
  • 网络Children Welfare;Children Welfare Office
  1. 北京市儿童福利院于1992年3月23日至4月27日发生一起以8月龄以下婴儿为主的麻疹爆发流行。

    N outbreak of measles broke out and pre - vailed in the Beijing Children Welfare House from March 23rd to April 27th .

  2. 成都SOS儿童村与成都儿童福利院儿童人格特征的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Personality of Children in Chengdu SOS Children Village and in Chengdu Children Welfare Institute

  3. 这将是一家残疾儿童福利院。

    It 's going to be a home for handicapped children .

  4. 上海市儿童福利院的孤残儿童家庭寄养工作至今已有10年。

    In Shanghai , this program has existed for 10 years .

  5. 与儿童福利院院长及医院职员联络。

    Communicate with orphanage directors and hospital staff .

  6. 我是说,要是别人应该已经把他们交给警察或者儿童福利院了

    I mean , a different person might have called the cops or child welfare .

  7. 儿童福利院的人正在来的路上。

    Child services is on the way .

  8. 儿童福利院很重视对这些儿童的医疗和康复,使病残儿童最大程度地得到救治。

    Welfare homes have paid much attention to treating these children to the most degree .

  9. 中国的儿童福利院已形成一套较完善的系统的管理制度。

    China 's welfare homes for children have adopted a fairly complete , systematic administrative system .

  10. 此次活动我们将邀请苏州儿童福利院的孤儿来免费欢度圣诞夜。

    We will invite the orphans from Suzhou Enfant Orphanage stay with us on Christmas Eve .

  11. 集中供养一般通过举办社会福利院、敬老院、疗养院、儿童福利院等福利机构进行;

    Concentrated establishments include social welfare homes , old-age homes , sanitariums , and children 's welfare homes .

  12. 中国的儿童福利院实行“养、治、教”相结合的办院方针,重养、重治、重教。

    The welfare homes for children in China practice the principle of combining upbringing , treatment and education .

  13. 上海儿童福利院是一所由上海市政府主办的社会福利慈善机构。

    The Shanghai children 's welfare home is a social welfare charity institution directed by the Shanghai Municipal government .

  14. 南京市祖堂山儿童福利院是笔者实习所在的集筑建筑工作室所做的方案设计。

    Nanjing ancestral mountain orphanage is the author of internship where the set of built architecture studio made design .

  15. 中国的儿童福利院工作是中国儿童工作的特殊组成部分。

    China 's welfare homes for children play a special role in the country 's efforts to care for children .

  16. 本研究旨在综合运用质的研究方法与量的研究方法探讨儿童福利院保育员的胜任特征体系。

    The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the competencies of nursery governess in child welfare institutions in our country .

  17. 近几年,许多儿童福利院还通过募集资金,为福利院的残疾儿童实施脱残手术。

    In recent years , many children 's welfare institutions have raised funds to have restorative operations for disabled children in welfare institutions .

  18. 由于各地经济发展水平不同,有些儿童福利院办得较好,有些则因经济困难条件较差。

    Since the level of economic development varies from area to area , some welfare homes are better run than others with economic difficulties .

  19. 在家庭寄养中,寄养父母和儿童福利院之间的关系首先是一种委托和被委托关系。

    In the family fosterage , the relationship between family fosterage parents and children 's welfare home firstly is the relationship between trust and trustee .

  20. 在儿童福利院,智力健全的儿童,无论是否身体残疾,均与正常儿童一样全部接受义务教育。

    At welfare homes , children with normal intelligence , no matter if they are physically handicapped or not , receive compulsory education like other children .

  21. 丁豪在儿童福利院读完小学,随后进入附近乡里一所学校上初中。

    Hao Ding finished primary school at the children 's welfare institution , then he entered a school in a nearby township to go to middle school .

  22. 匿名为慈善事业做出极大贡献。凭个人之力挽救三间医院,经营英格兰北部最好,最安全的儿童福利院

    Vast contributions to charity , neverdisclosed . Personally managed to save three hospitals from closure and ran the best and safest children 's homes in north England .

  23. 它的管理控制实施主体是儿童福利院,管理控制对象则是所有参与家庭寄养工作的人员。

    The implement principal part in its management control is children 's welfare home , the object of management control is the staff involved in the work of family fosterage .

  24. 事实是,因市儿童福利院旧房子大修,部分孤儿被临时安置到第二社会福利院,这是很正常的。

    As a result , some of the orphans were sent to the social welfare home temporarily , which was only normal . In fact , the same thing had happened before .

  25. 因此,生活在上海市儿童福利院的残疾儿童的合法权利是有保障的。身上寄生有莱姆关节炎扁虱(太平洋硬蜱),生活在加利福尼亚北部。

    Judging from the above , the legal rights of the disabled in the Shanghai children 's welfare home are well protected . host to Lyme disease tick ( Ixodes pacificus ) in northern California .

  26. 家庭寄养模式是一种由社会儿童福利院机构,以一定的法定手续使孤残儿童,进入那些愿意对他们提供家庭照顾责任的家庭实施养育的模式。

    Family foster care is a kind of social welfare homes by institutions to certain legal procedures to gu incomplete children , into those who are willing to help in providing family care responsibility implementation mode of raising a family .

  27. 对于大型的儿童福利院这是不可避免的重要问题,由于即将建成的大批儿童福利院都是将场地选址十郊外,所以笔者这次主要针对这种类型进行研究。

    For large orphanage which is unavoidable important issue , because the forthcoming completion of a large number of children in the orphanage are the venues located in the suburbs , so I this time focused on this type of research .

  28. 对重度病残儿童,福利院将其送往所在地区的医院进行治疗。

    Ill or disabled children in serious condition are sent to local hospitals for better treatment .

  29. 农村家庭寄养儿童与福利院儿童适应行为评定量表测验结果分析

    Analysis of the results of children 's adaptive behavior scores in family foster children and children in welfare institute

  30. 目的比较分析农村家庭寄养儿童与福利院儿童适应行为的差异。

    Objective To compare and analyse the difference of children 's adaptive behavior between family foster children nd the children in welfare institute .