- 名Piggy bank;money-box

But CDB 's involvement in the deal was a powerful signal that Beijing intended to transform it from a piggy bank for pet political projects into a more independent , market-driven lender .
The emerging world already suspected the eurozone of using the IMF as a piggy bank for its own sovereign debt crisis .
Instead of " piggy bank ", it 's a " monster bank " .
With three pools , teens learn there are multiple ways of looking at savings .
People give gifts and parents put that money into bank accounts or piggy banks .
I have a coin collection .
Happiness is like a piggy bank , put in it as much as you can .
I have a lot of little handiwork , but the favorite one is my collecting-tin .
Mommy , if I put my money in the piggy bank , will I get rich ?
Very few of the50 pence pieces and pound coins I have given him have found their way there .
People give gifts and parents put that money into bank accounts or It is never too early to start saving .
INSIDER TRICK : Brush with greatness ! To get sleek , shiny hair ( without causing breakage ), you might need to dip into your piggy bank .
If the money goes out without you having to lift a finger , chances are that you 'll simply let it head off into the savings pot .
You may chuckle , but as we continue gravitating toward a paperless society , it 's not difficult to imagine a day when piggy banks no longer exist .
At an age when many of us were dropping loose change into our piggy banks , one enterprising little boy from the United States is already a self-made multimillionaire .
Get your bank to transfer $ 100 ( or $ 200 or $ 500 etc ) from your checking account into a savings account , at the start of each month . If the money goes out without you having to lift a finger , chances are that you 'll simply let it head off into the savings pot .