
  • 网络hypothetical
  1. 一般说来,假设条件句的谓语动词时态是后移的:过去时形式用来指现在时间,过去完成体形式用来指过去时间。

    More generally , the verbs in the hypothetical conditional clauses are backshifted , the past tense form being used for present and future time reference and the past perfective form for past time reference .

  2. 在假设条件句的两个分句中,动词的一般规则是:1.若与现在或未来事实相反的假设,条件分句中用的是动词的过去时,母句中则是情态动词的过去时;

    The general rule for verbs in both clauses of hypothetical conditions may be expressed thus : for the hypothesis which is contrary to the present and future facts & verb used in conditional clause would be the past tense , and past modal would be used in matrix clause ;

  3. 如果我们的论述中有如果,我们在主张先行词,假设条件句或者结果,然后从句,或者我们说如果P那么。

    If we got an if then statement are we asserting an antecedent , an if clause or the consequent , Q the then clause , or are we saying if P then Q.

  4. 依据假设连词引导这两类假设复句的能力,又将假设连词分为专表可能性假设连词、兼表可能性假设连词和专表反事实假设连词三类。英汉假设条件句比较

    According to the capacities of the two types of hypothetical complex sentences , we continued to divide the hypothetical conjunctions into three types . They are : hypothetical conjunctions specialized for possibility ; A formal description of Chinese expressions of hypothetical conditions in comparison with English