
  1. 我国推行住房抵押贷款证券化(MBS)具有一系列的现实意义:发展住宅金融体系,实现公共政策目标;

    The implementation of MBS has many practical meanings : to innovate residential mortgage financing and to achieve public policy goal ;

  2. 《服务贸易总协定》(GATS)一般例外条款(第14条)在服务贸易自由化和各国特定的国内公共政策目标之间起着非常重要的平衡作用。

    The general exception clause of GATS ( Article 14 of GATS ) plays an important role in GATS by making a balance between liberalization of trade in services and special national policy objectives .

  3. 在这座妥协的天平上,一端是GATS成员方所要追求的多边服务贸易自由化的目标,另一端是各个主权国家要竭力维护的特定国内公共政策目标及其背后的国家利益。

    On the scale of this compromise , one side is the target of liberalization of multilateral trade in service chasing by all GATS members , on the other side is the definite national public policies and hidden national interests endeavoring to persist by all sovereignties .

  4. 公共政策目标的实现有赖于政策执行主体的有效执行。

    To achieve the policy goals depend on efficient policy behavior .

  5. 有些国家的政府已把提高本国名次作为一项公共政策目标。

    Some governments have adopted its index as an aim of public policy .

  6. 公共政策目标是实现以人为本的全面、协调、可持续的社会发展,人的问题是公共政策的核心问题。

    Public policies with the core of humans aim at human-oriented , overall , harmonious and stable social development .

  7. 论公共政策目标的确定:事遂人愿&以我国房地产政策为例

    The Determination of Public Policy Objectives : Things Happen as We Wish & As an Example to China 's Real Estate Policy

  8. 影响评价和听证普遍地用于保证政策、项目和立法支持更广泛的公共政策目标。

    Both impact assessments and public hearings were widely used to guarantee policies , projects and legislation support broader public policy objectives .

  9. 对于发展中国家而言,获取知识对于实现公共政策目标以及应用其发展所必须的工具都至关紧要。

    For developing countries , access was crucial to achieve public policy objectives and to use tools that were necessary for their developmental needs .

  10. 你可能以为Skidelskys父子与那些主张应该将“幸福”最大化作为公共政策目标的经济学家有所共鸣。

    You might expect the Skidelskys tomake common cause with those economists who believe that maximising " happiness " should be the goal of public policy .

  11. 越来越多的作品被拥有,公众合理使用作品的权利受到限制,著作权法的公共政策目标无法实现。

    More and more work was to ' own ', the rights of Public use works is restricted , copyright law of public policy objectives can not be achieved .

  12. 应该认识到技术、经济和社会发展的不同阶段,而且在追求公共政策目标时应该确保灵活性和“政策空间”。

    Differing levels of technological , economic and social development should be recognized , and flexibilities and " policy space " for the pursuit of public policy goals should be safeguarded .

  13. 为实现公共政策目标,规制机构可以采取不同的规制方式,其中最主要的方式包括准入规制、价格规制和质量规制。

    In order to achieve objectives of the public policy , the regulatory agencies can take different regulation modes , which include the admittance regulation , the price regulation and the quality regulation .

  14. 公共政策目标是公共政策方案所要达到的最终目的,是制定政策方案、执行政策方案、评估政策方案的依据和标准。

    The goal of public policy is the ultimate aim of implementing public policy , and is the basis and standard of choosing policy options , implementing policies and programs , and evaluating policies .

  15. 而在多边服务贸易自由化目标和特定国内公共政策目标之间,尤其是隐藏其后的国家利益关系中,例外条款总是起着一种重要的平衡作用。

    Between the target of liberalization of multilateral trade in service and definite national public policies , especially the hidden national interests in them , exception clauses always play an important role as the balance .

  16. 政府监管是在市场经济体制下国家干预经济政策的重要组成部分,是政府为实现某种公共政策目标,对微观经济主体进行的规范与制约。

    Government regulation , which can help government to reach goals of some public policy and to standardize and regulate the behavior of microeconomic , is key part of government intervention in market economy system .

  17. 因此,根据我国经济发展之现状,在版权法公共政策目标的指导下,建立以过错为归责原则、以类型化立法为基础的间接侵权制度是具有合理性的。

    Establishing an indirect infringement regime with faulty liability and particular law-making according to the particular situation is reasonable to Dual-use technology , and its base is the country economic developmental level and the copyright public policy .

  18. 因此,实现社会的公平与正义、缩小贫富差距、维护弱势群体的利益等伦理关怀同样也是公共政策的目标。

    So carry out equity and justice and shorten income gap is the just the goal of public policy .

  19. 一些经济学家认为公共政策的目标是将幸福最大化。你或许会以为斯基德尔斯基父子会与这些经济学家有所合作。

    You might expect the Skidelskys to make common cause with those economists who believe that maximising " happiness " should be the goal of public policy .

  20. 公共政策价值目标经历了效率至上的传统公共行政决策时期、公平为主的新公共行政决策时期和市场导向的新公共管理政策时期。

    The value objective of public policy has experienced the following phases : the paramountcy of efficiency in the period of traditional public administration decision , the paramountcy of fairness in the period of new public administration decision and market-oriented in the period of new public administration policy .

  21. 向受害者合理补偿是公共政策的合法目标。

    Just compensation to the victims is a legitimate objective of public policy .

  22. 公共政策的价值目标与公正原则

    The Value Object and Justice Principles of Public Policy

  23. 论当代公共政策的价值目标&取向、界说与评价途径

    Study on the value objective of public policy & from the tropism , definition and evaluation perspectives

  24. 有利于提高公共政策执行对目标群体的需求偏好的有效回应,并确保政策执行主体重视公民政策权益的权威分配和公正落实;

    And it can also insure that the policy executors attach importance to the authoritative distribution and just fulfilment of the citizen 's rights and interests .

  25. 亚投行表示,危机后的复苏计划不应依赖碳排放,这为政策制定者提供了将公共政策与气候目标更紧密结合的机会。

    The AIIB says post-crisis recovery programs should not be carbon-dependent , which presents policymakers with an opportunity to align public policies more closely with climate objectives .

  26. 保护和改善生态环境是我国公共政策的重要目标,也是公共治理关注的重点。

    To protect and improve the ecological environment is not only one of the important goals of the public policies of China but also the focus of public governance .

  27. 公平是任何社会的秩序基础,是构建和谐社会的基本要求,也是公共政策的基本目标之一。

    In any society , the foundation of order is equity which is not only one of the basic goal of public policy , but also the essential requirement of a harmonious society .

  28. 制度分析的任务就是着眼于有效的公共政策这一目标,运用各种有效的制度安排来减少统计信息的不完全性、不均衡性和不对称性,提高统计信息质量。

    The task of institutional analysis is to focus on effective public policies , to use effective institutional arrangement to reduce the imperfection , unbalance and dissymmetry of statistical information and to improve the quality of statistical information .

  29. 社会利益作为公共政策的客体或目标,并不是被动的接受公共政策的权威性分配。

    The social interests as the object or target of public policy . It is not passive acceptance of authority distribution .

  30. 公共政策执行是政策目标得以实现的唯一途径,政策执行的有效与否事关政策的成败。

    Enforcement is the only way for a public policy reaching its target , while the validity of its enforcement is the key to the success of the public policy .