
chǔ cún kù
  • Repository;storage;reservoir pool
  1. 这些都是已结案件的档案到时候会放进储存库

    They 're files from old closed cases . They 'll be taken to cold storage .

  2. 现阶段随着能源(石油、天然气等)供应的危机,因此建立地下储存库是必要的。

    At the present stage as energy ( oil and natural gas etc ) supply crisis , thus it is necessary to establish the storage .

  3. 要使木材堆放处或石油储存库燃起,一根火柴就够了。

    A match is sufficient to set ablaze the lumber yard or the oil depot .

  4. 一旦数据和相关材料出现在储存库中,回答问题和处理投诉会花费很多时间。

    Once the data and associated materials appear in a repository , answering questions and handling complaints can take many hours .

  5. 它已经是一个巨大的储存库,汇聚了众多思想。

    It 's already a big bank of many minds .

  6. AccessDefinitionName显示包含访问定义元数据的储存库对象的名称。

    The Access Definition Name shows the name of the repository object containing the access definition metadata .

  7. RationalClearQuestWeb功能通过基于网络的界面来访问储存库。

    The Rational ClearQuest Web feature provides access to repositories through a web-based interface .

  8. 用户主要是内部的Windows用户,他们希望能以拖放的操作方式将文档放在一个集中的文档储存库中。

    Users are mainly internal Windows users who prefer to drag and drop documents into a centralized document repository .

  9. 有了储存库中的表定义,现在可以设置用于XML输出的数据源。

    With the table definitions ready in repository , it is time to set up the data source for XML output .

  10. 在Search视图的AdvancedSearch项上执行搜索操作,不要指定任意的条件,以查看储存库中所有的工件。

    Run a search in the Advanced Search tab of the Search view without specifying any criteria to view all artifacts in a repository .

  11. 用户必须通过需要一个ID和密码的安全登录,来访问储存库。

    Users must access repositories through a secured login that requires an ID and a password .

  12. 向日葵种子作为向日葵的主要物质储存库,除了含有丰富的油、脂肪酸外,还含有丰富的维生素E资源。

    Sunflower seed was the main pool of nutrients and contained abundance of oil , fatty acids and vitamin E etc.

  13. 为了创建一个快照,在PendingChanges视图中选择储存库工作区节点,并运行New>Snapshot

    To create a snapshot , pick the repository workspace node in the Pending Changes view and run New > Snapshot

  14. 身份验证&从和主LDAP储存库(2)

    Authentication & slave and master LDAP repositories ( 2 )

  15. 这个简单的报表,模仿了RationalTeamConcert中的一个工作项查询;它在储存库中列出了工作项。

    This simple report mimics a work item query in Rational Team Concert ; it lists the work items in the repository .

  16. 此时数据被加载到MDMServer储存库,但大部分数据更改仍然来自现有的遗留系统。

    Data is loaded into the MDM Server software repository mostly as data changes from existing legacy systems .

  17. 通常CI过程都是根据储存库的干线(即主干)而运行的。

    The process of CI is typically run against the repository 's mainline : the trunk .

  18. 同步化规则将外部性数据映射到Jazz储存库属性名。

    The Synchronization Rule maps the external property names to Jazz property names .

  19. 实力雄厚的摩根大通(jpmorganchase)近期重新启用了一个古老的黄金储存库。

    The mighty JPMorgan Chase has just reopened an ancient gold storage vault .

  20. 用svncoURL执行储存库的SVN签出。

    Perform an SVN checkout of the repository using svn co URL .

  21. 下一步,Jason可以像以前一样创建他自己的储存库工作区。

    Next , Jason can create his own repository workspace as usual .

  22. Catalog是指ReportCatalog,是为用户配置的所有报告模板的储存库。

    Catalog refers to the Report Catalog , which is the repository for all the report templates configured for a user .

  23. Import向导使TDM用户能够将各种工件导入到储存库中。

    The Import wizard enables the TDM user to import a variety of artifacts into a repository .

  24. 您还获得了不用对物理上存在于EAR项目中UtilityJAR文件进行分类的利益,这将节省储存库空间。

    You also get the benefit of not storing the Utility JARs physically in the EAR project , which saves repository space .

  25. 本文显示了怎样以定制报表的形式,从RationalTeamConcert储存库中显示特定的信息。

    This article shows some of the basics of how to present specific information from your Rational Team Concert repository in the form of custom reports .

  26. 它还包含一些不用于结构上的项目管理信息,比如版本号、名称、ID和源储存库的位置。

    It also contains nonstructural project management information , such as version number , name , ID , and source repository location .

  27. 讨论了大气~(14)C产生率纬度效应,以及~(14)C分布储存库效应、环境效应、硬水效应等对极地湖泊沉积物~(14)C测年之影响及校正。

    The latitude effect of  ̄ 14C productivity , reservior effect , environment effect , hardwater effect on  ̄( 14 ) C age of Antarctic lake sediments have also been discussed .

  28. 因为您可以在您的储存库工作区中积累完成的变更集,您可以使用History视图和ChangeExplorer以浏览您所做的变更。

    As you accumulate completed change sets in your repository workspace , you can use the History view and the Change Explorer to browse the changes you have made .

  29. 安装Informix服务器软件作为内容储存库

    Installing Informix server software for the content store

  30. 初始加载是指首次将数据从源系统移动到空的MDMServer储存库。

    Initial load is the original movement of data from source systems into the MDM Server software repository when the repository is empty .