
  • 网络All wheel drive;all-wheel drive;awd;Xdrive
  1. 估计燃油经济性为18英里的城市和27前轮驱动模式,为全轮驱动18/25英里公路。

    Estimated fuel economy is18 mpg city and27 mpg highway for FWD models , 18 / 25 for AWD .

  2. 全轮驱动越野轻型货车

    Light cross country truck with all wheel drive

  3. 这是以前只有在所有标准的四轮驱动超和全轮驱动可选装到CXL。

    It was previously standard only on the all-wheel-drive Ultra and available on the AWD CXL .

  4. VCU是一种经过充分考验证明的全轮驱动部件,非常适合日本广泛使用的小型和紧凑型汽车。

    VCU is a test to prove after the full all-wheel-drive parts , is widely used in Japan for small and compact car .

  5. 最后对优化全轮驱动(AWD)混合型汽车动力传动系统的噪声、振动和声振粗糙度的相关实例进行讨论。

    An example of NVH optimization of a drivetrain system in an AWD cross-over vehicle is presented and discussed in the last .

  6. 全轮驱动混合动力汽车开发与控制策略研究

    The Development and Control Strategy Study of 4WD Hybrid Electric Vehicle

  7. 全轮驱动车辆寄生功率循环问题的探讨

    An Approach on Parasitic Power Cycle of All the Wheels Driven Vehicle

  8. 全轮驱动压路机液压驱动系统动态特性分析

    Analysis on Dynamic Characteristics of Hydraulic Drive System of All wheel drived Roller

  9. 全轮驱动单轮振动压路机行走液压系统的设计计算

    Design and Calculation of Driving Hydraulic System for Full-wheel Driving and Single-wheel Vibratory Roller

  10. 将放气管接入全轮驱动主减速器。

    Push bleeder line onto final all-wheel drive .

  11. 这个设计可在所有全轮驱动汽车中推广使用。

    These clutches have been proved by testing , This design can be used in all all-wheel drive vehicles .

  12. 万向节轴和全轮驱动主驱动法兰上的彩色标记(匹配点)必须对齐。

    The colour markings , match points on the cardan shaft and on the all-wheel final drive flange must be aligned .

  13. 近几十年它又呈现加速发展的趋势。它结构简单、紧凑、占用空间小、容易实现全轮驱动,因此得到广泛应用。

    Recently it is accelerating the trend because it is simple , compact , easy to implement all-wheel drive , so it is widely used .

  14. 针对全轮驱动这一最新技术,介绍轿车全轮驱动系统的组成结构、工作原理,分析其性能特点并展望今后的发展趋势。

    Putting forward the new technology & All-Wheel-Drive , the structure and working principle of car All-Wheel-Drive system are introduced , the performance features are analyzed . The developing trend of this technology is prospected .

  15. 根据全轮驱动汽车的整车参数和动力性目标,进行了动力传动系统部件(发动机、前后电机、电池、变速器)的选型和参数设计。

    According on the vehicle parameter and the power goal , the types of dynamical transmission parts ( engine 、 front and rear motor 、 battery 、 trasmission ) are selected , and their parameters are designed . 3 .

  16. 由于全轮驱动单轮振动压路机的前、后轮附着条件不相同,对一个既定的传动系来说,并不能在各种工况条件下发挥其全部的附着能力。

    Due to different cohesive conditions for the front and rear wheels of full-wheel driving single drum vibratory rollers , for a defined transmission system , it is not able to perform the full cohesive force of the front and rear wheels in various working condition .

  17. AWID/AWIS(AllWheelsIndependentDriving&AllWheelsIndependentSteering)高速高机动平台是一种新型机器人移动平台,能够实现全轮独立驱动和独立转向。

    AWID / AWIS ( All Wheels Independent Driving & All Wheels Independent Steering ) high-speed and high-maneuverability platform is a new robot platform , this platform can realize all wheels independent driving and steering .

  18. 奥迪QUATTRO全时四轮驱动技术

    All - time Four - wheel Drive Technique of Audi Quattro

  19. 简要介绍奥迪Quattro全时四轮驱动系统的工作原理及特点。

    The operating principle and characteristic of all-time four-wheel drive system of Audi Quattro are briefly introduced in the paper .

  20. 美国消费者最早看到的S级轿车会是S550,它配备了最大输出功率为335千瓦的4.6升双涡轮V8发动机,后轮驱动与全时四轮驱动款均配备七速自动变速器。

    U.S. buyers will first see the S-class as the S550 , with a twin-turbo , 4.6-liter , 449-hp V8 under the hood and a seven-speed automatic , in either rear-drive or all-wheel-drive configurations .

  21. 全时四轮驱动汽车驱动轮牵引力综合控制策略

    Full-time four-wheel-drive vehicle traction integrated control strategy

  22. 为全轮独立电驱动车辆提出一种双重转向的控制策略,设计了双重转向的总体控制结构。

    A dual-steering control strategy is proposed for an all-wheel independent drive electric vehicle , and an overall control architecture for dual steering is designed .

  23. 2010年的标准设备包括VDC的,希尔启动协助,再加上全时对称的全时四轮驱动系统。

    Standard equipment for2010 includes VDC , hill-start assist , plus full-time symmetrical AWD .