首页 / 词典 / good

  • proud;arrogant;haughty
  • refuse to yield to;brave;defy
  • 自高自大:骄~。~岸(形容性格高傲)。~骨。~慢(轻视别人,对人没有礼貌)。~视。高~。孤~。

  • 藐视,不屈:~然。~霜斗雪。


(骄傲; 轻慢) proud; arrogant; haughty:

  • 倨傲

    overbearing; arrogant; haughty;

  • 孤傲

    proud and aloof


(高傲地对待) refuse to yield to; brave; defy:

  • 红梅傲雪凌霜开。

    Braving snow and frost, the plum trees blossomed defiantly.

  1. 位于哥本哈根大学人文主义系里的绿色灯塔(GreenLighthouse)也是SolveigNielsen和她的COPENHAGEN-X引以为傲的一个项目。

    Located in the Department of University of Copenhagen humanism green Lighthouse ( Green Lighthouse ) and Solveig Nielsen her COPENHAGEN-X proud of a project .

  2. 儿子,做得好!我以你为傲。

    Nice work , son ! I 'm proud of you .

  3. 这个人傲得很,可不好接近了。

    That fellow is extremely haughty and aloof .

  4. 松柏参天傲霜雪。

    The towering pine and cypress trees defy frost and snow .

  5. 遗愿清单反应了我们独特的梦想和愿望,因此非常个人化。同时,这样的清单也很有激励作用:这些清单让我们想起自己想要完成的目标和自己在就木之前想要引以为傲的一些特质。

    Bucket lists reflect our unique dreams and desires , which makes them deeply personal .

  6. takepridein以…为傲我们作为新中国的教师,为我们的职责感到骄傲。

    We take pride in our responsibilities as teachers in new China .

  7. 本周二,克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多领取了欧洲金靴奖,这是他第4次获此荣誉。2014-15赛季,C罗取得了48粒进球的傲人成绩。

    Cristiano Ronaldo has been presented with a record fourth Golden Shoe award in a ceremony on Tuesday , after scoring 48 goals in the 2014-15 season .

  8. 在NBA决赛的七场比赛中,湖人队已经有三胜一负的傲人成绩。

    The Lakers have a commanding 3-1 leak in the best-of-seven NBA Finals .

  9. 不久前,“MadMen”等一些电视节目令全尺寸文胸流行开来&或许促使一些拥有傲人胸部的女性将目光投向了大众零售商那些没多少尺寸可选的均码文胸之外。

    Recently , television shows like'Mad Men'have popularized fuller figures & perhaps encouraging some curvy women to look beyond the few-sizes-fit-all fit of mass retailers'bras .

  10. Abo小学是美国第一所地下学校,他们以此为傲。

    Abo Elementary School takes pride in being the first underground school in the United States .

  11. 佩奇怀抱的坚定信念,以及谷歌傲人的财务业绩,让他成为今年的《财富》(Fortune)年度商业人物。

    Page 's intensity of purpose and his company 's GOOG 1.13 % stellar financial results earned him recognition as Businessperson of the Year in Fortune .

  12. 让JackCards引以为傲的是,它的贺卡独具匠心,在各地商店里是无法找到的。我发现这些贺卡能够满足许多场合下的需要。

    Jack Cards prides itself on unique offerings that can 't be found in the local drugstore , and I found that its cards fit the bill for many occasions .

  13. 新加坡PSB学院&傲胜国际奖学金

    Singapore 's PSB Academy-OSIM Scholarship

  14. 无论怎样,这个绰号对于这位巨星来说都很名副其实,她曾在Booty这首歌的MV里一展自己的引以为傲的美臀。

    Either way , it 's a fitting moniker for the superstar who revealed her bare behind inthe music video for her song " Booty . "

  15. 例如,它们提供的选择包括迪奥桀傲运动香水(DiorHommeSport)和Prada的Infusiond'Homme,这两款香水均于今年推出。

    The choice on offer , for example , includes Dior Homme Sport and Prada 's Infusion d'Homme – both of which were launched this year .

