
jiàn kānɡ zhènɡ
  • health certificate
  1. 从业人员有效健康证持有率为74.52%;

    The rate of having valid health certificate in employees was 74.52 % .

  2. 健康证持证率为49.67%;

    49.67 % workers possessed health certificate .

  3. 调查从业人员6913人,健康证持证率为87.78%。

    Investigated 6 913 people , 87.78 % of them have healthy licence .

  4. 请将护照、健康证和预防接种证明书准备好以便检查。

    Please get your passport , health and vaccination certificates ready for the inspection .

  5. 从业人员健康证持有率855%。

    85.5 % of them had health cards .

  6. 负责外籍员工健康证、就业证及居留许可证办理;

    Be in charge of Health Certificate , Employment Permit and Residence Permit for foreign employee ;

  7. 抽检的150名从业人员中有31人无健康证、卫生知识培训合格证,无两证率为20.67%;

    20.67 % ( 31 / 150 ) of the workers had no health certificate and qualifications of sanitary training .

  8. 对企业实施劳动卫生许可证、职工健康证与职业卫生制度、医疗卫生保健制度以及作业场所岗位安全卫生操作规范的管理,是实现职业卫生服务规范化管理的有效方法。

    In addition , regional medical health care system and work site safety and health operation regulation should not be ignored .

  9. 在山东青岛,哈根达斯一共有3家直营店。记者从其中的一家店了解到,并不是所有的员工都有健康证。

    In one of the three Haagen-Dazs stores in Shandong 's Qingdao City , not every worker there has health certificates .

  10. [结果]检查90家单位,卫生许可证持有率为87.8%,健康证持有率为82.1%,公共用具消毒合格率为85.6%,客用化妆品合格率为86.7%。

    [ Results ] The holding rate of hygienic license and health certificate were 87.8 % and 82.1 % respectively . The qualified rate of sterilization and public cosmetics were 85.6 % and 86.7 % respectively .

  11. 结果城区、乡镇和行政村学校食堂的卫生许可证办证率、从业人员健康证持证率、食堂的基础卫生设施以及餐具消毒均存在显著差异;

    Results There were significant differences in owning sanitation license and medical certificate , the completeness of basic sanitary equipments , and the disinfectant effectiveness of dishware among schools of the district , town and village .

  12. [结果]从业人员有效健康证持有率86.1%,有效卫生许可证持有率53.6%,样品检测合格率为67.3%。

    [ Results ] The holding rate of valid health Certification rate of practitioners was 86.1 % , the sanitation licenses holding rate was 53.6 % , and the qualified rate of samples was 67.3 % .

  13. 8月7日,大约20万人参加游行活动反对健康通行证,登上了新闻头条。

    Some 200000 people grabbed headlines on August 7th by marching against the new health rules .

  14. 结论:以青年为主的大学在校生颈椎亚健康中医证候特点是本虚标实。

    Conclusion : The youth-oriented university students TCM symptoms and characteristics of cervical spondylosis is the vacuity .

  15. 由于法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙预计将于8月9日推出新的“健康通行证”,今年7月“独裁”一词的热度在谷歌上飙升了10倍。

    In July the word dictature ( dictatorship ) surged tenfold on Google , in anticipation of a new " health pass " introduced on August 9th by President Emmanuel Macron .

  16. 亚健康状态中医证候流行病学调查

    The Epidemiological Investigation for Syndrome of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Sub-Health

  17. 浅谈有关体质-亚健康-病证演变关系轴的中西医结合研究思路

    Integrative Medical Research Thinking on the Constitution-Subhealth-Disease Relation Developing Axis

  18. 亚健康状态常见证候特征的判别分析

    Discriminatory Analysis on Mainly Syndrome Characteristic of Sub-health State

  19. 66例大学生亚健康状态中医证型、症状研究

    Studies on TCM Syndrome Type and Symptoms of Sixty-six Cases of College Students ' Subhealth State

  20. 目的:对大学在校生颈椎亚健康的中医证候进行分析,了解其发病特点。

    Objective : College students of Chinese medicine symptoms of cervical sub-health were analyzed to understand the characteristics of their disease .

  21. 胸痹是是临床常见病证,是威胁中老年人生命健康的病证之一。

    Chest blocking and heartache is a common clinical syndromes . It is one of the diseases and syndromes which endanger the health of the middle and the old .

  22. 承包商及分包商员工、雇员和代理人在任何指定业主场地及前往海上场所时要求持有最新的由业主签发的安全与健康个人通行证。

    The contractor 's and the subcontractor 's employees , servants and agents are required to possess an up to date company issued safety and health personal passport whilst on any designated company premises and when going to offshore locations .

  23. 如果此类人员未能出示安全与健康个人通行证,业主有权拒绝承包商、其分包商及其各自员工、雇员和代理人进入或通行。

    The company reserves the right to refuse entry or passage to the contractor , its subcontractor s , their respective employees , servants and agents in the event that such personnel are not able to produce the safety and health personal passport .

  24. 而亚健康状态中医证候则可以排除疾病影响,有利于探索证候固有症状特点,为证候标准化研究提供科学依据,从而提高辨证水平,促进中医药学的发展。

    The syndrome of sub-health status can get rid of the influence of disease . It will help to explore the inherent symptom characteristic of the syndrome , offer scientific basis for standardization study of syndrome , and promote the development of Chinese medicine .

  25. 为给我国食物健康声称的循证过程提供依据和参考,介绍PASSCLAIM中的循证概念、过程和要点。

    The article introduced the evidence-based concept , process and procedure of PASSCLAIM , and provided evidence and references for substantiation of health claims in China .

  26. 北京地区亚健康人群中医基本证候特征的流行病学研究

    Epidemiologic study on TCM syndrome characteristics of sub-healthy people group in Beijing area

  27. 亚健康状态的中医证治探讨

    Discussion on diagnosis and treatment based on overall analysis of symptoms and signs to sub-health

  28. 结果:健康成年男性血瘀证的检出率为259%,痰证检出率为224%。

    Results : The identifying rate of blood-stasis syndrome was 25.85 % and the one of phlegm syndrome was 22.4 % ;

  29. 探讨健康成年男性血瘀证与痰证的临床特点及社会行为相关危险因素。

    The clinical features of blood-stasis syndrome and phlegm syndrome as well as the social behavior relevant risk factors were studied in healthy adult men .

  30. 目的本课题对台湾地区亚健康人群的中医证候情况及相关健康状况进行调查和描述。

    Purpose : This study intends to describe and investigate the syndromes of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) and health status of the subhealth population in Taiwan .