
kè gé bó
  • KGB;KGB(the Soviet State Security Committee);the Soviet State Security Committee
克格勃 [kè gé bó]
  • [KGB(the Soviet State Security Commitee)] 原苏联间谍机构,也指这个机构的间谍人员

克格勃[kè gé bó]
  1. 其他人暗示他受雇于克格勃。

    Others hinted that he was in the employ of the KGB

  2. 我们完全相信他曾经是一名克格勃特工。

    We took it as read that he must have been a KGB agent

  3. 他与克格勃的关系受到了审查。

    His relationship with the KGB came under scrutiny .

  4. 克格勃的成员只接受总统的命令。

    Members of the KGB service were only prepared to take orders from the President .

  5. 克格勃把他的调查报告扔在一边,不闻不问,反而说他往同志脸上抹黑

    The KGB pigeonholed his report and reprimanded him for denigrating a brother officer .

  6. 有人认为,此事是以当时不出头露面的弗拉迪米尔普京为首的联邦安全局(克格勃)(fsb(federalsecurityservice))一手操办的。

    Some saw the hand of the FSB ( Federal Security Service ) in that , headed by the in those days obscure official Vladimir Putin .

  7. 此前,一位前克格勃(kgb)官员在伦敦谋杀。

    This followed the murder in London of a former KGB officer .

  8. 他表示,此次突击搜查是一个相当荒谬的借口,且警方是在执行联邦安全局(FederalSecurityService)的命令。该机构是前苏联克格勃(KGB)实力强大的继承者。

    He described the raid as a pretty ridiculous pretext and said the police were carrying out the orders of the Federal Security Service , the powerful successor to the Soviet KGB .

  9. 他还曾志愿加入克格勃(KGB),并在20岁出头的年纪实现了这一梦想。

    He also volunteered to join the KGB , an ambition he realised in his early twenties .

  10. 鲍里斯•叶利钦(BorisYeltsin)选择前克格勃(KGB)上校普京作为继任者,促成了这个结果。

    With the selection of Mr Putin , a former KGB colonel , as his successor , Boris Yeltsin delivered that outcome .

  11. 俄罗斯联邦安全局(FSB,继承于苏联时代的克格勃)的总部,位于车站的上方。

    The headquarters of Russia 's Federal Security Service ( FSB ), successor to the Soviet-era KGB , is located just above the station .

  12. 俄罗斯政府控股的天然气巨头&俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)昨日免去了一位高管的职位,取而代之的是一位前克格勃(KGB)官员。

    Gazprom , Russia 's state - controlled gas giant , yesterday dismissed one of its most senior executives , replacing him with an ex-KGB officer .

  13. 《美国谍梦》(TheAmericans),FX,1月28日播出。这部剧精彩地将冷战间谍惊悚剧与家庭剧融为一体,第三季一开始,潜伏在华盛顿的克格勃小队感受到了苏联的阿富汗战争的压力。

    THE AMERICANS ( FX , Jan. 28 ) Season 3 of this terrific blend of Cold War spy thriller and family drama begins with Washington 's K.G.B. contingent feeling the weight of the Soviet war in Afghanistan .

  14. 很明显,当时是由克格勃kgb的便衣特务在控管,甚至连警署情况也是如此,逮捕行动和接下来审讯类似,都是他们编排的。

    KGB officers in plain clothes were clearly in charge even at the police station , and the arrest itself was as choreographed as the trial to come .

  15. 据称,曾经获封国王学者(King'sScholar)、后来成为克格勃(KGB)上校的菲尔比在定居莫斯科很长时间后,仍然关注母校的消息,而他已对他原本应该服务的系统造成巨大伤害。

    The one-time Kings Scholar and later KGB colonel reportedly kept up with news from school long after he had taken up residence in Moscow , having inflicted massive damage on the system he was raised to serve .

  16. 普京曾是克格勃(KGB)在东德的一名特工。普京说,俄罗斯的情报机构从未与斯诺登合作过,目前也是如此。

    Mr. Putin , who worked a KGB agent in East Germany , said that Russia 's intelligence services ' never worked with Mr. Snowden and don 't work with him today . '

  17. 很多专家表示,普京和他最亲密的顾问,特别是那些和他一样出身克格勃(KGB)探员的人,依然对过多的经济自由会带来的后果颇为警惕。

    Mr. Putin and his closest advisers , particularly those like him who are former agents of the K.G.B. , remain wary of the consequences of too much economic freedom , many experts said .

  18. 英国和俄罗斯可能会面临一场外交摊牌。此前,俄罗斯拒绝引渡前克格勃(KGB)官员亚历山大•利特维年科(AlexanderLitvinenko)在英国被谋杀一案的主要嫌疑人。

    The UK and Russia could be facing a diplomatic showdown following the latter 's refusal to extradite the chief suspect in the murder in the UK of Alexander Litvinenko , the former KGB officer .

  19. 不过,前克格勃(kgb)将军阿列克谢孔道罗夫(alexeikondaurov)指出,“继任者行动”的圆满落幕,最终意味着普京统治集团更为根深蒂固。

    But Alexei Kondaurov , a former KGB general , says the successful conclusion of operation successor will ultimately mean the further entrenchment of the Putin ruling group .

  20. 他雇佣世界各地情报机构的前特工,比如以色列的摩萨德(Mossad)和俄罗斯的克格勃(KGB),帮助他在俄罗斯、乌兹别克斯坦和哈萨克斯坦开展秘密调查。

    He employs former agents from intelligence agencies around the world , including the Mossad in Israel and the K.G.B. in Russia , to help him conduct cloak-and-dagger investigations in places like Russia , Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan .

  21. 其中一种以RU-21为名出售,它还有一个绰号叫“克格勃”。因为据说它是为了帮助苏联间谍在饮酒时保持清醒而发明的。

    One , sold as RU-21 , is also known by the nickname " KGB ", because it was supposedly developed to help Russian spies keep a clear head while drinking .

  22. 这些在他离开克格勃之后的事业中发挥了关键性的作用。

    That would play a pivotal role in his post-KGB career .

  23. 他给克格勃带来了很多问题。

    He was causing a lot of problems for the KGB .

  24. 她曾是克格勃最强的杀手。

    She was one of the kgb 's foremost assassins .

  25. 前克格勃在中央情报局内藏有不少间谍。

    The former KGB had quite a few moles hide in cia .

  26. 我是说,你们唯一的竞争对手就是克格勃。

    I mean , your oniy competition must be the K.G.B.

  27. 军情六处不能再忍受有克格勃特工混在这里了。

    MI-6 has no patience for more KGB operatives in our midst .

  28. 他是军情六处的人,也是克格勃。

    He 's MI-6 , but he is also KGB .

  29. 我是克格勃,但也是军情六处的人。

    I am KGB , but I am also MI-6 .

  30. 加入到克格勃第一局任对外情报员。

    Then joined the KGB 's first Directorate as a foreign intelligence agent .