
ǒu jí xìnɡ
  • dipolarity
  1. 发现南京及周边地区雷暴电荷结构具有多样性和复杂性,但主要为偶极性,也存在三极性电荷结构。

    It is found that the charge structures of thunderstorms are complicated and diversified . The charge structure of thunderstorms is mainly dipole and the tripole charge structure is also existed .

  2. 软雹与冰晶碰撞起电后,正负电荷分离,形成正负电荷区相间的偶极性、三极性或多极性电荷结构。

    After rimed graupel colliding with ice particles , positive and negative charges separate , the charge structure of thunderstorm presents a dipole , a tripolar or more vertically stacked charges .

  3. 只有在很少的情况下热力学才发挥作用,此时流体运动和磁场都会以相互访调的方式演化,这样新的偶极性就会散开并建立一个倒转的磁场。

    Only on rare occasions do the thermodynamics work ; the fluid motions and the magnetic field all evolve in a compatible manner , so the new dipole polarity can diffuse in and establish a reversed magnetic field .