
  • 网络Church of the Light;Cathedral of light;the Church of Light
  1. 光之教堂位于茨木市北春日丘一片住宅区的一角,是现有一个木结构教堂和牧师住宅的独立式扩建。

    The Church of the Light is a small structure on the corner of two streets at Ibaraki , a residential neighborhood .

  2. 他最著名的一个项目是日本茨城县的光之教堂,因神坛后面混凝土墙上的十字形裂缝而得名。

    One of his most famous projects is the Ibaraki Kasugaoka Church in Ibaraki , Japan , which is known as the Church of the Light because of the cruciform-shaped opening in the concrete wall behind the altar .

  3. 上帝之光&从朗香教堂到光之教堂

    The Light of God & From Ronchamp Chapel to Light Chapel