  16. 雪上加霜的是,这些消息的宣布还是在苹果推出iPhone6和6plus之前。而iPhone6和6plus引以为傲的大屏,一度正是三星以前创下销量纪录的独家法宝。

    What 's more , those results came before Apple AAPL 0.14 % launched its iPhone 6 and 6 Plus phones , which carry larger screens that were once Samsung 's sole purview and sold in record numbers .

  17. 把常规裙装当孕装穿,埃萨(Issa)也是理想的选择,因为标志性的V字领让本已丰满的胸部显得更为傲人,裙服在腰部打褶,让身怀六甲者的腹部显得更加楚楚动人。

    Issa is also a favourite non-maternity line for maternity wear , because the signature V-neck is flattering on an ample bust and the pleating at the waist flattering to a baby bump .

  18. 创立8年来,Prodigy已经向来自92个国家的约2000名MBA学生发放了逾1.3亿美元的贷款,并以超过99%的还款率为傲。

    Prodigy has processed more than $ 130m of loans for about 2000 MBA students in 92 countries since it launched eight years ago and boasts repayment rates in excess of 99 per cent .

  19. 随着风险债券融资成本的不断下降,一些主流企业也开始愿意承担信用评级下调的后果,尽管AAA评级过去一直是企业财务总管引以为傲的资本。

    With the cost of funding risky debt falling , some mainstream companies have also proved willing to suffer the consequences of credit downgrades , even though treasurers used to view AAA status as a source of pride .

  20. ShopRunner将重点放在签约的名牌零售商上,比如美鹰傲飞(AmericanEagleOutfitters)、Diesel和内曼o马库斯(NeimanMarcus)。在亚马逊统治的这个全球市场,ShopRunner把赌注压在了顾客与品牌的关联性上。

    Focusing on signing up name-brand retailers - a few include American Eagle Outfitters , Diesel , and Neiman Marcus - is ShopRunner 's bet on relevancy in a world dominated by Amazon .

  21. 哪怕是声音沙哑地说出最尖刻的冷嘲热讽,他依然沉着镇定,绝不会弄皱上过浆的衣领或身上的迪奥桀傲(DiorHomme)西服。

    He delivers even the most pointed of his gravelly barbs with a composure unlikely to ruffle his starched collar or muss his Dior Homme suit .

  22. 接受《InStyle》采访的时候,凯蒂赫尔姆斯大谈了自己的穿衣心经、新电影当然还有让她引以为傲的女儿苏芮。

    In her interview with InStyle for their August issue , Katie Holmes dishes about her style , new film and of course her pride and joy , Suri .

  23. 这次,值得认同的不仅仅是飞傲不断提高的产品质量,也包括了E11几方面的设计。

    I think Fiio deserves to get some credit not only for continuing effort to push the quality of their products , but also on several aspects of the design of the Fiio E11 .

  24. 她说:“我的女儿完全理解我。”如今克丽丝拥有女人的外表以及34D的傲人身材,但女儿还是会叫克丽丝“爸爸”。

    She said : " My daughter is amazingly understanding of my new life as a woman . " Now with a 34D chest and feminine looks , Chrisie insists that Chloe still calls her dad , rather than mum .

  25. 我朝北走回去,经过纳佛那广场(PiazzaNavona);广场上的巨大喷泉是为了纪念地球上的四条大河(他们引以为傲地尽管不完全正确将台伯河列入名单之中)。

    I head back north , past the Piazza Navona with its mammoth fountain honoring the four great rivers of Planet Earth ( proudly , if not totally accurately , including the sluggish Tiber in that list ) . Then I go have a look at the Pantheon .

  26. 她因自己父亲是有钱人而引以为傲。

    She is proud that her father is a rich man .

  27. 但全家人却以拥有这栋小屋为傲。

    But the family was very proud of the small house .

  28. 阿拉斯托·穆迪、有弗兰克和艾丽斯·隆巴顿都是著名的傲罗。

    Alastor Moody and Frank and Alice Longbottom were famous Aurors .

  29. 屎霸干得好,我以他为傲。

    Spud had done well . I was proud of him .

  30. 但霍布斯揭穿了人类傲骄的真面目。

    And yet Hobbes is a great debunker of human pride .