
  • 网络filling ability
  1. 研究了半固态A356铝合金浆料的成形温度、压射比压和压射冲头速度对半固态A356铝合金流变压铸充填性的影响。

    The effect of forming temperature , injection pressure and piston velocity on the filling ability of semi-solid A356 aluminum alloy slurry were investigated .

  2. 金属结构件等温成形过程金属流动规律与充填性的物理模拟

    Physical Simulation of Metal Flowing Laws and Filling Ability in Isothermal Forming Process for Metal Structure

  3. 干砂对EPS模样垂直向下盲孔充填性的研究

    Research on the Filling of Dry Sand for Vertical Pipe with Bottom Blind hole for EPS Pattern

  4. 本文利用弹塑性有限元分析软件ANSYS对成形过程进行了数值模拟,分析研究了分流口直径大小对成形过程中的成形力和齿形充填性的影响;

    The elastic-plastic finite-element analysis application software ANSYS is used to numerically simulate the forming process , analyze and study the influence of divided-flow mouth diameter size on the forming force and the gear filling property .

  5. 注重流动性、充填性的粉末冶金用预混合铁粉的开发

    Development of iron based pre-mixed powder improved flowability and filling-ability in PM manufacturing

  6. 对裂缝特征进行分析,认为该区裂缝主要为构造裂缝,存在多期性和充填性,裂缝与岩石物性有关,不受地层层位限制;

    According to the analyses on features of fractures , it is considered that the fractures are dominated by structural fracture with multiple episodes and fillings .

  7. 结果表明,采用流线型凹模型腔的连续性挤压成形,在改善角隅部分金属的充填性、减少变形突变以及提高变形分布均匀性等方面十分有效。

    The results indicate that continuous extrusion utilizing streamline die cavity is effective in improving metal filling in corner , reducing deformation break and enhance the uniformity of deformation distribution .

  8. 根据结构面的充填性将其分为张开少充填、闭合无充填、薄层充填和厚层充填四类。

    According to the nature of filling of structure plane , it is divided into four categories : open and less filling , closed without filling , thin filling and thick filling .

  9. 提出了凸模端面形状函数概念,并具体分析了端面形状函数对齿形充填性和材料变形不均匀性的影响;

    Then , the concept of end-face shape function of male punch is presented , and the impact of end-face shape function on the gear filling property and the material non-uniformity of forming were analyzed .

  10. 实验中同时发现使用较细的羰基铁粉与相对较粗的铁粉按照合理比例组成的双形态混合粉末,具有更好的流动性和充填性,而且从密度特征看,试样更具密实性。

    The experimental results also show that the metal slurry based on the bi-configuration powder mixed by the coarse Fe powder and the fine Fe powder with the reasonable ratio has better fluidity and higher density so that the cavity can be filled easily .

  11. 充填平衡性是精密注射成型技术的重要内容。

    Filling imbalance is an important part of precision injection molding technology .

  12. 常规可视化实验结果表明,制件壁厚对型腔内部的充填平衡性以及型腔之间的充填平衡性影响显著。

    Conventional visualization experimental results show that plastic thickness not only affects intra-cavity imbalance but also has impact on inter-cavity imbalance .

  13. 对口腔粘膜亦无明显刺激,材料在5~10℃下密闭贮藏6个月,其充填塑性仍符合要求,经临床试用,制作效果良好。

    The material could be kept for 6 months under 10 ℃, and the filled plasticity was still in accordance with the demands . Through clinical application , the manufacture effect proved satisfactory .

  14. 结论窦腔内散在点状、片状钙化的软组织充填是真菌性鼻窦炎CT诊断的主要征象。

    Conclusion Fungal paranasal sinusitis has its character CT scan for diagnosis : diffused punctiformed or lamellar calcified soft tissue filling the sinuses .

  15. 吸附性好的充填砂样改性铁覆膜砂的制备及吸附性能研究

    Study on preparation and adsorption characteristics of multi-element modified iron-oxide-coated sand

  16. 成矿裂隙的成生和充填及其脉动性

    Genesis and filling of ore-forming fractures and their pulsatory nature

  17. 通过立体镜观察X线片,检测充填的密实性;

    X-ray was observed to exam the dense quality .

  18. 液体转移法评价桩道预备对根管充填后封闭性的影响

    The effect of post space preparation on the apical seal of the root canal fillings by fluid filtration model

  19. 方法对21例(21眼)硅油充填眼并发性白内障患者经透明角膜切口行白内障超声乳化吸除折叠式人工晶体植入联合硅油取出术。

    Methods The surgery was performed through a clear corneal incision on 21 eyes of cataract with silicone oil tamponade .

  20. 这种层序充填的差异性正是对盆地构造演化和全球海平面变化的响应。

    In short , the sequence filling difference is a response to basin tectonic evolution and global change of sea level .

  21. 本研究利用体外实验比较及评价弯曲根管的预备方法对根管充填后封闭性影响。

    The purpose of this study in vitro was to evaluate the effect of methods in curved canal preparation on the seal of root fillings .

  22. 为了安全回采二步矿房,有必要对二步矿房进行一步采场充填体自立性效果和二步采场顶板稳固性等为主的采场稳定性影响因素进行分析。

    In order to gurantee the safety of mining second-step pillars , it is essential to perform the stability analysis on free-standing of backfill in first-step rooms and the roof stability of second-step pillars . Major works in this paper are listed as follows : 1 .

  23. 结论PVP自固化CPC充填治疗骨质疏松性胸腰椎压缩性骨折是一种安全、简单、有效的方法。

    Conclusion PVP with filling auto-solidification CPC is safe and effective in the treatment of osteoporotic thoracolumbar vertebral compression fractures .

  24. 本文就聚丙烯(PP)充填黄铜纤维导电性复合材料的屏蔽性能及黄铜纤维充填率与体积电阻率变化的关系进行了研究,并对电磁波屏蔽效果进行了测定。

    The shielding property of PP conductive compound filled with brass fiber , and the relation between the filling ratio of brass fiber with the change of volume resistance were studied .

  25. 目的探讨应用经皮椎体成形术(PVP)自固化磷酸钙人工骨(CPC)充填治疗骨质疏松性胸腰椎压缩性骨折的临床疗效。

    Objective To explore the clinical effect of the percutaneous vertebroplasty ( PVP ) and filling auto-solidification calcium phosphate cement ( CPC ) in treatment of osteoporotic thoracolumbar vertebral fractures .

  26. 目的探讨特发性黄斑前膜(IMEM)的最佳治疗时机,玻璃体切割联合膜剥离及气体充填对特发性黄斑前膜的治疗效果。

    Objective To explore the best time and evaluate the effect of par planate vitrectomy with inner limiting membrane ( ILM ) peeling and intravitreal air on the treatment of idiopathic macular epiretinal membrane ( IMEM ) .

  27. 三种牙体充填材料边缘封闭性的实验研究

    An comparative study on sealing marginal of three dental filling materials

  28. 常用根管充填材料生物相容性研究

    Study on the biocompatibility of commonly used root canal filling materials

  29. 碳颗粒鼻粘膜下充填术治疗萎缩性鼻炎

    Treatment of Atrophic Rhinitis with Filling Carbon Pellets in Nasal Submucousa

  30. 氧化锌充填糊剂与霉菌性上颌窦炎的关系

    Influence of zinc-containing endodontic obturating pastes on maxillary sinus aspergillosis