
guāng fǎn shè
  • light reflex
光反射[guāng fǎn shè]
  1. 有效:8≤GCS≤12,昏睡至浅昏迷,强刺激可睁眼,对疼痛有定位。瞳孔对光反射灵敏。

    Effective : 8GCS12coma to shallow coma , strong stimulation can open your eyes , the pain has positioning . Pupilary light reflex sensitive .

  2. 检查的对光反射参数包括瞳孔面积、瞳孔对光反射的最大反应幅度、潜伏期和最大反应速度。

    The light reflex parameter checked includes pupil area , the largest reaction range , incubation period and the greatest reaction speed .

  3. 非平行光反射焦散线法测量动态K1的一些理论和技术问题

    Measurement of Dynamic K_1 by Caustics in Reflection With Non & parallel Light Beams

  4. PVC光反射型防水帆布的研制

    Manufacture of PVC Light Reflection Water Resistant Canvas

  5. 透射式GaAs光电阴极抗光反射膜的研究

    Research of the anti-reflection film for transmission mode GaAs photocathodes

  6. 光纤传感材料SnO2的气敏光反射特性研究

    Study of gas sensing optical reflective characteristic for optical sensing material sno_2

  7. 结论RON患眼的瞳孔对光反射反应潜伏期延长、最大反应幅度减小。

    Conclusions The latency of the pupillary light reflex delayes and the maximum amplitude decreases in patients with retrobulbar neuritis .

  8. 利用CATIA软件对整体结构进行三维造型建模,测试传感系统与数据处理系统基于光反射法原理进行设计。

    The three-dimensional structure modeling is designed by using CATIA software . Sensing system and data processing system are designed based on the light reflection method .

  9. 对固体氢进行了高压拉曼、同步辐射X射线、光反射和吸收、同步辐射红外光谱等一系列高压物性和相变研究。

    A series of techniques , including Raman scattering , synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction , optical absorption and reflection and synchrotron infrared spectroscopy , have been used to study the physical properties and phase transitions of solid hydrogen at high pressure .

  10. 目的了解球后视神经炎(RON)患者的瞳孔对光反射特征,探讨瞳孔对光反射检查在RON诊断和治疗中的临床应用价值。

    Objective To observe the characteristics of pupillary light reflex in the patients with retrobulbar neuritis , and to evaluate the effects of pupillary light reflex on the diagnosis and treatment of retrobulbar neuritis .

  11. 方法用瞳孔测试仪(pupillometer)检测正常人100例(200只眼)的瞳孔对光反射。

    Methods The pupillary light reflexes by using pupillometer were observed for 100 normal subjects ( 200 eyes ) .

  12. 眼部表现多样如睑下垂、角膜混浊、房角异常、白内障、黄斑光反射消失、视乳头小、眼球震颤、外斜视、ERG异常,其中以白内障最多见;

    Various clinical appearances were noted such as ptosis , corneal opacities , chamber angle abnormalities , macular and optic disc hypoplasia , abnormal ERG etc. Among these , the cataracts were the most frequent .

  13. 光反射材料选用的有镜面反射材料和漫反射材料共五种,镜面反射材料:镀铝薄膜和ESR,漫反射材料:tyvek、teflon和millipore。

    For the reflective materials , two types were chosen , one of whose was specular materials : Al film , ESR and the other was diffusion ones : Tyvek , Teflon and Millipore .

  14. 采用静电自组装技术在石英玻璃光纤和显微镜载玻片上制备了二氧化钛胶体与阴离子聚电解质PSS、二氧化硅胶体与阳离子聚电解质PDDA的复合薄膜,研究了薄膜的光反射性能。

    PSS / colloidal TiO 2 films and PDDA / colloidal SiO 2 films were deposited onto optic fibers and microscopy glass slides by using the electrostatic self assembly monolayer method , and the optical properties of the resulted films were investigated .

  15. 二分光反射模型能客观地反映物体的光反射机理,将其应用于计算机视觉领域,可以实现反射光斑的识别。

    The Dichromatic Reflection Model objectively describes reflective mechanism of objects .

  16. 利用光反射特性检测水果品质的试验研究

    Detecting fruit 's quality by using the characteristic of luminous reflection

  17. 反射:光反射装置在背部的雪橇。

    Reflector : light-reflecting device on the back of the snowmobile .

  18. 球后视神经炎患者的瞳孔对光反射特征

    Characteristics of the pupillary light reflex in the patients with retrobulbar neuritis

  19. 对运动镜面上的光反射行为的研究

    A Study on the Action of Light Reflection on the Movement Mirror

  20. 农产品分光反射特性及近红外图像处理在农业中的应用

    Spectral Reflectance of Fruits and Near Infrared Image Processing in Agricultural Application

  21. 教学楼室内各界面光反射能力测定与分析

    Measurement and analysis of interface luminous reflectivity in teaching buildings

  22. 把太阳光反射到地球的各个角落。

    And reflect sunlight onto different parts on the earth .

  23. 光反射干涉生物传感器对生物医用材料蛋白质吸附研究

    Reflectometry Interference Spectroscopy for Study of Protein Adsorption on Biomaterials

  24. 镜面把光反射回散射板。

    The mirror reflects light back to the scatter plate .

  25. 一束光反射式激光全息干涉法分析全场位移的方法及其应用

    A method of analysing three-dimensional displacements in reflectional holographical interferometry and its application

  26. 利用电润湿原理制备了一种新型受光反射型显示单元。

    A new passive reflective display pixel unit using phenomenon-electrowetting principle is prepared .

  27. 弯曲准光反射面模式变换数值模拟

    Numerical Value Simulation for Bent Surface Quasi-Optical Mode Converter with a Special Reflector

  28. 光反射模型与照明设计计算机仿真

    Model of Reflection & Simulation of Computer Illuminating Design

  29. 红细胞聚集性光反射法测量

    The measurement of erythrocyte aggregation via scattered light

  30. 小麦水分状况的光反射测量

    Estimation of wheat water status by reflectance measurements