in the public knowledge management , is the basic education , science and culture system .

  9. 知识管理学是管理学下的一级学科,包括公共知识管理学、竞争知识管理学、档案知识管理学、知识经营传播学、企业知识管理学和政府知识管理学等二级学科。

    Knowledge management science is a branch below management science . It includes public knowledge management science , competitive knowledge management science , archive knowledge management science , knowledge marketing science , enterprise knowledge management science and government knowledge management science .

  10. 公共化知识管理:电子政府未来发展的取向

    Public Knowledge Management : Future Direction of e-Government

  11. 公共行政部门实施知识管理,特别是隐性知识管理已经成为在社会获取竞争优势和提高行政服务能力、办事效率以及公众满意度的一个重要标准。

    To implement knowledge management , especially tacit knowledge management has become an important source of international competitive advantage and the way to improve service ability , competence and public satisfaction for administrative department .

  12. 公共知识中心与公共知识管理&再论图书馆的本质和定义

    Public Knowledge Center and Public Knowledge Management : On the Nature and Definition of Library

  13. 图书馆馆藏资源的本质是公共知识,图书馆学就是公共知识管理学。

    In essence , library collection is the public knowledge and Library Science is the pubic knowledge management science .

  14. 公共管理学体系中的公共知识管理学&关于图书馆学学科定位与归属的探讨

    Public Knowledge Management Science in the System of Public Management Science & Discussing on the Status and Attribute of Library Science

  15. 图书馆实际上是人类的公共知识中心。图书馆学就是公共知识管理学,其研究对象是人类的公共知识管理。

    The authors indicate that in essence , the library is public knowledge center and library science is the public knowledge management science .

  16. 认为图书馆是公共知识中心的特定发展阶段,公共知识中心从事公共知识管理并体现公共知识管理制度:提出图书馆学新思维,即公共管理框架下的公共知识管理。

    This paper indicates that a new thinking about library science is the public knowledge management in the framework of the public management .

  17. 图书馆是人类公共知识中心在特定阶段的表现形态,其职能是从事公共知识搜集、组织与服务。图书馆学实质上是公共知识管理学,其上位学科是知识管理学。

    Library is actually a form of public knowledge center in a special period of human civilization , and library science is actually public knowledge management science below knowledge management science .