
  • 网络public production
  1. 晚清财政转型与我国公共生产制度的兴起

    Fiscal Transition in Late Qing Dynasty and the Rise of Public Production System in China

  2. 公共生产的财政根源

    The fiscal origin of public production

  3. 公共生产机构不受农民约束;

    Lack of constraint from the farmers over the production of public goods ;

  4. 商定计算净现值的折算率。注意:在公共生产部门这个比率由英国财政部厘定。

    Agreeing discount rates to calculate NPV ( Net Present Value ); NB in publicly procured schemes this rate is set by the Treasury .

  5. 公共生产是众多政府干预方式中的一种,其经济实质是政府作为所有者,从要素市场购买生产要素直接提供产品或服务。

    Public production , one of various government intervention instruments , means that the government plays as an owner , and makes rather buys products and service from the factor market .

  6. 美国特许学校实际上是市场经济条件下的一种公共品生产形式,从其实践看,这种学校较好地使政府机制与市场机制进行了有效的结合。

    The school combines the government and the market effectively .

  7. 城市公共服务生产方式创新的探讨

    Research on the Innovation of Public Service in Cities

  8. 制度变迁与社区公共物品生产&从单位制到社区制

    Community Public Goods Production from the Perspective of Institution Transformation & From Work Unit System " to Community System "

  9. 村庄社会资本关注的是村民之间相互关系所构成的行动能力,与村庄公共物品生产具有密切关系。

    Social capital concerns with the capable activities of the interpersonal relationship , and the production of village public goods .

  10. 我国在对政府进行市场化改革时也运用了合同外包的方式,更为关注公共服务生产过程和投入。

    Chinese market-oriented reform of the government also uses the package of contracts , and more attentions are paid to the process of production and investment .

  11. 本文利用政府提供公共物品生产函数,分析政府生产性支出的增加对税前和税后产出-资本比的影响,认为存在着一个能使产出-资本比最大化的最优政府生产性支出规模。

    Our analysis suggests that there is an optimal government productive expenditure scale that it can make the rate of output to capital reach maximal level .

  12. 成本是公共安全生产与提供的支撑,任何一种活动的开展都离不开成本的支持,公共安全运转流程也是如此。

    Cost supports the production and providing . Any kind of activities are inseparable from the support of cost , the operation flow of public safety also being such .

  13. 路透社报道,香港卫生局长周二表示,该市明年或禁止大陆孕妇在公共医院生产,以缓解当地产房待产者过多的状况。

    Hong Kong may bar mainland mothers from giving birth in public hospitals next year to battle the over-crowding in local maternity wards , the city 's health chief said on Tuesday , Reuters reported .

  14. 第五部分针对公司生产调度现状,编制了深圳市公共交通生产调度系统软件,并在三条线路上进行了应用;

    The Shenzhen city production of public transit to manage systematic software is drawn up and applied on 3 bus lines in the fourth part , which is based on the present management situation according to company 's production .

  15. 今天Brad要拜访Andy,他是一家生产家用产品的PCB装配公共Stratos的生产部经理。

    Today Brad is visiting Andy , who is a production manager for Stratos , an assembler of PCBs that are used in household items .

  16. 建筑市场主体是提供和交易公共品的生产经营者。

    Principal parts of building market are engaged in construction and transaction of building projects .

  17. 从公共品的生产看科学发展观

    Viewing Scientific Development Conception from Public Products

  18. 过去,准公共品的生产和提供主要是由政府负责。

    In the past , providing the production and public primarily by government are responsible .

  19. 地方政府在公共服务的生产与供给中有着明确的分工界定。

    The role of local governments in the production and provision of public services is defined clearly .

  20. 公共物品的生产与社区整合机制

    The Production of Public Goods and the Mechanism of Community Integration & A Case Study of Luxi Village

  21. 作为知识生产制度的科学,依靠了一种非常特殊的知识产权&发现的优先权,来激励社会公共知识的生产和公开披露。

    As an institution of knowledge production science provides a quite efficient incentive scheme for the production and disclosure of public knowledge society needs .

  22. 同时,民营经济的巨大发展、市场经济体系的逐步完善也为公共基础设施生产和供给的市场化提供了条件。

    Meanwhile , the enormous development of private economy , the market economy gradually improved public infrastructure for the production and supply market conditions provided .

  23. 授予私人投资者对项目的收费权,引进私人资本,投资公共物品的生产。

    The governments give the right to charge for project to some individual investors and introduce private capital to invest the production of public commodity .

  24. 科技的发展和市场经济制度的日益成熟,使城市政府在公共服务的生产方式上有了越来越多的选择。

    With the development of technology and more mature of market economy institution , the city government has more choice on the way of providing public service .

  25. 本文建立在浙北地区芦溪村的个案调查基础上,以社区公共物品的生产为切入点来探讨社区整合机制问题。

    Based on the case study of Luxi village , the author discusses the mechanism of community integration from the perspective of production of community public goods .

  26. 在当代中国,社会性监管正在被越来越多地运用到公共卫生、生产安全和环境保护等公共治理过程。

    In contemporary China , social regulation is more frequently adopted to restrict behaviours which directly threaten public health , safety , welfare or well-being in public governance .

  27. 通过理论分析可知,公共品类油菜生产技术成果供需均衡不能通过市场的价格机制形成,必须借助各环节及系统的制度安排达成均衡。

    Through theoretical analysis , it showed that the public goods category rape production technology cannot achieve supply and demand balance form price mechanism , but need system institutional arrangements .

  28. 技术进步促进第一产业从业人数的比重减少。(3)公共投资通过生产扩张效应和乘数效应影响就业。

    Technological progress to promote the first industry of employees to reduce the proportion of . ( 3 ) public investment through the production expansion effect and multiplier effect influence employment .

  29. 二是加大社会公共安全及生产安全技术开发,维护社会生产和生活的良好秩序。

    Second , enhanced efforts have been made in the development of social public security and production safety technologies , in order to maintain a fine order for social production and daily life .

  30. 每天可以从任何水源中-海水,污染水,公共厕所-生产出一千公升的洁净饮用水。每公升的成本低于2美分。

    It 's able to generate a thousand liters of clean drinking water a day out of any source -- saltwater , polluted water , latrine -- at less than two cents a liter .