
  • 网络sangha
  1. 倡导安居、学戒、规范传戒以恢复僧团律制;

    He initiated to restore the regulation system of Chinese sangha .

  2. 为僧团和合、为号召生信是五戒的主要目标。

    Harmony for the Sangha , to call students believed to be the main objective of the Five Precepts .

  3. 尼瓦佛教独一无二的特征与僧团的特点将会在本文内分析。

    The unique features of the Newar Buddhism and validity of its monasticism is analysed in this article .

  4. 明代宦官普遍信奉,与佛教僧团也有广泛的交往结纳。

    Generally speaking , eunuchs in the Ming dynasty believed in Buddhism and had countless contacts with Buddhist monks .

  5. 南北朝时期为中国佛教僧团及其管理的成熟时期,此时佛教僧团在规模上进一步扩大,在管理上除了依从佛制戒律外,又形成了僧官制度与中国化佛教僧制的并轨发展。

    Chinese Buddhist Sangha , with larger scale , formed a double-track management system of commandments and Sangha official .

  6. 最后,对中国佛教僧团及其管理体制的创建、发展、演变的历史分期作了简略梳理。

    After introducing the approaches , it briefly combs the history of Chinese Buddhist Sangha and its management system .

  7. 根据泰国的僧团课程记录里,我们的学院拥有最多巴利文考试及格的学生。

    According to the Sangha Curriculum in Thailand , our institute has got the highest numbers of students passing the Pali examination .

  8. 课余时间,恩师来到三圣殿前,询问孩子们衣食住行的情况,并让他们谈谈加入僧团后的心得与感受。

    During the break time , the Master kindly asked the kids about how they are doing in the temple as well as their feelings .

  9. 在中国本土,佛教很可能是在公元前一世纪开始引进的,公元后一世纪开始存在着佛教僧团。

    In China itself , Buddhism was introduced probably as early as the first century BC , with communities of Buddhist monks in existence by the first century AD.

  10. 最近看到在佛殿举行的出家仪式时,使我回想起自己在离开世俗的家,进入僧团的经验。

    As I watched the recent leaving home ceremony here in the Buddha hall , I recalled my own leaving the householder 's life and entering monastic life .

  11. 军营是孕育英雄的摇篮,学校是陶冶青年的洪炉,僧团是培养圣贤的净土,内心是造就自己的道场。

    Military camp is the cradle of heroes . School is the melting pot of youth . Sangha is a pureland to cultivate sages . Mind is a temple to cultivate oneself .

  12. 我等欲供养这套袈裟给予僧团。愿这供养为我等与往生的父母与亲人,带来利益与幸福。愿我等能与他们同享这功德。

    We wish to offer these robes to the Sangha , for the long term benefits and happiness of us and our deceased relatives , we wish they can share this merit with us .

  13. 道安也是中国佛教史上著名的佛教学者和东晋时期佛教领袖,对中国佛教的发展及后来佛教僧团的规范起到了奠基作用。

    Danan is a famous Chinese Buddhist scholar and Buddhist leader in the history of Chinese Buddhism who play a foundation role that on the development of Chinese Buddhism and effect Buddhist Sangha norms on later .

  14. 佛教法是由佛陀和僧团制定而为世俗政权承认的信徒个人行为规范和僧团管理规范的总称。

    The Buddhist law is the general name of the rules of the personal action of monks and nuns and the administrative regulations of the monastery , which is formulated by the Buddha or the sangha and acknowledged by the state .