
  1. 食品安全问题属于公共政策客体的范畴。

    Food safety issue are the object of public policy areas .

  2. 社会利益作为公共政策的客体或目标,并不是被动的接受公共政策的权威性分配。

    The social interests as the object or target of public policy . It is not passive acceptance of authority distribution .

  3. 但由于受到公共政策主体、客体及环境等多方面因素的影响,公共政策的流失就成为了公共政策的实然状态。

    But under the influence of public policy subject , object , environment and other factors , the loss of public policy has become the actual state of public policy .

  4. 城市规划与公共政策在主体、客体和程序等方面具有一致性。

    Urban planning and public policy have much consistency in subject , object and procedures , etc.

  5. 在公共政策执行过程中,存在着一些影响公共政策有效执行的障碍,主要表现为公共政策执行主体的障碍、公共政策客体的障碍、责任追究制度的障碍以及公共政策本身的障碍。

    In the process of implementing public policies , there are some barriers to their effective implementation , mainly : barrier in implementing subject and object , in responsibility investigating system , and in public policies themselves .