
  • 网络avant garde;the avant-garde;avantgarde
  1. 那场展览真正令人激动的就是先锋派摄影的展示。

    Where the show really excites is in the display of avant-garde photography .

  2. 如今,许多城市在迈向先锋派建筑师雷姆•库哈斯(RemKoolhaas)所称的“泛化城市”。

    Now , many are converging on what Rem Koolhaas , the avant-garde architect , dubbed " the generic city . "

  3. 这些先锋派批评家所开辟的深邃彻底的思维景象(b阿瑟C.丹托)

    The deep and sweeping vistas these pioneering critics opened up ( bArthur C. Danto )

  4. 美术学院外的先锋派行为艺术。

    Pioneer action art in a gumtree ousidet of art school .

  5. 那个名演员的先锋派住宅卖出了几百万美元的好价钱。

    The avant-garde home of the famous actress sold for millions .

  6. 诗化现实与拼贴意象:欧洲先锋派电影再现城市的两种倾向

    Two Trends of Reappearance of City in European " Pioneer " Film

  7. 我对先锋派音乐略知一二。

    I only have a casual acquaintance with avant-garde music .

  8. 实验影院:放映经典电影或先锋派电影的小电影院。

    A small movie theater showing classic or avant-garde films .

  9. 她的愿望是成为一位先锋派艺术家。

    Her wish is to become an avantgarde artist .

  10. 她的事业开始于先锋派电影业。

    She began her career working in underground films .

  11. 总之,这种沉默的先锋派文学是后现代主义文学的先行者。

    It is the forerunner of postmodern literature .

  12. 80-90年代先锋派小说的发展和转型

    The Development and Transformation of Vanguard Fiction in the 1980 ′ s-1990 ′ s

  13. 在先锋派的纽约,人人都精于生财之道。

    In avant-garde New York everybody knew money .

  14. 在小说领域,苏童可称得上是先锋派的核心作家之一。

    In the field of fictions , Su Tong is one of the key figures .

  15. 我地址的波特兰有极好的户外行为行动措施,先锋派的文化,另有美妙的自然环境。

    My town of Portland offers wonderful outdoor-sports access , edgy culture and natural beauty .

  16. 世纪70年代在英国和美国先锋派运动是一支有强大破坏力的力量。

    In Britain and the USA in the1970s the underground was a powerful subversive force .

  17. 最后,本文简单论述了谢泼德与先锋派戏剧的关系以及反主流文化对谢泼德艺术道路的影响。

    Finally , emphasis is laid on Shepard 's relationship to Avant-garde theatre and counterculture .

  18. 先锋派群体与个人才华:以语言派诗歌为例(英文)

    Avant-Garde Community and the Individual Talent : The Case of Language Poetry Marjorie Perloff ;

  19. 如果作为一个先锋派绘画,年轻的白色岩石在强挤入一个挂毯片麻岩。

    As if an avantgarde painting , younger white rock intrudes in a tapestry of gneiss .

  20. 先锋派的艺术风格、边缘化的题材逐渐变成了后来者走向成功的捷径。

    Avant-garde artistic style and edging subject have gradually become the successors ' shortcut to success .

  21. 艺术对生活的介入:比格尔先锋派理论解读

    The Intervention of Arts in Life : A Study on Peter Burger 's Theory of Avant garde

  22. 一种新型的设计手法&参数化设计正日益受到新先锋派建筑师的热捧。

    A new design technique , parametric design , is becoming increasingly popular amongst the new avant-garde architects .

  23. 本文结合先锋派音乐的基本技法与形式,在美学层面进行深入研究。

    This in-depth research laid in aesthetic level has incorporated both basic technic and format of avant-garde music .

  24. 就其诞生时间来说,它先于西方女权主义运动40年,因而极具超前意识和先锋派风格。

    It was more or less 40 years ahead of the surge of Feminism Movement in the west .

  25. 在国外有关对西方先锋派合唱音乐的专门研究还并不多,在我国有关这方面的研究就更少了,几乎还是空白。

    Researches specialized on the chorus of Avant-garde are rare in the west , and even fewer in China .

  26. 也就是说,当先锋派变成了一种美学制度的时候,“实验艺术”这个概念就被自觉地提了出来。

    In other words , when the avantgarde became an aesthetic system , the concept of'experimental art'was naturally raised .

  27. 北村作为先锋派作家,自20世纪90年代以后逐渐进入人类精神领域的探索。

    BEI Cun , a pioneer writer , has gradually probed into the spiritual world of human being since 1990s .

  28. 他们将先锋派小说的形式试验、新写实小说的平民视角与新的历史观进行了嫁接。

    They incorporated the formal experiment of the avant-garde novels and the populace point of view with new historical notions .

  29. 美术、音乐或者文学界内的任何非常现代或者领先时代的东西被称为先锋派。

    Anything in art , music or literature which is very modern or ahead of its time is called avantgarde .

  30. 作为先锋派音乐的一面旗帜,约翰·凯奇对二十世纪音乐产生了重要影响。

    John Cage , as a banner of the avant garde music , exerted significant influence on the music of twentieth century .