
  • 网络Centre for Public Policy Studies;the Public Policy Research Center
  1. “仅仅因为盖特纳在北京,中国就调整汇率机制的可能性非常小,”清华布鲁金斯公共政策研究中心(brookings-tsinghuapublicpolicycentre)的肖耿表示。

    " It is very unlikely China will adjust its exchange rate system just because Geithner is in beijing ," according to Xiao geng , of the Brookings-Tsinghua public policy centre .

  2. 清华-布鲁金斯公共政策研究中心(BrookingsTsinghuaCenterforPublicPolicy)主任王丰表示,年轻劳动力减少的事实意味着,中国必须以国内消费推动增长的模式取代以低成本劳动力推动的出口制造业。

    Wang Feng , head of the Brookings Tsinghua Center for Public Policy , said a smaller young workforce meant China had to replace low-cost labour-driven export manufacturing with a model driven by domestic consumption .

  3. 中国经济体制改革研究会特聘研究员,公共政策研究中心理事、监事。

    Syndic and Supervisor , Research Center of Public Policy , Society for China Economic System Reform .

  4. 担任布鲁金斯—清华公共政策研究中心的主任的王丰作为学者派之一,认为中国的人口模式在自1980年独生子女政策实行以来已经发生了巨大改变。

    One of the academics , Wang Feng , director of the Brookings-Tsinghua Centre for Public Policy , argues that China 's demographic pattern had already changed dramatically by the time the one-child policy began in 1980 .

  5. 印度德里的国家公共金融和政策研究中心的三位经济学家分析支出,人民币已经影响到多达33种货币。

    An analysis by three economists at the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy inDelhishows that the yuan already has a discernible influence on as many as33 currencies .