
  • 网络Congenital arteriovenous fistula;CAVF;congenital anedovenous fistula;congenitalarteriovenousfistulaCAVF
  1. 无水乙醇栓塞治疗周围血管瘤、先天性动静脉瘘的临床研究

    Study on Ethanol Embolization for Peripheral Angioma and Congenital Arteriovenous Fistula

  2. 结果18例先天性动静脉瘘查见纡曲扩张的血管网,无法辨认瘘口;

    Results Deformed vascular net was observed , and the localization of arteriovenous fistulas was not observed directly in18 congenital AVF patients .

  3. 目的总结螺旋弹簧圈(Coil)堵塞术治疗先天性肺动静脉瘘的经验及疗效。

    Objective To analyze the efficacy and experience of coil embolization in patients with pulmonary arteriovenous malformations ( PAMV ) .

  4. 方法应用肾动脉数字减影血管造影(DSA)超选择性肾动脉介入栓塞方法诊治先天性肾动静脉瘘3例。

    Methods The renal arteriovenous fistula was diagnosed on DSA renal arteriography in 3 cases and were treated by superselective renal thrombosis .

  5. 方法:以明胶海绵、NTCRE、线段、自体凝血块及无水乙醇用于栓塞肿瘤、先天性肾动静脉瘘和肾外伤出血,共53例。

    Methods : In 53 patients , the embolization was achieved with the gelatin sponge , thread segment , NT CRE , self blood coagulum or absolute ethanol .

  6. 数字减影血管造影在先天性肾动静脉瘘的应用

    DSA in the diagnosis and treatment of renal arterio - venous fistula

  7. 文摘:目的总结先天性肢体动静脉瘘45例手术治疗体会。

    Abstract : Objective To appraise the surgical treatment of congenital arterio-venous fistula ( CAVF ) .

  8. 目的:分析先天性肺动静脉瘘的各种影像表现及特点;观察经血管内的疗效。

    Objective To analyze the imaging manifestation and feature of congenial pulmonary arteriovenous fistulas ( CPAVF ) and observe the effect of endovascular treatment .

  9. 结论:肾动脉栓塞术安全有效,可用于肾肿瘤的术前辅助治疗、晚期肾癌的姑息治疗及先天性肾动静脉瘘和肾外伤出血的治疗。

    Conclusion : Renal artery embolization may be recommended as an adjuvant preoperative therapy for renal tumor or a palliative management for late carcinoma and an effective treatment of choice for renal trauma or renal arteriovenous fistula .

  10. 螺旋弹簧圈堵塞术治疗先天性肺动静脉瘘26年中我院共收治了6例先天性肺动静脉瘘患者,5例行肺叶切除,1例行肺叶切除加另一叶部分切除。

    Coil embolization for the therapy of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations in 7 patients During a 26 years period there were 6 cases of congenital arteriovenous fistulae of the lungs underwent surgery : lobectoniy in 5 cases , lobectomy and partial segmental resection in one case .