
  • 网络optical power;positive power;focal power
  1. 旋转二次曲面光学系统的光焦度

    The Optical Power of the Rotational Conicoid Optical System

  2. 眼睛屈光不正的模拟与矫正实验&薄透镜焦距(光焦度)的测定

    Simulation and correction experiment on eye ametropia & determination of focal distance ( focal power ) of thin lenses

  3. 无光焦度校正板在主镜后的牛顿光学系统的设计

    A Newton Optical System with a Zero-power Corrector after Primary Mirror

  4. 具有两次透射的无光焦度校正透镜组的准施密特系统

    A Pseudo Schimidt System with Through Twice Afocal Corrective Lens

  5. 无光焦度校正板在平象场卡塞格林系统中的应用

    Application of the Afocal Corrector in the Cassegrain System with Flat Field

  6. 无光焦度3贴合薄透镜组初始结构参数求解方法探讨

    A Method of Solving the Initial Structure of a Three-thin-lens Null Corrector

  7. 连续光焦度透镜的设计研究

    Study on the Design of Lenses with Continuous Power

  8. 大口径透射无光焦度系统的研制

    Development of Large Aperture Transmitting Non-power System

  9. 我们常常举出这样一系列形状不同,然而具有相同光焦度的透镜,作为透镜的配曲调整的例子。

    One often speaks of this succession of shapes having the same power as exemplifying lens bending .

  10. 通过热差图确定折/衍混合系统的材料和光焦度分配。

    The optical material and power distribution of the hybrid system is determined also through the athermal chart .

  11. 物镜为长工作距物镜,由光焦度较大的正光组和光焦度较小的负光组组成。

    A long working-distance objective was designed which consists of a larger positive power lens and a smaller negative power lens .

  12. 这种方法在一定程度上降低了变焦系统光焦度分配的难度,同时为探寻新的变焦运动方式提供了新的思路。

    This method helps to reduce the difficulty of power allocation and provides different ways to find the new compensation mode .

  13. 3透镜无光焦度校正板由3个单透镜组成,可以用来校正光学系统中其他光学元件引入的像差。

    Three-thin-lens null corrector is generally made up of three singlets , which can be used to correct aberration caused by other optical components .

  14. 方法:从光学的基础定义出发,阐述光焦度和顶焦度的差别,并对焦度计的测量原理和误差进行正确分析。

    Methods : Explain the difference between power and vertex power from basic definitions of optics , and analyze the measuring principle and error of focimeter .

  15. 屈光角膜手术后人眼角膜光焦度的测量,不仅要考虑等效折射率带来的误差,也要考虑角膜曲率半径测量误差造成的角膜光焦度测量误差。

    The error in radius of curvature as well as the equivalent refractive index should be considered in the corneal vergence measurement for eyes after refractive surgery .

  16. 手动调焦式焦度计的测量误差是固有的、客观存在的,与顶焦度和光焦度的定义差异无关。

    The measuring error of focimeter with manual focusing is existent and immanent , which has nothing to do with the different definitions between vertex power and power .

  17. 在角膜数据的基础上,从理论上分析了等效折射率和曲率半径测量误差对屈光手术后角膜光焦度测量的影响。

    Based on the corneal data , the effects of equivalent refractive index and error in radius of curvature on the corneal vergence measurement after refractive surgery are studied theoretically .

  18. 本文论述了用波差法求解星模拟器上的光学系统各透镜光焦度和曲率半径的方法。

    The method is argued in the paper which is used to obtain dioptrie and radius of lens of optical system on the apparatus of artificial star by wave aberration .

  19. 为了寻找新的变倍补偿方式并降低设计变焦距系统时对经验的过分依赖,提出了一种光焦度分配及变焦补偿方法。

    In order to arrive a new compensation mode that reduces the dependence on design experience for a zoom lens , a way for power allocation and compensation is proposed .

  20. 讨论了双贴合无光焦度校正板放在主镜前的双反射球面系统,根据像差理论分析了消像差的条件,研究了系统中各种参数的变化对系统高级残余像差的影响。

    According to third-order aberration theory , the conditions of the absence of aberrations are analyzed , and the influences of different system parameters to the remaining high order aberrations of the system are investigated .

  21. 本文对宽光谱光学系统的复消色差理论进行了论述,主要在玻璃材料的选择和光焦度的分配问题两方面进行了研究。

    The apochromatic theory of optical system of wide spectral is discussed in this paper , emphatically in two aspects of suitable glass materials for correction of secondary spectrum and reasonably distributing each lens power .

  22. 讨论了用适当调整腔镜和棒间距来补偿光焦度偏离的方法,并得出了相应的解析公式。

    In addition , the method of compensating a discrepance of the refractive power by a suitable adjustment of the distances between the mirror and the rod is discussed and the related analytical formula is given .