
  • 网络national league for democracy;nld;NDA
  1. 全国民主联盟在5个月前的选举中获得压倒性胜利。

    The NLD won a landslide victory in the elections five months ago .

  2. 全国民主联盟1995年从有14年之久的国民大会中退出,原因是该机构的限制性规定太多,后来该联盟被国民大会除名。

    The NLD walked out of the 14-year-long national convention in 1995 because of restrictive rules and was later expelled altogether .

  3. 全国民主联盟获得了压倒性的胜利。

    The National League for Democracy pulled off a landslide victory

  4. 全国民主联盟敦促缅甸人民在5月10号对宪法草案投反对票。

    It has urged Burmese to vote against the draft on May 10 .

  5. 草拟这部长达200页的宪法的制宪大会,根本就没有允许主要反对派“全国民主联盟”成员参与。

    The constitutional convention at which the 200-page document was drafted excluded members of the leading opposition group , the National League for Democracy .

  6. 军政府星期四谴责全国民主联盟受未指名的外国大使馆的指使,军政府称这些大使馆试图破坏缅甸的国家稳定。

    The military government Thursday accused the NLD of taking directives from unnamed foreign embassies which it claimed were trying to destabilize the country .

  7. 但是,主要的反对党全国民主联盟和其他人权团体强烈谴责政府推出的宪法草案,说这个草案的目的就是让军方继续掌权。

    But the main opposition party , the National League for Democracy , and other rights groups condemn the draft constitution , which they say will only keep the military in power .

  8. 她说服军事大将放松管制,并向国际社会请求经济制裁以获得国际支持,在2015年的选举中,她为全国民主联盟取得了压倒性的胜利。

    She enlisted international support for economic sanctions that helped persuade the generals to loosen their grip , leading to elections in 2015 and an overwhelming victory for her National League for Democracy .

  9. 全国民主联盟一些成员被要求赴缅甸首都内比都。但是他们是否要会见参议员韦布还不清楚。

    A few members of the NLD have been asked to travel to Naypyidaw , the country 's capital , while Webb is there , but it is not clear if they are to meet with the senator .