
  • 网络Fully developed;fully exploited;well developed
  1. Al-Mg-Si合金是一种典型的时效硬化型铝合金,但传统的工艺还不能充分开发Al-Mg-Si合金的时效硬化潜力,尤其经过自然时效的Al-Mg-Si合金,最终人工时效时获得的强度增加很小。

    Al-Mg-Si alloy is a kind of typically age-hardening aluminium alloy . The age-hardening potential of Al-Mg-Si alloy can not be fully exploited through traditional process . Especially after natural aging , the age-hardening response during artificial aging is very small .

  2. 外语教师需要充分开发学生们的外语学习策略和自我效能感。

    Language learning strategy and language self-efficacy should be fully exploited .

  3. 高职院校图书馆要充分开发利用OA资源开展信息服务

    Development and Utilization of Opening Access Featured Database Resources on Vocational College Library

  4. 90年代组织扁平化、分布式、面向团队(teamoriented)的发展趋势为充分开发CSCW的潜能创造了新的机遇。

    The flatter , distributed and team - oriented organizations of the 1990s offer new opportunities for the exploitation of CSCW .

  5. 因此如何充分开发F站的扩充功能,使F站价值最大化,是目前远洋船队最需要考虑的问题。

    So it is important for ocean fleet to fully take advantage of the expand function and get the most value of F MES .

  6. 因此充分开发这两种技术的潜力,将二者结合起来(MIMO-OFDM)可以成为新一代移动通信核心技术的解决方案。

    So the combination of MIMO and OFDM could be core solution for 4th Generation Mobile Communication .

  7. 充分开发利用DCS操作系统的功能,能够使装置控制逐步实现智能化,进而减少在处理事故过程中的经济损失。

    If capability of distribution control system ( DCS ) was developed fully , intellectualized control of FCC can be realized and economic loss can be decreased in accident treatment .

  8. 电子行业的变化革新都是围绕IC工艺技术而展开的,是在现有基础之上充分开发潜能而非发现新的物理定律。

    Changes in the electronics industry innovations are launched around the IC process technology . It is based on the full development of the existing potential rather than the discovery of new laws of physics .

  9. 在实施过程中,充分开发UG、Pro-E软件的相关功能,实现CAD/CAM一体化,重点解决了CAM后置处理、数据通讯等难点问题。

    In implementing process , opened sufficiently up relevant functions of UG and Pro-E software , realized CAD / CAM integration . It mainly focuses on solving the problem of CAM post processing and data communication etc.

  10. 波分复用(WDM)和频分复用(FDM)技术可以用来充分开发光纤的宽频带特性,实现超大容量信息传输。

    Wavelength division multiplexing ( WDM ) and frequency division multiplexing ( FDM ) can be used to exploit the huge bandwidth of the optical fiber to transmit large capacity of information .

  11. 简述了煤炭地质行业管理信息的特点,论述了充分开发和利用管理信息资源对煤炭地质行业的意义,并提出了煤炭地质行业MIS(管理信息系统)应用对策。

    The paper summarized coal geological industrial management information features , discussed the significance of thoroughly develop and use management information resource to the coal geological industry . And put forward coal geological industry management information system ( MIS ) application countermeasures .

  12. 本文提出了一个可进行择优决策的GM(1、1)优化模型。这个模型使原序列的内含信息得到充分开发利用,较好地解决了大样本序列用GM(1、1)建模的问题。

    In the paper , we presented an improved GM ( 1,1 ) model to make optimum decision , which can fully utilize the information containing in the original series so that we can establish a better prediction model with large sample series .

  13. 为充分开发利用贵州省丰富的菜籽粕饲料资源,降低肉牛的生产成本,给肉牛饲料生产提供科学试验依据,我们用菜籽粕取代大部分豆粕对杂交肉牛开展了为期60d的育肥试验。

    In order to exploit the rape cake as fodder resources , decrease the unit costs per gaining for feeding beef cattle , and provide scientific basis for feed industry of Guizhou , 60 days growth trial was conducted to study the gaining effect of rape cake on beef cattle .

  14. 充分开发利用华侨资源促进海南经济快速发展论海外华侨华人的认同

    Fully Exploiting Overseas Chinese Resources Promoting Economic Rapid Development in Hainan

  15. 目前大部分纤维类物质未能充分开发利用,造成了巨大的浪费和严重的环境污染。

    Presently , most of cellulose are wasted and pollute environment .

  16. 口语交际教学要充分开发教学资源。

    Fifth , fully explore teaching resources in oral communication teaching .

  17. 依托信息网络平台,充分开发建设知识数据库资源。

    Set up knowledge databases fully based on the networking platform .

  18. 这是一个极具价值,但目前还没有得到充分开发的营销渠道。

    A valuable marketing channel that is mostly underexploited today .

  19. 充分开发;得到最大限度地利用。

    Exploit fully ; get the maximum use out of .

  20. 已充分开发渔业中估计最大可持续产量的一种近似方法

    Estimation of maximum sustainable yield in the fully exploited fisheries

  21. 创建学习型组织,提高教师素质充分开发和利用学员资源;

    To set up learning organizations to enhance the qualities of teachers ;

  22. 加强留学人员管理充分开发人才资源

    Strengthening the management of fellowship , fully using human resource

  23. 同时,其国内市场未得到充分开发,较为疲弱。

    Meanwhile , their local markets are undeveloped and weak .

  24. 专业服务性企业必须充分开发智力资源

    Developing the Intelligent Asset of the Professional Service Firms

  25. 水平分层充填开采法人力资本未充分开发

    Flat back cut and fill method underdeveloped human capital

  26. 谈充分开发公共图书馆资源

    A Talk on Developing the Resources of Public Libraries

  27. 护理人力资源的充分开发和利用是护理管理者的工作核心。

    The core of nursing administration is to exploit the nursing manpower efficiently .

  28. 污染环境的微生物修复具有其它修复方法不可比拟的优势,如何充分开发利用参与环境净化的微生物资源已成为一项重要研究课题。

    Bioremediation has advantages other pollution remediation methods absent .

  29. 现在,应该充分开发它的科学价值。

    Now is the time to explore its scientific value to the full .

  30. 论充分开发我国党际监督政治资源的必要性

    The Necessity of Fully Developing the Political Resources of Inter-party Supervision in China