
  • 网络Kachin;kachin state
  1. 价值数十亿美元的翡翠生意本该促进克钦邦、乃至缅甸全国的和平发展,反腐败组织全球见证(GlobalWitness)的迈克·戴维斯(MikeDavis)说。

    The multibillion-dollar jade business should be driving peaceful development in Kachin and Myanmar as a whole , said Mike Davis from Global Witness , an anticorruption organization .

  2. 缅甸克钦邦发生大规模山体滑坡,造成100余人丧生。

    More than 100 people have been killed in a massive landslide in Myanmar 's Kachin state .

  3. 同时,联邦选举委员会仍然没有批准三个克钦政党包括克钦邦进步党(KSPP)登记竞选2010年的大选。

    Meanwhile , the UEC is still sitting over the approval of three Kachin political parties including the Kachin State Progressive Party ( KSPP ) to contest the2010 general election .

  4. 缅甸克钦邦-掸邦地区成矿与找矿

    On the metallogenesis and ore prospecting in kachin-shan area , Myanmar

  5. 直到收到正式的确认文件,克钦邦的战斗将会继续。

    Until confirmation was received , fighting would continue , he said .

  6. 其他克钦政党,包括杜嘉博士领导的‘克钦邦进步党’,至今尚未注册。

    The rest of the Kachin parties including the Kachin State Progressive Party led by Dr.

  7. 密支那是缅甸联邦之克钦邦的首府,距仰光919英里,距曼德勒487英里。

    Myitkyina is the Union of Myanmar 's Kachin State capital , 919 miles from Yangon , 487 miles from Mandalay .

  8. 队长汤姆雷诺兹和他的乐队熟练的开放源码软件特工在二战缅甸克钦邦训练本地人在现代战争中。

    Captain Tom Reynolds and his band of skilled O.S.S.operatives are in WWII Burma to train the Kachin natives in modern warfare .

  9. 他是在克钦邦‘和平基金会’创办人,军政府和克钦独立组织和平中间人。、此人准备参加大选竞争。

    He is a founder of the Nyein Foundation in Kachin State and a peace broker between the Burmese regime and KIO .

  10. 在与军政府方面早些时候的会谈中,克钦独立组织提议改编为‘克钦邦区域自卫武装部队’。

    In the earlier meeting with the Burmese general , KIO officials proposed transforming their troops into a Kachin Regional Guard Force .

  11. 克钦邦人民形容上述人士为叛徒,并批评他们追求自己的利益为军政府工作。

    State people , however , have described them as'traitors'and have criticized them for working for the junta for their own benefit .

  12. 另一个克钦邦联邦巩固发展党候选人被任命为通通,一缅甸出生的企业家,通过挖掘丰富的玉石而致富。

    Another USDP candidate in Kachin state has been named as Htun Htun , a Burmese-born entrepreneur who also became rich through jade mining .

  13. 他们为在克钦邦主要乡镇展开竞选活动地区为当地居民装置有线无线移动电话线。

    They are also distributing CDMA mobile and land line phone connections to civilians , while campaigning in the main townships of Kachin State .

  14. 商人杰廷是设于克钦邦密支那的克钦文化委员会执行委员会成员,10年来担任密支那市曼克林区长。

    Businessman Hkyet Hting is an executive committee member of Myitkyina based Kachin Cultural Office and was chief for Manhkring quarter in Myitkyina for10 years .

  15. 但是,丛林作战,特别是对日军熟悉地形的克钦邦,是更激烈了比雷诺兹计算。

    But jungle combat , particularly against a Japanese army as familiar with the terrain as the Kachin , is more grueling than Reynolds had reckoned .

  16. 评论结论“杜嘉博士成立代表克钦各族人民的‘克钦邦进步党’建设克钦邦光明的未来”。

    " Dr Tuja will build a brighter future for Kachin State by forming the Kachin State Progressive Party representing the Kachin nationals ," it concluded .

  17. 来自克伦邦通恩乡村。他还曾担任勃固省及克钦邦教育官员。还任过上缅甸基础教育处处长。

    He has also held the posts of education officer for Pegu Division and Kachin State , and director of the Upper Burma Basic Education Department .

  18. 八月中旬,缅甸政府向民族武装伸出橄榄枝,在克钦邦等边境地区停止持续冲突。

    Their comments come after the Myanmar government extended an olive branch to ethnic armies last week to end ongoing fighting in border areas like Kachin state .

  19. 按照协议,事实上按照协议承诺,掸邦、钦邦、克钦邦有充分的权利要求独立、自治和充分的自主权。

    In fact , the Shan , Chin and Kachin have every right to demand independence , self-determination and full autonomy , as promised in the agreement .

  20. 称,无论在克钦邦克钦独立军区域附近或掸邦东北地区,没有发现新的缅军行动的证据。

    No renewed military movement by the Burmese Army is in evidence either , near KIO territories in Kachin State and Northeast Shan State , KIA officials said .

  21. 克钦邦进步党两个月前已在克钦邦开展竞选活动,现在已经停止了竞选活动,等待被推迟的联邦选举委员会的批准。

    The Kachin State Progressive Party ( KSPP ), which has been campaigning a lot in Kachin State , stopped campaigning over two months ago with the approval being delayed .

  22. 缅甸翡翠财富的源泉在克钦邦这里的山区,这里有丰富的天然资源,但几乎没有其他任何东西。

    The fountainhead of Myanmar 's jade wealth is here in the mountains of Kachin State , which is rich in natural resources and poor in just about everything else .

  23. 北部军区指挥官梭温少将上周也邀请克钦独立组织在克钦邦首府密支那就整编计划进行谈判。

    Maj-Gen Soe Win , the commander of the Northern Regional Military Command , also called last week on the KIO to hold BGF talks in Myitkyina , the capital of Kachin State .

  24. 密支那是克钦邦穷困潦倒的首府,是通往最活跃的矿区的必经之路,矿区有专家称之为世界上最大、最值钱的翡翠宝藏。

    Myitkyina , the down-and-out state capital , is the gateway to the most active mining region , containing what experts say is the world 's biggest and most valuable trove of jade .

  25. 在克钦邦首府密支那居民说,“下雨已经一个星期,但在伊洛瓦底江的水位并没有增加。”

    In Myitkyina , the capital of Kachin State , a local resident said ," It 's been raining for a week , but the water level of the Irrawaddy River has not increased . "

  26. 有些种族政党,包括克钦独立组织的前领导人杜嘉博士领导的克钦邦进步党、仍然在等待军政府选举委员会对他们的申请开绿灯。

    Some ethnic political parties , including the Kachin State Progressive Party led by Tuja , a former leader of the KIO , still await a green light from the election commission over their applications .

  27. 许多居民在克钦邦和掸邦担心会爆发战争与军政府的部队和种族团体进行停火,如果军政府继续要求他们成为边防力量。

    Many residents in Kachin and Shan states fear war will break out between the junta 's troops and ethnic ceasefire groups if the junta continues to demand that they become a border guard force .