
rù mén
  • introduction;induction;threshold;ABC;cross the threshold;learn the rudiments of a subject;learn the ABC of;ushered into a subject
入门 [rù mén]
  • (1) [ABC]∶初级读物;任何知识或业务的初始门路

  • 技术入门

  • (2) [cross the threshold]∶初步学会

  • 入门师傅

入门[rù mén]
  1. 入门不难,深造不易。

    To cross the threshold is not difficult , but mastery is another question .

  2. 入门既不难,深造也是办得到的,只要有心,只要善于学习罢了。

    To cross the threshold is not difficult and mastery , too , is possible provided one sets one 's mind to the task and is good at learning .

  3. 总统对于国家安全是不需要读入门书的。

    The President doesn 't need a primer on national security .

  4. 这是对一门极为复杂的学科的有益入门教程。

    It 's a useful introduction to an extremely complex subject .

  5. 总而言之,这是一本通俗而务实的物理入门书。

    On balance , the book is a friendly , down-to-earth introduction to physics .

  6. 几家公司正推出新的入门级产品,期望吸引更多的顾客。

    Several companies are offering new , entry-level models in hopes of attracting more buyers .

  7. 可以说,这5个国家现在都已经通过了入门考试。

    The five countries have now all passed , so to speak , their entry test .

  8. 这本书是科学的入门读物。

    This book explains the ABC 's of science .

  9. 他是我的入门师傅。

    He is the master who initiated me into the craft .

  10. 我还没入门呢。

    I don 't even know the ABC of the subject yet .

  11. 他学汉语刚刚入门。

    He has just learned the rudiments of Chinese .

  12. 有许多种很好的历史入门书。

    There are many good ~ s to history .

  13. 学英语入门并不难,学好可不容易。

    Rudimentary English is easy to acquire , but mastery of the language is quite difficult .

  14. 比赛最后两分钟,他顶球入门得分。

    He scored by heading the ball in goal during the last two minutes of the match .

  15. 为了衡量上课期间上网对学生注意力分散的影响,研究人员对密歇根州立大学修读入门心理学课500名学生进行了评估。

    To measure the effects of Internet-based distractions during class , researchers evaluated   500 students taking an introductory psychology class at Michigan State University .

  16. 尽管他不大读得懂这些书,但它们给他带来了古典绘画的入门知识。

    While it is likely that he understood very little of the books , they were his introduction to classical paintings .

  17. 在线教育网站Udacity表示,新的教授入门级软件技能的“纳米学位”将在网上授课,学期不到一年,每月费用约200美元。

    For example : Focusing on entry-level software skills , Udacity says its new “ NanoDegree ” will be offered online , involve less than a year of coursework , and cost about $ 200 per month .

  18. 原子集市》是关于这个极令人不安的话题的一本优秀的入门读物

    The Atomic Bazaar is an excellent introduction to this most discomfiting topic .

  19. 大一新生受各种嘲弄,但是他们对这种入门经验甘之如饴

    University freshmen get lots of razzing , but they like the initiation .

  20. 他对计算机的奥秘尚未入门。

    He has not yet been thoroughly initiated into the mysteries of computers .

  21. 它让游戏更为现代化,降低了对新手的入门要求。

    It modernizes the game while lowering the learning curve for newer players .

  22. “入门蔬菜”是指一种美味可口的蔬菜,吃它能激励人们更大胆地尝试吃其他蔬菜。

    Gateway1 vegetable refers to a palatable2 vegetable that encourages more adventurous3 vegetable consumption .

  23. 如果你发现一种“入门蔬菜”,就会开始更经常吃菜了。

    If you discover a " gateway vegetable " you 'll start eating them more often .

  24. 例句我刚刚来到这里,所以我需要一位经验丰富的同事来教我一些入门技巧。

    I 'm only new here , so I need someone with experience to show me the ropes .

  25. Web服务入门编程模型如下所述。

    The web service starting programming models are described as follows .

  26. 这里的每个人都读过彼得·贝克的《DNA入门》。

    Everybody here has read Peter Baker 's'Introduction to DNA ' .

  27. XML新手入门获取学习XML所需的资源。

    New to XML ? Get the resources you need to learn XML .

  28. 入门极其容易,尤其是对于已经具有C类语言的经验的程序员来说。

    The entry barrier is extremely low , especially for a programmer who has experience with a C-like language .

  29. 我们期待下一阶段“本体感觉创伤治疗”入门第II期课程尽快来临。

    We are anticipating the next Beginning II Training Workshop to come soon !

  30. 我写的第一个Wavebot是跟着这个一个下午时间的快速入门指导开始的。

    I wrote my first Wave bot following this quick start tutorial in one afternoon .