
  • 网络total cost management
  1. 以全成本管理为纽带提升医院经营管理效益

    To enhance benefits of hospital s management / operation through total cost management as a link

  2. 医院实行全成本管理的可行性分析

    The Viability Assessment of Hospital in Practicing the Whole Cost Management

  3. 第四章:高等学校科研全成本管理模式,讨论了全成本管理的一系列基本问题。

    Chapter Four presents a model of total cost control of grant administration .

  4. 第六章:案例设计,以某高校为例设计一整套科研项目全成本管理方案。

    Chapter Six is a case study , in which a full-scope cost control plan is designed for a university as an example .

  5. 本文创建了全成本管理模式与理论的基本框架,它从全成本管理的涵义、架构入手,对商业银行全成本管理的主要内容及实施要点进行了描述。

    This paper sets up the frame of multi-cost management pattern and theory . Starting with the significance and outline of multi-cost management , we describe the main content and implementation of commercial banks ' multi-cost management .

  6. 再次,研究了高校科研项目成本管理模式,引入了全成本管理的理念,讨论了全成本管理的关键环节和计算方法。

    The third part of the thesis presents the study on the management mode of cost management of university research project . The concept of whole-cost management is introduced . The key steps and computation methods are discussed .

  7. 通过分析目前医院成本核算存在的问题,从全成本管理的原理、作用出发,提出医院实行全成本管理的必要性,并探讨在医院实行全成本管理的条件。

    The author analyses problems of cost accounting in current hospital . According to the principle and the function of the whole cost management , puts forward the necessity of the whole cost management and condition in practicing the whole cost management in hospital .

  8. 军队医院手术室推行全成本核算管理体会

    Experience of using all-cost assessment management on operating room in Army hospital

  9. 军队疗养院全成本核算管理信息平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Management Information Platform for Overall-cost Accounting Used in A Military Sanatorium

  10. “虚拟产值全成本项目管理”的思路与做法

    Philosophy and method of " full cost project management basing on suppositional production value "

  11. 大连石化制氢转化炉筑炉项目全过程成本管理

    The Whole Process of Project Cost Management in the Dalian Petrochemical Hydrogen Furnace Refractory Project

  12. 施工项目全过程成本管理包括成本预测、计划、控制、核算和分析考核。

    The whole process of construction project cost management includes cost projections , planning , control , accounting and analysis of assessment .

  13. 以案例试点项目的全过程成本管理,并得出本论文研究的结论。

    The method of overall cost management is trial implemented in example cases , and then draw the conclusion of the dissertation .

  14. 本文从加强全员参与成本管理意识、树立全过程成本管理理念、加强成本管理基础工作、建立健全成本分析机制四个方面简要论述了加强施工企业成本管理的措施。

    This paper states the measures of strengthening cost management of construction corporation from the four aspects of strengthening the cost management consciousness , building up const management theory in overall process , strengthening base work , establishing cost analyses mechanism .

  15. 本论文由以下四个部分组成:一、从行业现状分析入手,提出进行市政工程施工企业的项目全过程成本管理研究的目的,以及此项研究对于施工企业提高管理水平的重要意义。

    From the point of existing situation analysis for municipal project industry , talk about the reach objective of whole project process cost management for construction enterprises , as well as the heavy significance on improving the management level of construction enterprises . 2 .

  16. 为了提高医疗资源和财产管理水平,供应室于1998年6月开始实施全成本核算管理,实行1年后,对供应室人员及各项消耗指标进行对比分析。

    In order to heighten the management level of medical recourse and property , management of total cost accounting in supply room was implemented from June 1998 . One year after implementation , comparative analysis was performed on supply room staff and various wasting indicators .

  17. 医院全成本核算与管理的有效途径和方法

    The Effective Methods of the Hospital Cost Accoun and Management

  18. 煤矿内部推行全成本市场化管理研究

    The management research in the coal mine all-cost marketing

  19. 建设工程项目的全要素成本集成管理研究

    The Study of Integrated Management of Total Factors Affecting Cost in Construction Project

  20. 基于全寿命周期成本管理的变电设备维修决策研究

    Research on Maintenance Decision of Substation Equipments Based on Life Cycle Cost Management

  21. 加之当前国家电网公司正在电网工程管理中大力推广全寿命周期成本管理理念。

    And State Power Grid Corporation is to promote life cycle cost management in grid projects .

  22. 并总结了基于全寿命周期成本管理理念的变电工程投资决策流程。

    In this paper it summaries the workflow of decision-making in substation project based on LCC management .

  23. 最后提出完善中小型科技企业全寿命周期成本管理的对策与建议。

    Countermeasures and proposals to consummating life-cycle cost management of small and medium-sized technological enterprises were put forward at last .

  24. 全寿命周期成本管理是一种实现中小型科技企业全寿命周期成本最小化、提高中小型科技企业生存和发展能力的方法。

    Life-cycle cost management is an approach which could minimize life cycle cost and improve the capabilities of survival and development in small and medium-sized technological enterprises .

  25. 全寿命周期成本管理兼顾建设者和使用者的利益,综合考虑了住宅项目的资金成本、环境成本和社会成本。

    Life cycle cost management take into account the interests of builders and users , and considering the cost of capital for real estate projects , environmental and social costs .

  26. 简要介绍了建设项目全寿命期成本管理和精益成本管理的概念,并对全寿命期和全过程成本管理方式进行了比较。

    This paper briefly introduced the concepts of construction project cost management in life cycle and lean cost management , and compared the cost management patterns in life cycle and whole process .

  27. 全寿命周期成本管理是对设备寿命周期内的经济性进行评价,输变电设备可靠性管理则是对设备投入运维后的运行和管理质量进行评价。

    Life cycle cost management is the economic evaluation of equipment in its life cycle , power transmission and transformation equipment reliability management is the assessment of equipment maintenance and management quality after its commissioning .

  28. 最后,作者结合自己工作经历,对在我国电力建设项目全面推行全寿命周期成本管理提出了部分建设性设想和建议。

    At the end , based on the author ` s job experience , some constructive design and suggestion were put forword in order to push the LCC management to be applied in Chinese power engineering .

  29. 用基于全寿命周期成本管理的变电工程投资决策方法对智能变电站方案和常规变电站方案进行分析和比较。体现出全寿命周期理念在变电工程投资决策中的应用优势。

    The paper analyzed and compared the distinctness between the intelligent substation and the conventional substation by the substation project decision-making methods based on life cycle cost management , and demonstrates the advantages of life cycle cost philosophy that used in substation investment decision-making .

  30. 提出将全寿命周期成本管理理念引入变电工程投资决策各阶段中的应用要点和基于全寿命周期成本管理理念的变电工程投资决策方法,实现对原有变电工程投资决策的优化。

    By studying the implementation of life cycle cost management in decision-making of substation projects in all stage , this paper proposes the decision-making methods of substation based on life cycle cost management concepts , and achieve the optimization of traditional the investment decision-making process .