
  • 网络Public Facility Management
  1. 提出将Internet/Intranet技术应用于园区公共设施管理系统中,建立基于B/S模式的园区公共设施地理信息系统。

    This paper presents the Infrastructure of District GIS based on B / S model developed by using Internet / In-tranet technique .

  2. 文章以学校的公共设施管理为例,研究和设计了此类系统的体系结构,并就实现过程中的关键技术进行介绍。

    The paper illustrates the infrastructure management of campus and its architecture is researched and designed and the key technique is described during realization .

  3. 基于高等学校与学生关系的法律性质以及大学自治与司法审查的关系,高校管理关系包括招生管理、学籍管理、校内公共设施管理和校园秩序和安全管理所形成的关系。

    The administrative relationship in high schools includes the relationship formed from the management of enrollment , students'status , public facilities inside the campus , campus order and security .

  4. 接着分析研究了各功能模块,系统包括五大模块,即住户资料管理、人事管理、公共设施管理、物业管理、论坛管理。

    Then analyzed the functional modules , the system consists of five modules , household data management , personnel management , and public facilities management , property management , forum management .

  5. 网格化管理已经在我国城市管理、电子政务管理、公共设施管理、公共危机管理中得到了应用研究,其理论研究也正在逐步完善。

    The theory of grid management is improving , and this method has been applied in the field of city management , e-government management , public facilities management and public crisis management .

  6. 综上所述,在大量研究和分析的基础上,我们形成了一种以预见性管理和集成管理等模式为基础的全面、科学、而又合理的甲级写字楼公用区域公共设施管理模式。

    In summary , in the massive research and in the analysis foundation , we have formed one kind take patterns and so on foresighted management and integrated management as the foundation .

  7. 收入最低的行业分别是农、林、牧、渔业(31947元),住宿和餐饮业(40806元),水利、环境和公共设施管理业(43528元)。

    The lowest income industries are farming , forestry , animal husbandry and fishery with RMB31947 , accommodation and catering industry with RMB40806 and water conservancy , environment and public facilities management with RMB43528 .

  8. 对体育场馆公共设施经营管理方式的若干思考

    Thinking About the Way of Operation and Management of Public Establishment in Stadium and Gymnasium

  9. 基于事例推理的城市公共设施应急管理决策支持系统的研究

    Study on the Emergency Management Decision Support System of Urban Public Facilities Based on Case-Based Reasoning

  10. 第三部分主要是分析国外(美国、英国、澳大利亚)对公共文化设施管理的现状及成功经验。

    The third part is the analysis of foreign ( U.S. , UK , Australia ) on the status of the management of public cultural facilities and successful experience .

  11. 实践中遇有此类案件,一般循民事途径处理,由作为公共设施经营管理者的企事业单位负责赔偿。

    In reality , when confronted with these cases , we usually tackle with civil means ; as the managers of public facilities , enterprises and public institutions should be liable for compensation .

  12. 维勒本月早些时候宣布的这一提案将依照一项已实行数十年的通信法案来管理互联网,而制定该法案的初衷是将电话业作为公共设施加以管理。

    Wheeler 's proposal , which he announced earlier this month , would regulate the Internet under a section of the decades old Communications Act that regulates the telephone industry like a public utility .

  13. 须损害与公有公共设施设置或管理有相当因果关系,并进行了必要的解释。

    Fourth , there must be causal relationship between damages and the setting or management of the public utilities .

  14. 建立高效有力的资产管理和公共设施和基础设施管理。

    To effectively manage assets and public utilities and infrastructure .

  15. 该公司经营范围为负责城市基础设施、公共设施的建设和管理;

    The business scope of the company involves in construction and management of urban infrastructure and public facilities ;

  16. 作为解决交通出行问题的主要途径,城市轨道交通是各大城市公共交通设施建设和管理的重点。

    As the main way to solve urban public transport problems , urban rail transit becomes the key point of urban public transport facilities construction and management .

  17. 第四部分从住区生态环境的社会环境层面入手,分析了住区的公共服务设施、物业管理服务的生态优化。

    The fourth part proceed with social environment aspect of the ecological environment in the residential area , analyses the public service facilities in residential area , ecological optimization of management service of the property .

  18. 徽商商业的发展对汉口当地有着多方面的影响,诚如树立儒商的典范,乐善好施、帮助当地灾民,参与社会矛盾的调解,致力于汉口公共设施的建设与管理等等。

    Huizhou commercial development has various effects on the local , such as setting up the model of intellectual businessman , philanthropist , helping local victims , participating in the mediation of social contradictions , Hankou public facilities construction and management , and so on .

  19. 紧接着文章论述了公共设施运行的三个基本阶段即公共设施的设置、管理与废止,并在论述的过程中结合了我国目前的相关法律法规进行了例证。

    The following part explains the three stages of running apublic facility , establishing , managing and abolishing , with exemplification of current laws in China .

  20. 第一部分主要是简要分析了公共文化、文化设施、公共文化设施的相关概念及政府对公共文化设施进行管理的理论依据和意义。

    The first part is a brief analysis of related concepts of public culture and cultural facilities , public cultural facilities , and the theoretical basis and significance of Government management of public cultural facilities .

  21. 随着我国城镇化速度的加快,城镇发展对公共设施建设提出了巨大的需求,迫切需要以市场化、社会化为主要方向,改革城镇公共设施投资管理体制。

    Following urbanization in China , city development need large scale infrastructure construction , and reform investment system according to marketization and socialization .