
  1. 论话语交际中借音脱跳的关联特点

    JUMP SHOT A Study of the Relevance of Homophone Switching in Communication

  2. 借音壮字所反映的声母系统的研究

    The Research on the Initial Consonant System Reflected from the Phonetic Loan Zhuang Characters

  3. 第三章借音与意和之意谈古筝音乐的感性审美。

    Chapter III by the " sound and the meaning and the " meaning to talk about the aesthetic sensibility zither music .

  4. 在关于借音的起始时间、借音的性质以及借音的语音基础等问题上,国内外学者存在不同的看法。

    But scholars at home and abroad have different views on the starting time , the nature and the sounds basement of the phonetic loan .

  5. 这套借音体系是以古代汉语的语音系统为基础的,同时加以改造,以适应朝鲜语的语音结构。

    The phonetic loan system is based on the ancient Chinese phonetic system , and at the same time be adapted to fit Korean phonetic structure .

  6. 改革开放以来,汉语外来字母词大量产生,这种借形兼借音的词语成为汉语外来词的新成员,并且发展迅猛。

    Since reform and opening up , Chinese foreign words a large number of letters generated , which , by shape and by the sound of words become Chinese Loanwords new members , and is developing rapidly .

  7. 该方案总的原则是:挖、创、借相结合,以借音为主,借音又以国际通用名称为基础。

    The general principle of this system is the combination of " excavation " " invention " and " borrowing ", with " borrowing " as a principle means , based on international names .