
  • 网络dipole magnetic field;dipole field;Dipole;dipolar magnetic field
  1. 地球偶极磁场成因新探讨

    New study of the genesis on the dipole magnetic field in the earth

  2. 脉冲星的磁层通常由偶极磁场近似描述。

    A dipole magnetic field approximation is usually used to describe the pulsar magnetosphere .

  3. 具有类偶极磁场的厚吸积盘模型

    The thick accretion disk model with a QUASI-DIPOLE magnetic field

  4. 太阳活动区黑子的偶极磁场形成问题。

    The formation of the bipolar magnetic field of the sunspots in AR.

  5. 所以一个更为真实的磁层应由具有电流感生的磁场扰动的偶极磁场近似。

    Therefore , a more real magnetosphere should be approximated by the dipole field with the current-induced magnetic field perturbation .

  6. 本文从磁流体力学基本方程组出发,讨论了具有类偶极磁场的厚吸积盘模型。

    From the basic magnetohydrodynamics equations , the accretion disk model with a quasi-dipole magnetic field is discussed in this paper .

  7. X线地侧和尾侧高能电子分布的不对称性可能是由于地球偶极磁场所致。

    The asymmetrical distribution of energetic electrons between the earthward and the tailward of the X line might be caused by the dipolar magnetic field of Earth . 4 .

  8. 与静态磁场解类似的,推迟的偶极磁场解同样可以表示为偶极磁场和微扰磁场之和。

    Similar to the static dipole field , the retarded magnetic field can be expressed as the sum of the pure retarded dipolar magnetic field and the retarded perturbation field .

  9. 日地关系是空间等离子体物理研究中的一个重要方面,太阳风驱动行星际磁场以及行星际的等离子体与地球偶极磁场的相互作用产生了我们所观测到的磁层。

    Solar-terrestrial relation is an important aspect of space plasma research . The interplanetary magnetic field ( IMF ) and plasma , driven by the solar wind , interacts with the dipole field of the earth and generates the observed magnetosphere .

  10. 偶极和四极磁场下脉冲星的γ射线辐射

    γ - ram pulsars emission existing dipole and quadrupole magnetic fields

  11. 超导偶极磁体二维磁场均匀性的分析及绕组参数的合理选择

    Analysis of 2-dimensional magnetic field homogeneity for superconducting dipoles and rational selection of geometrical parameters of the windings